UNITED CHURCH KI. Stun. St. Jacobs 11:00 a.m. - WORSHIP SER VICE (includes nursery 10:00 a.m. -, SUNDA SCHOOL classes for chil dren, teens, _ adults, couples. A friendly country churc close to North Waterloo and Lakeshore Village. PASTOR: REV. GEO. A. SIM, a resident of Lake- shore Village. Church 664- 2311 Residence 885-0725. Business: 884-1330 After Hours: 742-3491 Terms Arramyd AUTO HOME BUSINESS 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE 1 WING EVENTS IF ANNOUNCEMENTS BAHA'I WORLD Faith firesides held at the Uni- versity of Waterloo on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., in; Humanities Building,) Room 345. Everyone wel- come. Interested? Drop in or call Ariel at 884- 0202. (ti) Two years old, beautifully‘ built, huge finished recrea- tion room, 10he% first mort- gage. $46,300 cash required. Always fully occupied, no wonder, in this excellent new district close to all faci- lilies. MLS F-73. Call E. May at 744-4421 or 576-4534, representing 6 REAL ESTATE SERVICES Insurance Agency 279 Webs! North. Wamdoo PHONE 8 HOUSES FOR RENT LARGE THREE Bedroom house. kitchen with eating area, two bathrooms. family room, den with f ireplare. broadloomed living and dining rooms. 240 foot lot with trees. January lst to December 31st 1975 328000 Phone 7433944. 147i CHURCH SERVICES " CONDOMINILM APARTMENTS Service is our KNACK Thinking of BUYING OR SELLING a home or business? Call HOWIE KUENZIE Representing - Olsen and Newman, Real Estate - Realtor. _ Phone 743-1004 or 744-1196. QUINTUS REAL ESTATE ma. REALTOR Wm cum. W. W13. 1914 W.H. KNACK HOUSEHOLDERS RATE Miminum 15 Words 't.00 Each Additional Word tic, Waterloo Square Waterloo WATERLOO 8-PLEX CALVARY (46) CONDOMINIUM - THREE Bedroom, top flat, corner location, garage. High rise, Waterloo. Call 579- 2813 after5:00p.m. THREE ROOM Self-contain- ed apartment for lady, non-smoker, central, Wa- terloo. Phone 742-3029. GRANDFATHER AND " ARTICLES FOR SALE 9 APTS. FOR RENT FIREWOOD - DRY HARD- WOOD for fireplaces, split and delivered. $23.00 per single cord. Phone 742-757 (tf) TWO TONE RED LOOP TWO TONE MIDNIGHT SPLENDOR SHAG SHEER DELIGHT NAVAJO SPICE SHEER DELIGHT BLACK & WHITE SHAG SHEER DELIGHT OCEAN BLUE TWO TONE GREEN SHAG BRASS BAND ITALIAN MARBLE DRESS PARADE TWO TONE GREEN CB, COMMERCAL RED & BLACK CUSHIONED BORDEAUX WINE SHAG OFFICE FURNITURE, Of- fice machines, new and used, service with satis- faction since 1935, see our large selection. Ontario Office Outfitters Limited, 68 Queen Street South, downtown Kitchener. 745- 1171. (tf) FREE CUP Of coffee with purchase: swing set used only two months. Large spring rocking horse. Electrohome humidifier. Volkswagen snow tire, new. White Tergal Sheers. Box of assorted lady's clothing, size 11-12. Phone 884-0422. (46) Take Speedsvnlle Rd to Royal Oak Rd turn left on Royal Oak Rd '"""'n'i'iic0UNT CARPETS 653-3718 A few large two and three bedroom suites now available, from $23,400. 58 BRIDGEPORT ROAD, WATERLOO PHONE 579-2698 Grandmother clocks. brand new Hentschel's clocks from $495.00 up. Also movements, dials and wood kits for home crafts- men. Canadian Standing Clocks. Phone 884-4594 anytime. (52) . & M. USED Furniture, 296 Lawrence Avenue. Kitchener, 743-0491. Open. daily10:00a.m. - 9:00 p.m.. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. We buy and sell used furniture. (if) For carefree style living in high rise building. "CONSULT us FOR YOUR BEST CARPET BUY" LOW DOWN PAYMENT - Less than $t,800. LOW INTEREST RATE - 10% e" C0NDOM1NlUM APARTMENTS SPECIAL CARPET SALE (46) Minimum 15 Words $1.25 Each AdditionalWord. .05c " ARTICLES FOR SALE PONCHOS FOR SALE, hand crocheted, all sizes and SEVERAL MENS Wash- burn suits, size 42, very good condition, reason- able. Phone 578-6569. TWO QUILTED single bed- spreads, drapes to match. Portable Zenith I stereo record player. Phone 742- 1279. (46) STYLER DRYER, like new, $8.00. Girl guide uniform, size, 12 with hat and scarf $8.00. Phone 884-1701. COLEMAN CAMP Stoves. lamps and lanterns. new and used. We repair Cole- man camping equipment. Phone 745-4212. (51) GOALIE SKATES, man's size 8, $25.00. Goalie gloves, Cooper Junior size, $25.00. Phone 742-7626. OLD FASHIONED bathtub, drainboard sink, single sink also pressing mangle. Phone 578-6237 after 5:30 p.m. (46) BERLIN ORGAN. circa 1910, beautiful piece of woodwork, all reasonable offers considered. Phone 579-4858 evenings. SKATES - LADY'S figure skates, size 5, like new, $10.00. Phone 578-4314. BABY STROLLER. old Lloyd, sturdy. Carriage converts to car-bed. Both need chrome "cleaner. Very reasonable. 