til?: 1iltater1oo Chmnich. WM. Mil 23. 1976 IEeSIiInmI news and views Seven students from Wit- frid Laurier University's school of business and eco- nomics will be providing a consulting service, for small business firms from now un- til late summer. Four stu- dents participated in a similar program last year. Garry M. Belanger of Georgetown, student co- ordinator and a third-year honors business admini- stration student, said the service will continue to be known as the WLU Small Business Consulting Ser- vice. (S Champion 0 Concord 0 Titan Motor Homes 18' to 27' [ New & Used Trailers from 13' to 35' l kiTCHENER TRAILERS SALES tk RENTALS i P.O. BOX 402. KITCHENER, N26 SYS [ HWY. B. 1 MILE N. OF 401 ACROSS FROM K-MART PHONE: (519) 6538821 l 2ltllNs Various Makes of Shredders _ 1 Sales 8: Service for Briggs th Stratton and Tecumseh Engines SEE THE NEW PRODUCTS FROM THESE BRAND NAMES: 1anmt - Mowers BOLENS - Tractors, Tillers, Mowers, Accesgories Am - Riding Mowers, Tractors, Tillers, Accessories SNAPPER - Tillers and Mowers BRUTUS - Power Lawn Mowers FLEXIBLE (llllrlNlll' ECONOMICAL _'srs COMPACT SCHLEGEL EQUIPMENT LOOMINGDALE Small firm consulting service offered SERVICE CENTRE LTD. (manna) LTD. 26 MANITOU DRIVE . (519) "SS06r2 He said objectives of the service are to provide low- cost counselling to firms which wouldn't ordinarily hire professional consul- tants. The student advisors will work closely with the firms, backed by guidance from the faculty of the uni- versity's school of business and economics. They will have an office on campus with full access to research facilities. The students will investi- gate problem areas encoun- tered by small companies and provide written rec- 'iTr',hEj,, ‘I'IIIIITIIII Ph: 743-6854 Sun. April 27 :00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sat. April 26 8:00 a.m. - s p.m. BLOOMINGDALE F R E E Door Prizes and Refreshments Wilson Hunsberger. exec- utive director of the Water- loo Region Chihiren's Aid Society, has been elected chairman of a new group called the Inter-Agency Council on Smoking and Health. The council, which so far has representatives from 17 agencies and provision for individual memberships as well, has been established to co-ordinate anti-smoking programs. Hunsberger heads anti-smoking group ommendations. If the client firm wishes, the student counsellor will also imple- ment their recommenda- Mr. Hunsberger, who is smoking education director for the regional TB and Respiratory Disease Associ- ation, began working on the council's formation last year. The inaugural meeting to approve the constitution and elect an executive was held Monday night at the CAS office in Kitchener. Mr. Belanger said the students hope to assess the size and nature of the prob- lems faced by small busi- ness so that more long-term assistance can be provided. Sponsors of the project again this year is the On- tario ministry of industry and tourism. Dr. Ivan Unger, repres- The WLU service to small business began in a small way in 1m and has then. It has increased co operation and understand- ing among the provincial government, the university and the business community of thearea. Working with Mr. Belang- er will be Karen Dysart, Burlington; David A. Farm- er, 145 MacGregor Cresc., Waterloo; Gregory John- enting the South Waterloo Medical Society, was elected vice-chairman; Shirley Mertens of the Registered Nurses Association of On- tario, secretary. and Pastor H.G. Fischbacher of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. treasurer. The Seventh Day Advent- ist Church in the United States developed the five- day clinic plan to help peo- ple stop smoking and two clinics modelled after it have been sponsored by the new council at the Mutual Life Auditorium in Waters loo. 'o/MIS------------ IllllhillllSRylllC8/' "'t"tf)")irkfl"lftrbt/' 30 artists show wares at festival Over 30 Mennonite artists are among ex- hibitors at the Men- nonite Arts Festival to be held Sunday. April 27 between 2 and 8 p.m. at Fairview Park shopping centre, Kitchener. lncludeil will be photography, music, drama, books and poetry, general crafts, needlecrafts, pottery and antiques. 1istertoilrgo 'iiiiiiirFgry8t mday alt -Woo3iM!..,.,,antattlllllllllllllFi'sr"'t sum. 45 Barrie St., Cam- ttridgtr, Map Vlarsh. Callan Parry, Ont. All are hbnors tttttti- ness administration stu- Leisuuland President Bob Joann - . ' W: "OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT" On Quality Built Holdup Campers " T BELLEVUE SUNKAMPER STARCRAFT Over 25 Models to choose trom - R. M. (Boleosslin Large Indoor-Outdoor Display. Our years of experience m Selling and Servicing Quality Bum Hardtop Campers Is your guarantee of satisfaction, MARCH 0F DIMES ABILITY CENTRE 877 Wilson Avenue. Kitchener Unused discarded. redeemable 407 “Sin!!! R030. â€mgq-Imsmao l ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES small or large for the purpose of teaching the disabled to repair same. Will pick-up. A Federated Appeal Agency St., Niagara Fails, Painamrt; and W. Peterson, 3395 COME AND SEE US TO-DAY ENJOY FAMILY CAMPING THIS SUMMER! OPEN 7 days 0 WEEK BY Carroll. who was an exe- cutive in industry before Joining the university fac- ultyin 1960. _ Faculty advisor, who will work closely with the stu- 623-7670 PO' Bon so. CAMBVIIIDGE. ONT