P. " - Watnrtoo Chroniclgi Ty, cm 24, 1974 x'westmount place pharmacy 57mm at . r - " 12mm l REUEF “IV-UK gwesfmauni place pharmacy 518-8800 BROMO SELTZER Family Size HEAD t, SHOULDERS SHAM P00 BE $123 SINUTAB 12' CONTAC - t WEE] Capsules Package of 10 'P Decongestant Y Cold Tablets 24's 30's 99t 100 ml jar or tube 1 75 ml lotion nl" Macleans (t .TOOTHPASTE 1mm. 88 iLISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 'P SILVIKRIN SHAH P00 7 oz. Economy 12 oz. Size 'L17 Elt0 FRUIT SALTS STREPSILS ForSore" TEMPRA DROPS westmount place J iriiiiiiiiiiii" 2 A" tly WHEAT GERM was ' OIL a. HONEY SHAMPOO 1 ALKA SELTZER (foil wrapped) 48 Tablets TRl-Vl-SOI. TRl-Vl-SOL Ch Chantilly Reg. " pair 50 cc OPEN BOXING DAY . 1O a.m. to 6 p.m. _ Sore Throat Chewables 100's Large $237 15cc " a 'U? '1,17 99‘ 's Ttir oz. " {iii All Christmas CARDS t, WRAP ngmroo IE CREME. roams fit . PANTENE _ "ire-i-ot-rice, TREATMENT DE PANTENE Avail!“ i M, - I MAI. " For all hair types 1/2 PRICE for Soft Contact Lens Contains: CONTACT LENS CARE KIT ‘5.77 POLY-Vl-SOL Start with Shampoo do Pant---- one creamy lethet does it. Then mes- sage for a few minutes with Treatment do Pentene - it penetrates the hair shaft. makes hair thicker. not.heevie¢. Complete your total care program with Forming de Pantene that keeps unruly hair in place. gives it body and a healthy glow that lasts between hair in place. give: healthy glow that shampoos] Club. reinforetats damaged hair. hair. healthy hair healthy. 4 oz. Flexsol _.6 oz. Normal 1 1/2 oz. Preftex 1-2 cc Adapette Plus Carrying Case Burton Parson's 50 cc Drops $287 2’} PANTENE (" mu Hair Care tt oz. 4 oz. 4 oz. Pontono' Hui: Care Pro- onm is all about. PM products contain an Healthy and beautiful '3.00 __ '3.00 complete iIElriE at Ndvember, to make sure it we: received by December I know this won't be. But it's not your faithful chronic- ler's fault, nor the fault of your favourite weekly nem- per. The entire blame must rest on the broad gttouiders-- ttterhavetottetmtad--ofthatmoderttphenomenoetotef- ficiency, Canada Post. People in that august institution must be afraid of getting their hands soiled by handling the average weekly newspa- per, full of violnee. rape, murder and muggings. They probably-Inc a Mel. Shovelit into a corner until some day, betweerteutfeettreau,ttteyaresoboeedthattheyresort to sorting and sending the weekly paper. Whenlwasinthebnsiness, meetttredtomaiitttepaperoet Thursday. and people in Ohio or Texas would receive it on Monday. Nowadays, I count on my weekly paper being a week late in arriving. Time after time, I've been tempted to takeupmytypewriteranddaahoffaneesemtragingnotetoa weekly editor who has written a particularly pungent edi- torial, only to pause in the certainty that by the time I'd re- ceived his paper, and the time he'd received my letter, the hot issue he'd attacked or defended would be three weeks old, and as cold as a corpse. "dtheaarnetoymMIpeohaMyshmtidhaveseutotfa _etrrchristmasesttttrnrttoaiimyreadersabmsttttetirst Weil,, we mustn't be mean at Christmas, must we? Al- though I don't see why not. The same miserable sods are going to be around on Boxing Day, and the same inefficient, insolent institutions will be back in business on Jan. I. Since it's too late to wish everyone a Merry. I’ll put every- thing in the past tense. I hope you got exactly, what you wanted for Christmas, whether it was a baby or a kazoo or a sober husband. I hope you got Joy. And if you didn't, I hope you were happy with MyrtieorHazel or Pearl or Genevieve. If you wanted a pair of those foam-rubber kneepads for scrubbing, I hope you got them. And if you wanted a mink wrap, I hope you didn't. I hope you were not pregnant if you didn't want to be, and were if you wanted to be, I hope you didn't bust your bum on those new down-hill ‘skils, or bust your heart on those new crosscmmtry skiis,' both of which you are tooyoung or tooold to bedoing any-, thing with except feeding the livingroom fire. l If you are old and lonely, I hope you received a warm, telephone call-about 15 minutes worth, and not collect-, iromsomeoetewhoistymtngandhwesyms. Andifyouare young and lonely, I hope you got a long telephone can," collect, from someone who is old and loves you. If you are a schoolteacher, I hope you remembered at Christmas that you too were once a fat and ugly duckling, riddled with pimples, shy to the point of fainting if asked a question, lazy as a cut cat, sort of dirty, really, and yet a striving, yearning, beseeching human bean. If you are a farmer, I hope you slept on Christmas Eve with visions of sugarplums and reindeer fast in your head. Jeez, a guy cap't make any money on beef these days. Might as well get into reindeer. And ifrdu were a father, well, all I can say is that I hope you, too, believe in a world in the hereafter. Preferably seg- If you'wére a manner at ctfistmas--weit, all I can say is that I hope you believe in a life after Aeath. A _ -- _ If you are an old maid, and have been lurking these many) years in the fold of your “sick“ mother's nightygown, il hope you decided Christmas to unlurk. Same for old male, spinsters. Unlurk. Boy, that almost strands like a dirty! word, if you practise. Try it. Unlurk! I Whatever happened at Christmas, hang in there. We', need you. We hewers of wood and drawers of water, as Canadians are known, have to stick together and keep onI hewing drawers. _ 1 Every time there comes a crack about hewers and draw-I ers, I burst into a hue and cry. Bursting into a hue is fairly) simple. I can turn purple on very little provocation. as my" family will tell. ' Almost anybody can hew or hue. But the drawers are the problem. Nobody wears drawers any more. How can you cry them when there ain't none. This is a problem that Canadians are going to have to give a good deal of thought to in the coming year. Well, those are my season's greetings to Awl and Sundry (my legal representatives). as well as to all you faithful readers. it you are a business tycoon, a union leader. or anyone in 9 upper echelons of education. I hope your ucler ruined And lang may your Ium reek. im New Year's Five Thoughts for the season Saucy 'll Nam-100 Chronicle. Tuesday. Dtetltr 24, 1974 - Page 15 ',i,"t"tatl'taetiat'ta'tatrtagrtht _ " _ A lllirtaataearttaetaeaatta,gt.staa?ttg