PARKDALE PLAZA OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TO 9 pm WATERLOO ARENA AttWT ONE _ $3.00 hrn incl. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER t9, I974 - 9:30 P.M. 4 oz. 00......0...;OOOO:;O;:OAO.::.OIOOOOO"...OOOOQOOOOMOi§§OéOLOA3i000LO 'aifihs18fa'l'2 990 PRESENTED BY THE KlTCHENER/WATERLOO ITGZfTiE -- rm e" hum-uh r on “elm.†gtt,11'lt1tr,',1th,. 'tthe ma;um~umumm PARKDALE PHARMACY Ethanol“ _"" Ti iiii'.ii.Pe, IABLEIS we]; I n f,,,,,,,,.,,,,:"" 5149 w“ BAYER ,i.l.ill..)j...iaiij' ASP|R|NS . 100's Trt' VITAMIN to Cash l11'l'llge,'l as: 1l,'rf banana ,NmmL SPRAY Ascorbic Acid Chewable tablets I :52 Ill "r" iiiiijiriiifjii,iii,t,ik AGAROL iiiiiiij) m. tth.0ft -- Iae?t 99t ,\'w-49¢ tSee $1 69 4160L it?! Force Wing 40! will sponsoring a rummage sa ,on Saturday at St. Andrew's" arc-WE mum) ttiogmtArttrumisYahkiF ",itrgittdi . tt 'alltia'itld'lt Ji-Rai-s; theatttttttrmr- wank-mm" 'm' . oetreivadryttttettameof Grant to GRCA , of ltpeople munch} an to live in isolation. and choline -ieedits hard. Rummage sale Saturday tqtietlreabmttetmr's -,aettitBoVrttr. Numb“ we Ii. 1 III- The Honourable Leo Ber- nier. Minister of Natural Re- grant in the amount of 35.5“) to the Grand River Conser- vation Authority to carry out the acquisition of valley as benefiting with the City of Guelph being named the major benefiting munici- pality. approval of a provincial lands for the Guelph Valley Presttrterian Church. The sale will he held he- tweens am. and 3 pm. The church is located at the corner of Weber and Fred- rickStreets in Kitchener. All members munieipalie The ladies auxilliary of