578-4314, t46t colors. Phone 745-8333. '“REC. SALE SQ. YD. SQ. YD. 10.95 12.95 12.95 12.95 10.95 11.95 10.95 10.95 1095 (46) (46) (46t M6) 8.79 8.79 (46> 7.15 6,49 " ARTICLES FOR SALE " ARTICLES FOR SALE " ARTICLES FOR SALE TWO BOYS' Wspeed bicy- cles, in good condition. $50.00 each or best offer. Magnus 12 chord organ with floor stand. almost new, $50.00. Phone 576- 0552 after five. (46) LADYS BROWN Stacks, size M, worn once, ex- cellent condition. $15.00. t$22.00 new). Phone 745- 7194. 146) TWO - CHESTERFIELDS $25.00 each. Desk $20.00. 39-inch box spring and mattress, good condition, $20.00 pair. Hespeler matching chest and head- board $50.00. White buffet $20.00. Phone 1-416-274- 3741. (46) GOOD USED Clothing and DUNCAN PHYFE Drop leaf table plus leaf and four chairs, $150.00. Phone 885-1037. i46t HANDCRAFTED. PER- SONALIZED Wallets, key- cases: make long lasting, useful Christmas gifts. Place your order now! Phone 579-6672. t47) FRIGIDAIRE. OVEN and General Electric built-in stove top $50.00. Emerson hi-fi console radio-record "player, dual speakers $50.00. Phone 743-7037. VARIOUS HOUSEHOLD Ef- fects including: 24-inch Westinghouse range, 30- inch Westinghouse frost- free refrigerator, 50-inch bed with springs and mat- tress also, five drawer chest to match: two sets - small kitchen table, two chairs: table lamps. etc, 745-3277. ' (46) .E. FLOOR Polisher. White/gold lined living room drapes. two widths by 91, excellent, condi- tion; also venetian blinds. Phone 743-1386. (46) Low prices, no down pay- ment. weekly specials. household articles, reason- able prices. Rockway Mennonite School Thrift Shop, 690 King West, Kitchener (opposite King Edward School). Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 5:00. _ (46) 223 14 King Street West. - Kitchener (across from Dutch Boy Food Markets) DANISH TEAK SHOP LTD. SCAN0lhllWlAN TEAK -FURNITURE FINE CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - 1r.tto a.m. TUESDAY BOX NUMBERS SILK) Extra (46) (tf) CUSTOM COCKTAIL Bars - Any size, any style, Apply 427 Albert Street, Water- loo. Phone 0352550. (If) GIRLS CCM Figure skates. size 3. Snowmobile suit size 8. Assorted girrs clothing size.8. Two pairs of buckle ski boots (fits size 2 girl‘s and boy's size o. 744-5774. (46) TABLE TURNIPS - Your pick, .05e pound or .30e apiece. Nelson Martin. from 85 Highway to Heidelburg. fourth lane right. (46t GRANDFATHER AND Grandmother clocks, brand new Hentschel‘s clocks from $495.00 up. Also movements. dials and wood kits for home craftsmen. Lowest prices in Ontario on most items. Canadian Standing Clocks. Phone884-4594anytime. DESKS, TYPEWRITERS, steno chairs. adding nia- chines, filing cabinets. calculators and cheque writers. used, reasonable prices, also repairs and rentals. Lockhart Office Supply, 31 Weber North, 742-1582. (tf) Your choice of 10 lb. or 25 lb. Bags - PURINA CAT CHOW In Economical 50 lb. Bags - PURINA DOG SHOW - PURINA DOG MEAL - BURGER BITS - CO-OP HI-BOY CHUNKS '. - CO-OP HI-BOY CHEWS . - MASTER DOG and CAT KIBBLE - TOP BREED O.B.'s - MILKBONE Waterloo County Suppires WATERLOO COUNTY SUPPLIES Kitchener (Bridgeport) 744-6351 STORE HOURS Mon-Fri. 8 a.m. -6 pm. Fiat. 8 am. - 5 pm. DOG FOOD CAT FOOD CO-OP 20 Shirk Place formerly Mull Street CO-OP (52) 1,000 ADDRESS \Gunmed People who want to make a deal on carpets for their home. Call Terry 744-4400. (ti) FOR RAWLEIGH PRO. DUCTS. Call 742-1438. (U; " ARTICLES WANTED Open 7 days till 10 pan. (ti) GLASS LAMPSHADES. beer trays, old dolls. toys, china, old jewellery, beer Steins, old furniture. seal- er. 743-6223. (If) TRAILER 5 by 8 feet or bigger with large wheels wanted. Reasonable. Phone 384-0797. (46) " PETS & SUPPLIES WANTED - Heavy plastic sheet or tarpaulin 12 by 12 feet; also child's table and chair. Phone 743-2595. GREY FEMALE Kitten, five months old, litter trained; free to good home. Phone 884-0276. BAND SAW Wanted for cutting meat. Phone 745- 6038. t46t 1969 PEUGOT 204 Sedan. good condition, needs en- gine work. Best offer. Phone 578-1913 after six, " CARS FOR SALE 1967 MERCURY. Comet. good condition, approxi- mately 43,000 miles. $550.00. Phone 579-1066. " OPP. CARS - 1973 Mo- dels: six 1973 Fords, Six- 1973 Chevrolets, two-1973 Dodges, as low as $1595.. Licence BJP 167. Power brakes , and steering. heavy duty police equip- ment. Mightois Garage, four miles west of Dur- ham on No. 4 Highway men to post yard " Phone RAN. Mighton. Durham l- 369-3136. (46) white. Name, address, postal code, any four_lines. plus provincial sales tax to: J.D. Enterprise. IS-A Eastm sung. Cambridge malt). HARLEOUIN POCKET NOVELS 15 for $1.00 We sell and trade all typesofbooks. BOOK EXCHANGE WANTED 28 Regina St. North Waterhto 146, t46t 146D