TWO WEDDING Gowns, sizes 9 and 11, half-price; must be seen to be ap- preciated. Phone 744- 8279 after six. 117) TWO WOODEN Rocking Chairs, captain's arm chair also feather pillows. Phone 885-6160. (17) " ARTICLES FOR SALE†SERVICES COLEMAN CAMP Stove. hot plate, lantern, iron, all new. Two antique lamps, also stove. We re- pair Coleman stoves, lanterns, heaters, etc. 745- 4212. (ti) sizes and colors. Phone . 745-8333. (19) OLD QUILTS, Pictures, hand painted china. crocks and old jewellery wanted. Phone‘743-6223. ( tf ) PONCHOS FOR Sale, all Some items like new. Good value at reasonable prices! l Come and see them while the selection lasts! - 20 desks, clerical and sec- retarial, steel and wood, from $50 to $95. - 90 chairs. wood tillers with arms, $40. - 25 stenographers' chairs, steel upholstered, $30 and up. . - 30 side chairs, steel or wood, $15 to $30. - 10 tables, 48 to 60 inches long, from $20 and up. 15 PETS 8: SUPPLIES " ARTICLES WANTED 16 CARS FOR SALE 1971 TOYOTA l200cc Coupe, automatic. radials, many extras, very clean inside, few surface rust spots out. Phone 669-8466 after 5:30. (15) LAWN CHAISE LOUNGE wooden or heavy metal with pad, also wheelbar- row. Phone 743-1998. (17) WE BUY Old dishes, post- cards, oil lamps, cham- ber pieces, colored glass, antiques. 885-3499 eve- nings. (17) 19 SERVICES WANTED TO BUY - Chihu- ahua-Toy Terrier. 1 - 3 years old, must be house- broken. Phone 745-7213. (17) STUDENT SERVICES - Undercuts professional prices but not the work- manship. Experienced exterior painting: lawn and garden maintenance." light moving and any oth- er requested jobs, Try it - you‘ll like it! 743-9545, t18) "Service with Satisfaction Since 1935" (17) 1968 FORD Falcon two door, automatic, peppy six cylin- der engine, new starter and muffler. like new in- terior, needs some body work. selling as is, $300.- 00 or best offer. Phone 653-3992 mornings or 745- 3186 evenings. (17) ONTARIO OFFICE OUTFITTERS Queen St. South at Charles Kitchener USED OFFICE FURNITURE 74571171 LIGHT REPAIRS To mots, shingles, flat and stone roofs waterproofed. For free estimates Call C. Linseman 578-2270. (18) TREES AND SHRUBS NELSON'S TEXTURE HOME 'DECORATING - CUT COSTS By having your living mom suite reuphol- stered, promptly and pro- fessionally. 885-5680, 743- 1688. Antiques a specialty. (tf) ALL TYPES of home re- pairs, cement work, car- pentry, =chimneys. car- ports, garages, recreation rooms, plastering ' fancy or plain. Reasonable rates. Phone 696-3280 after 4:00 p.m. (tf ) EXPERT PAINTING and Decorating. Special rates for senior citizens. Free estimates. Phone 742- 2834. (ti) REITZEL BROS. - Paint- Service - If you areadding a new addition or tired of those old cracked ceil- ings, have them texture sprayed. Our texture sprays are completely washable and repaintable. We also offer complete drywall service, insulat- ing, boarding and taping. Many different styles and sizes of ceiling center- piece moldings, which are designed exclusively by us. All work done by professional tradesmen. Phone 884-8713. 24-hour service. my STARTING OWN Business - Walls chemically treated and replastered. You will once again have a dry. clean smelling basement. Guaran- teed work. Terrific rates.' pruned, trimmed or re- moved; nurseryman ex- perience, reason.abte rates. Phone 742-5745. (ti) Remodeling, Building a new home? We can give your home that individual style and graceful eleg- ance. Call Creative Inter- iors 885-3514 or 576-3367. (17) LEAKING, DAMP MUSTY BASEMENTS? PHONE 579-3820 PHONE 745-7790 ing and paper hanging. also sandblasting. the men with know how, free estimates. Phone 579- 8331. (tf) 30 years qualified sheet metal worker: furnaces. etc. Also auto body, rust outs, etc. and cars paint- ing. Have 3/4-ton' truck for small moving and de- livery. Phone 745-0575. (tf) PACONI DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. Prompt Disposal of Dead or Disabled Cattle and Horses Le No A65 c " (th it“ WEEKEND EXPRESS - Household goods, materi- als, etc. hauled to and from K-W area, Point Clarke, north to Sauble Beach, plus other points. Phone 745-1565. ttf) PLASTERING AND Dry- wall repairs. omamenul " SERVICES EXPERIENCED PAINT- ER Ready to do your spring painting at very reasonable rates. Phone 885-0037. 