Beneath the Dome, by Brian Killick. A witty and entertaining successor to "The Nannies". Caretaker opens tonight The Cubical City. by Jan- et Flanner. This novel of New York city life in the Jazz Age is a reprint in Harold Pinter's The Care- taker will open tonight at the Theatre of the Arts. University of Waterloo. at ii" pm Gnu: other perfor- mances on July M, 25 and 26. The play is presented by the University Players and is sponsored by the Crea- tive Arts Board, Federation of Students. New lumks at the mil}! Directed by Carl Gall, the play will feature Mau- rice Evans as Davies, Wil- liam Chadwick as Aston and George Joyce as Mick. illRlll1lP""'""'""- Ill.t'ariEiststrt 'ri/Ci/Nurs':? tl-lille-IMI-sr'" , m"'f»wx- uw~~W~ The Twin City Harmonizers directed by Lyle Pettigrew gave a small concert at the corner of King and Dupont Streets in Waterloo as part of the ceremonies of Watetloo's Oi' Time Sale last week. The group was established 27 years ago and now has a membership of 55 men. Mr. Pinter is possibly the most outstanding and controversial playwright in British drama At first he was both extravagantly acclaimed and roundly de- nounced. now he is recog- nized as the most original disturbing and arresting talent in theatrical London Russell Smith. bass. will offer his talents to the pub- lic during a recital at Wil- frid Laurter University as part of the umversity's summer musu- workshop, The remlal will be held on July 24 at 8 pm In the theatre-auditorium Anoth- er recital. on July 31, will feature tenor “Mar Mar- tens Several students now studying abroad wnll return Smith'to sing at WLU FICTION the "Lost American Fic- tion" series. The Duchess of Glover. by Herbert Kubly. A ribald and provocative tale of the rags-to-riches success of an early liberated wo- man. Early Del Rey. by Lester Del Rey. An anthology of 24 previously uncollected stories interspersed with autobiographical a n e c- dotes. Lady of the Lotus, by William Edmund Barrett. A biographical novel about the wife of the Buddha. by the author of "Lilies of the Field". The Moving Snow, by Ian Weekley. In this novel with an ecological back- ground, the writer takes a chilling look into the future. To ease the pain of sun- bums. first apply a cool. wet dressing to the burned area. then follow with a lotion. advises Consumers' Association of Canada. Bak- ing soda and vinegar are two common household products which can pro- vide temporary relief. A cloth soaked in a solu- Nortll Kill. try James Wood. The principal con- to Canada to attend the workshop. designed for the young singer seeking a pro- fessmnal career m per formance Prof Martens. director of the workshop. said empha- sns Is placed on vocal tech- mquo. repertoire and acting As well as the rentals there are two operas sched- uled for Aug 7 at 8 30p m The two one-act operas are Purcell's Dido and Aeneas and llbcrt's Angelique Takes the sting out cern of Inspector Jumbo Collins and his staff is the brutal murder of a city mobster. The Place of Stones. by Constance Heaven. A ro- mantic novel with the Na- poleonic wars as a back- ground. KP The Spy Who Sat and Wait- ed. by R. Ivrightfampbeli. A novel which offers prob- ing insights into the psy- chology ofaspy. NON-FICTION Believe It or Not. That's Gout A miscellany of 1.000 oddities. facts. and personal profiles. David Lean and His Films, by Alain Silver. A detailed portrait of the master film maker. The Riddle of the Pyra- mids. by Kurt Mendels- sohn. Dr. Mendelssohn views the building of the tion of one tablespoon bak- ing soda in two cups water can soothe hot tender skin, Undiluted vinegar is an- other effective solution Apply an oily lotion or cream or calamine lotion after the wet dressing. " you have a severe sun- burn. characterized by pain and blistering plus fever. chills and nausea. consult adoctor. we TttEAstmEJi1t1llf.If1i1f.ff ii"Goiiiiii"iriWf 'E‘Isrj waiERLoo, 7455773 Open: Tuesday -Suurdav 10mm. _5:3o P.m. Chum! Mona-n “any: Til 9 oo o m “anadia;l and Imported Handcrafted Gifts fr Come in and visit our new showrooms pyramids as having the political and economic ob- jective of building a cen- tralized state. Thurber: a Biography, by Burton Bernstein. The biographer bases his defin- itive portrait on private letters. papers. and ex- haustive interviews. I llaubuvc Boe6 v-cwa. I Voices for Life; Renee- tions on the Human Con- dition. edited by Dom F. Moraes. The questions Moraes. The questions posed were "What do you see as the quality of life. and. What do you think it will become in the future?" We now carry a complete line of Upper Canada Soaps, trt King St. 7“†EIMIUES IPPRECIAIE Otttt HIE GIMP“ [ACHIYIES Funeral Home I tef. itNttoartt B. di5oott WWW.W.M23. 1915- ROLLER SKATING DOCA'I'ION: MOSES SPRINGER ARENA TIMES: FRIDAYS 79:30 PM. SUNDAYS 79:30 PM. ADMISSION bt - 15 & under. , We - over 15. Rental Skates - 25e Public swimming times: July and Aug. - daily Ito5 pm. and 6: 30 to 9 p. m. Family and adult swimming daily - 5 to 6:30 pm July and Aug. - Adult only noon hour swim - 12 noon to 1 pan. LIONS POOL ONLY Moses Springer Pool - 885-4530 Waterloo Lions Pool - 885-6350 SWIMMING INSTRUCTIONS July 21 to Aug. 8 Aug. ll to Aug. 29 Registrations will be received bv phone or in person at either pool q A series of four family films will be shown at two locations this summer. There is no admission charge for these films and we ask that you bring your own lawn chairs or blankets to sit on. These films are ad- vertised within the individual arenas. The following is a schedule of showings and locations for July and August. ALBERT MCCORMICK ARENA - Tues. August 5th 7 :30 pm. Tues. August 19th 7 :30 pm. Lakeshore - Man. s: Wed. 1-2 p.m. or2 - 3 p.m. Register at Community Services, Advanced Lessons available. Health screening and counselling by a Public Health Nurse. All Adults Welcome. Co-sponsored by the Wa- terloo Regional Health Unit. For appointments call the Adult Rec Centre. NO CHARGE. Starting July 15th Join us in our air-conditioned auditorium every Wed- nesday Afternoon at 2:30. One hour of colorful Movies for the enjoyment of the entire family, Starting July l6th. No charge. A time to relax a. listen, on Tuesday mornings at 10: 15. for children of all ages. Stories old, new & in-between. Activities Daily Mon. - Fri. Include: Games Room. Floor Q Tab]? Fhuffleboard, iriiiGis -iir,Gik,iarteu & coffee, Note: No member, ship needed, INFORMATION: 579-1020 ALL STAR PLAYERS - As a result of the new 0 M.- HA, registration procedures ALL STAR players must produce a social insurance number when sign- mg players certificates this coming season or they will be ineligible to play Therefore. social insurance numbers must be obtained before Sept l, l975 if your boy is to play for an All Star team this year WATERLOO PUBLIC LIBRARY CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT "SUMMER PROGRAMS" "sTomEs-ottmtE-uMtAtW-tAiMll" SUMMER TENNIS INSTRUCTION mm msun Flullt1k1ffiLfil1s ACTIVITIES FOR SENIOR ADULTS ADULT RECREATION CENTRE JUNIORS ONLY July 28th - Aug. 13th (under 16) WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY SUMMER SWIMMING "SUMMER MATINEE" tCorner of King & Allen St.) WELL ADULT CUNIC NO SPECTATORS ACT WITIES COMMUNITY SERVICES : 576-2420