The peopleof the Kit- chener-Waterloo area are' becoming increasingly a- ware of the Kitchener- Waterloo Symphony 0r- chestra. More important, a larger number of ticket subscribers are coming to appreciate the high musical calibre of the orchestra. and through its concerts enjoying the great classics of our musical heritage In our community. This is primarily due to three things including the dedication and musician- ship of the local musicians . Noted composer stresses need for C - v ‘ C) d = I v , . N regular up to $16.00 Cil6 (i leg. 03.3.) uuw - iii,) purchase over $50 gg everything in store on sale f-'.,' (i) QUANTITIES LIMITED SO HURRY FOR THESE BIG SAVINGS ON BRAND NAME MERCHANDISE Uwgzz“:mvw“~mava:zmv STEPHMWKARGES it ALI B BOUTIQUE 310 off any ‘3 'A Blouses s4.97 _ _ c -purchase over $50 [i:') edpttiactlS'rl6if,"L si..", 335.; l. l'." 34395;: .3: ;t;3>:,(4b:;1: Jug, L'., I.], g. _( iuiiijurnc SAVINGS ON ALL COUPON SPECIALS. ONLY ONE OF EACH COUPON PER CUSTOMER tN CLIP In SAVE Ftyctys9' who form the basis of the orchestra, the 12 first-class professional musicians who have joined the orches- tra, and the leadegship and musical intelligence of conductor Ram Armenian. as the Stratford Festival Ensemble during the summer. on the CBC. at the Guelph Spring Festival, and combine for concerts for the K-W Chamber Music Society. Mr. Armenian and the l2 musicians also perform Clearly the musical life of the area is being en- _ cr.miECErEvCLt,11A. trtirririlrr-"iei1'-riii' 'dt t,ri1tr,fi",'j,'i",1" AM iii) g ERCOATS g 's') s S a: GO 79 HI a , .4 a 'ir:j5t'v9iC2E??. Cy-sc/Ay-v,: WOT? ' SAVE 2-2 Ar75 rvi75"CN, fp, _ AAAR N , 'N l\»‘l\ richest. but this of course takes money. and the or- chestris budget for the current year is $242.500, of which $65.000 must come from donations through the sustaining fund cam- paign. The second and fi- nal phase of the 1974-75 cam- paign officially got under way this week with a kick- off dinner. The guest speaker was Louis AppeUraum, noted Canadian composer and executive director of the Ontario Council for the Arts, who stressed the Clip and Save Waterloo’s (, GOWN CLEARANCE RACK 5084, OFF " WATERLOO SQUARE 7i"tr7-(5Mi" 3. SAVEEIE REESE A; av: 52m 'i.rc'irtprCic')i,11Ri, s"rirrrti-"iirr'ir"1iril1' Vâ€V:“::7‘W s mamas iiijij' STEPHAN m m all Philatelic I l'ci1ii' ‘1 s Ciothier [stamp collecting) ' 1 0 off any Supplies 'rrw.dan 31) ii h ( .logues, tongs etc.) . D it pure ase over , s'ji/e. c.e.i,ctC'c/'i.j::fsrft 921' xiiiigiivié L .7: . 1424i J. Fred Brooke. as gen- eral chairman, is heading up the fund drive and a large group of active mem- bers are participating as canvassers. Contributions are being sought from business. industry and the professions. importance of the arts in improving and developing the quality of life in the community. The orchestra IS now the recipient of generous grants from the Ontario Council for the Arts. the Waterloo Region. Kitchener and _ nWAMa.1\ é “bflï¬ï¬‚flï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚imn (rpfRiYi,1?r,'.rp( 'pf 3:72 ($13!: ti,'/aiCi)g'jirlf,r; ".jl/it'i1i Waterloo Chronicle, Wednesday, January 15, 1975 - Page " Waterloo councils but wide community sup- port ts essential. Mr Brooke points out. And the orehestra's value ts not only its public performanc- es, he adds. for " IS making a valuable educational contribution through visits of groups of artists to the schools and in providing inspiration and artistic goals for young local musi- clans. "tti7ir,r,'irgiiei@iiEi,'il flan? "ir',' reg. 69.95 now for more inhalation call 742-5835 or 658-9164 AUSTIN ELECTRONICS 'iii:, s3 Automatic Stereo Player tull, SPORTS LTD. STEPHAN KARGES symphony earns a reputation outside the community obviously helps the community's Image and adds to Its an peal as a place to live and work s49.95 WATERLOO CHRONICLE ADS PAY CAL L 744-6364 $50