TRADEMARK REG'D. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TO 9 P.M. 884-3860 I Phone -wm0um.w.wyn mg THRIFT STORE Now .' . . with the new FlOSS-WAND you can use dental floss daily. It's easy . . . even for children. 41 KING ST. NORTH, WATERLOO Clothing For Men. Women and Childten We ate URGENTLY IN NEED OF: ' Clothing ' Furniture i:NEEECE5E With convenient disposable cartridges of dental floss PARKDALE PHARMACY HOURS: 9 a.m. to 4 pan. daily " Appliances, etc. Please Call 578-31 30 for pick up -- [iilriNiflSlj) NEW CANADIAN PRODUCT Model '00 Makes Dental quss as Easy to Use As a Toothbrush! Get a new FLOSS-WAND for Every Member of Your Family WAND-X CORPORATION LTD. PO. BOX 883 WATERLOO, ONTARIO Parkdale Plaza Famin I o/rained. bleeding gums Plaque buildup Bone loss REVOLUTIONARY Available in your Favorite Store PATENTS PENDING. Plaque (a sticky, colorless substance) is the major cause of cavities and gum dis- ease. . You can prevent this condition by re- moving plaque daily with the FLOSS- WAND. _ . Lasy to use store, the weekly market and local fruit and vegetable stand! has necessitated the greater use of food additives. We have long ‘used such additives as spices. herbs, 1 salt and sugar but the great- er shelf-life of products additives and preservatives for products that may take weeks to travel from the pro- ducer’s fields to the con- sumer's table. _ Canadian Food and Drug Regulations define a food additive as "any substance. including any source of radiation. the use ot which _i(ltiiirtttttiiitn Food additives otxiFu,sed, A samrtitudtrrPtoteetNM' WESTMOUNT PLACE PHARMACY Westmount Place new model 200 Wand-X t9vntal "oss mulls. or may My be expected to real! in it or its lay-products homing a part of or affecting the characteristics of a food". The Minimal _ does "tttt include nutritive ma- terials such as salt, sugar and starch as (cod additives, because each of them is commonly sold " an arti- cle or ingredient of food". Other ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, _nu- trients. amino acids, spices, seasonings and navouring preparations are excluded from the definition as are pesticides, food packaging materials and veterinary drugs because each of these 578-8800 items is covered separately in the Food and Drug Regu- The use of food additives is optional, but when a manu- facturer chooses to use food additives, he must chmse from those, listed in the 14 food additive tables in the Food and Drug Regula- tions. The tables list the additives, the foods it is per- mitted in or upon. its pur- pose in those foods, and the maximum level of use. The additives are classified mainly by function; such as: preservatives - retarding or eliminating food spoilage through micro-organisms; texture agents - imparting and maintaining desired con- sistency in foods; colours - both natural and synthetic lend the food an "appetiz- ing" appearance; other .tood additives include food enzymes, non-nutritive sweeteners, foaming (LI; whipping agents, glazing agents and firming and crisping agents. The list of additives cer- tainly seems lengthy and A series of eight lectures on nutrition will be pre- sented through the Im- provement Project at the Waterloo Adult Recreation Centre, beginning January 30. The free lectures will be held Thursday afternoons beginning at l p.m. and the public is inu'ted to attend. Topics will include Eating and Illness by Dr. Elizabeth Miles of the University of Guelph; Eating and /)ging by Dr. Helen Reesor. a Waterloo Physician: Food Economies - Why Food K-W firms to exhibit Twelve Kitchener-Water- loo companies will be dis- playing equipment at the Canada Farm Show, Jan. 28 to 31, at the Coliseum, Exhibition Park, Toronto. Waterloo firms exhibiting include Avco New Idea Farm Equipment, Tire specialists Ltd. and Water- loo Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Nutrition lectures. offered at centre Kitchener , Ontario & Duke Sts. Waterloo Waterloo Square FREE BABYSITTING, FREE BOWLING. shoes.FREE INSTRUCTION. FREE BOWLING, FREE COFFEE and graduation party and certificates. CLASSES START Jan. 31 at 9:30 a.m. and run for tour weeks. Register in person or call 576-9950. for women that am not ptosontly howting in a league JESSIIN BRUNSWICK TWIN CITY BOWL Learn-to-Bowl 10 Pin Classes LOOK WHAtYOU G ET Lower Mall. Waterloo Square tiircriEtmtNeAtotLoo LADIE'S FREE of many of the items. Some food additives .are necesr any due to our system of food production and selling. However, many additives are added because the manu- facturer feels that is what the consumer would like. may matqtpettioet the _value For example, some baby foods contaih more salt than is healthy for the baby, but is more appetizing to the mother's taste. With over "oo chemical additives' In use. one might question whether these additives are of nutritive value to the consumer or of economic value to the food producer. And if you do wish to avoid all but the necessary addi- tives, try replacing some of the convenience but over- processed foods you buy with the more basic foods such as, vegetables. fruit, meats and bread, For further information please phone the Nutrition Improvement Project at 745-0651, or drop into the Adult Recreation Centre on King St. in Waterloo. Costs What it Does by Ruth Jackson of the Consumers Association of Canada: Nutrition in the Super- market by Barbara Kerton and Sharon Kalbfleisch of NIP; and Getting Back to Basics - Practical Aspects of Cooking Nutritiously by Edna Staebler. The Waterloo Adult Recre- ation Centre is located at 185 King Street S. For further information call 745-0651 be- tween 10 am. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The farm equipment dis- plays will be seen in con- junction with a featured pro- grim of tractor and horse pulling events, a draft horse sale, live country and west- ern entertainment, daily attendance draw prizes and a farm film festival. The local companies will be among 200 exhibitors.