Page " - Waterioo Chronicle, WM, April 23f 1915 MINES nouns - (DEN: Monday - hid-y - trttttt an. to " on. Sunday _ 12:00 B.m. to 2:†on. Sunday - 12:00 noon u qtt:tttt a... April 30 (Wed.) and May 1 (Thurs.) TIME: 7 - 10 p.m. FREE! Beginners Lessons if membership paid by May 2, 1975 FREE LESSONS FOR JUNIORS ALL SEASON! Ron Gass is our Certified Instructor. FACILITIES INCLUDE: 3 Lit Courts, Ping Pong, Badminton, and Showers. i):- 262 Weber Street North. Waterloo (ne KING’S HOME Delivery in Waterloo and Bridgeport - over $3.50 In Kitchener ovgr 85.00 Business Men's Luncheon $1.10 and up son an same: Call 579-5040 262 Weber Street North. Waterloo (next to Canadian Tire) VU u RESTAURANT £3009 St. N.. Wotodoo _ . OPEN HOUSE Spend Your Leisure Time With Us Join The Glenbriar Tennis Club TENNIS Canadian TENNIS CLUB The film night, designed to introduce persons to the world of motorsport, fea- tured three films and three guest speakers cover- ing the many aspects of the 80 attend film night The films included White Wave, a racing film; The Flying Finns and Dash of the Irish, two rally films. About 80 persons turn- ed out for the Kitchener- Waterloo Rally Club's in- troduction to motorsport held last week at Wilfrid Laurier University. 884-2370 Presently the Roman Catholic Church is promot- ing its own theme Third World Sharing and the Wa- terloo County Separate School Board decided to combine this theme with Education Week as its major project. Teachers, principals and parents are all involved in the project that will depict the suffering that many endure on a daily basis. Separate schools in Wa- terloo Region are taking advantage of ‘Education Week to educate the public about the poverty that abounds throughout parts of the world. was Brenda Strassburger. The 1975-76 council for Bluevale Collegiate Institute are (front row) Dave seeder, Vice-president Pat Brubacher. President Jeff Soltysiak. (middle row) Maria Henriques, Lynn Morlock. Heather Robertson, Helga Ehrlich and (back row) Jim Calder. Marg Koetsier and Brian Ogilvie, Absent for photo --.n- D_‘_.IA eA~-__L “This fs not a one-shot {mm m 5mm 4r SPEND A FEW DOLLARS to save a lot more Any Type of Income Tax llelurn Prepared Privately and confidentially M I. “in ' an. to 5 p... 1 p... to " Fttt. Saturday ' " I. 5 Fttt, Sunday I FM, In 5 Fttt, Hum m. into - Mfiee " a. h: an -irttt'tertt---"rtm" Education Week topic We'll so": you evovy dollar we can You need it MAIN FLOOR 279 WEBER ST. N (Between Universi'y and Columbia) . Watertoo. Ontario The reasoning behind this project is that a person who learns to share with others on a day-to-dhy basis, will Some of the schools will be involved in projects de- signed to raise money for international aid but the main purpose of the pro- gram is to educate the public and the pupils about the plight of millions in under-developed nations. deal, but something we hope to. incorporate into teaching in the future," says Eric J. (Rick) Donau, principal of St. Agnes school in Water- loo and chairman of the committee organizing the program for the Waterloo Region. Fund-raising projects range from students col- lecting used stamps to be sold to Iitamp-collectors to bake sales and one girl is reading the newspapers daily and reporting to her class on the amounts and extents of poverty in the world One method of bringing the message home is being carried out in St. Paul's school where Monica At- kinson is having her 30 grade four students draw up a personal proclamation. Each student lists the ways he or she plans to demon- strate their own concern. The students list their own objectives on a scroll. Comparisons are made between life in Canada and, for example, life in India where the Indian people have been suffering from over-population and poor nutrition for centuries. Teachers are incorporat- ing the Third World Sharing theme into the classrooms in both geography and soci- al studies classes. _ About $311 raised during an annual campaign by students at St. Agnes sep- arate school will be donated to the Foster Parents Plan and the Kitchener-Waterloo Global Community Centre. Many educators are us- ing Education Week to en- courage their students to participate in charitable programs. A large number of students have planned to take part in the Miles for Millions walk on May IO. be able to share with others he has never seen.