118) D.G.M. HOME Maintenance - Counter tops, kitchen renovations, bathroom renovations, recrea- tion rooms, re-modelling, plumbing repairs: com- mercial, residential, in- dustrial. Aluminum doors, windows, screens. Altmti- num and wood patio doors. Free estimates. Phone 884-2127. Shop - 605 YOrk EXPERT PAINTING. DE- CORATING. Sandblast- ing. Special rates for sen- ior citizens. Free estim- ates. Phone 5786745. (th specializing in - Basement Floors - Patios - Sidewalks and Steps EXPERT ROOFING, Spe- BOB DEKKER Satisfactory work done at reasonable rates. ceilings a specialty. Free estimates. Call a trades- man with 27 years experi- ence 5784543. (20) DURACLEAN Wide selection of fabrics including European imports. Free Estimates Pick Up and Delivery. _ Residential - Commerical - Industrial - Custom Work - " Years Experience Street, Kitchener. cialist in all home repairs, reduced rates for Senior Citizens. For fast efficient service. Call now 742- REITZEL & ALESSI CEMENT FINISHING ' For Free Estimates PHON E 744-7894 Bus. 744-8292 Res. 578-2374 Mr MOFFATT TREE and STOMP REMOVAL BROADLOOM and UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Spawning in Restyling and Rebuilding PHONE 653-4951 E. 81 L UPHOLSTERY Free Estimates 653- 5848 Your Valuable Phone (tf) (ti) (18) t16) " SERVlCES TEENAGER REQUIRED For occasional babysitt- ing, Moore Avenue North area. Phone 742-4245 after 4:00 p.m. (17) Prompt. clean. workman- ship guaranteed. Stoves. refrigerators. washer and dryers refinished any color desired. Free estimates. PHONE 576-1956, 21 DOMESTIC SERVICES LADY PENSIONER Re- DOMESTIC PERSONNEL Provides all household help including sitters. Phone 744-9891. (tf) LADY REQUIRES House- keeper-companion, morn- ings 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. _ K-w Hospital area. Write Box 225 Waterloo Chronic- le. (19) 22 HELP WANTED Specializing in Residential & Commercial Here is your chance to make extra cash, delivering news- papers on Wednesdays af- ter 4 :00 pm. Applicants must be 12 years of age or older and be de- pendable. Apply now, fill in the following information and send to: The Waterloo Chronicle Att: Carrier's Supervisor Waterloo Square, Waterloo, Ontario 23 AGENTS & SALES HELP ARE YOU The person? I am looking for the per- son who has a desire to get into the fascinating world of cosmetics and feels they have the ability for sales, If you think you may qualify Call Mrs, Snider at 884-3570. (m LADIES OR Men. any hours: call on Fuller Brush Cus, tomers in your own neigh- borhood, Earn $3.00 to $5.00 per hour, For infor- mation Call 884-1628. Name, . Address Phone. . Age. . . . WALLPAPERING & PAINTING quired to live-in and care for one woman. Phone 744-4594 between noon and 5:00 p.m. (l7) Newspaper Carrier K-W PAINTING CONTRACTORS PIANO TUNING REGULATING and REPAIRING Call MARVIN MICKUS 579-4505 Key Recovering Our Specialty BRAEMORE Required For SANDOWNE Area (tft Wench-OHM. Wednesday, April 23, 1975 _ Page 17 23 AGENT" 25 CHILDCARE SALES HELP. ---- '_._____ _ 7 t Become the beauty expert in your own territory. Meet new people selling quality products. No selling experi- ence necessary. Territories available in areas of: - Lakeshore Village - Hazel and Albert - Keatsway, Amos and Erb - Alexandra and Westmount Call Mrs. Orr Avon Manager 24 EMPLOYMENT wTD. 25 CHILD CARE STUDENT WITH Experience in lawn cutting would like summer job in Waterloo area; would also do odd jobs. 885-3940. (l7) BABYSITTING REQUIR- SUBSTITUTE GRAND- MOTHER Required to babysit infant in my home, three hours daily, Mon- day to Friday 9:30 am. to 12:30 p.m., July to mid- August. Dominion Life - Forsyth area. Phone 576-6068. (17) offers 92 Condominium Apartments in two different buildings . Includes a neighbourhood shopping complex THIS DEVELOPMENT IS LOCATED 100 YARDS FROM THE MEDITERRANEAN BEACH in Torremo- linos, the Heart of the Costa Del Sol, just 15 minutes from Malaga International Airport CHECKMATE Realty Ltd.. Realtor 579-6180 AVON ED BY college girl, my home or yours. Phone 885-1080, anytime. (18) “MGM“ NUCLEO CRISTAL GET MORE OUT OF LIFE 743-0421 Prices from 511500 Prices and Ontario Prospectus available on request, OA. 37-2-75 Contact Available for occupancy this summer M FOREIGN PROPERTIES in Spain "our newest development" (l7) WILL BABYSI'I‘ I’m-school child or baby, my home, Albert-Weber area. Phone 884-7424. (18) BIRTH ~CONTROL Infor- mation and referrals, open to all, no charge. K - W Planned Parenthood, 35 Scott Street, Kitchener. 74345461. (tf) THEORY AND PIANO 38 TAX SERVICES " PE RSONALS RETIRED GENTLEMAN 0.0.0.Y? Our office or yours. We can offer com- plete office services for the small business man who cannot afford full- time office staff. Book- keeping, typing, payroll records. We pick-up and deliver. Give us a call and find out how we can help you. 884-2127. (19) 36 OFFICE SERVICES 32 MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS Prepared in the convenience of your home if desired. Reasonable rates, Reduced fees for pensioners. Experi- enced and competent prepar- ations of all forms. Don't miss legitimate deductions again this year! ' Teacher accepting new students for fall. Please call 884-6134. (20) As fishing companion for same. Phone 884-3383. (17) TAX PREPARATIONS CALL 885-2429