.10 'lt-ttroche-tHitt-tith-tttOrt'."" ' VICE (includes nursery 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for chil- shore Village. Church 664- 2311 Residence 885-0725. A friendly' country church close to North Waterloo and Lakeshore Village. PASTOR: REV. GEO. A. UNITED CHURCH, (nu Stunt St “at: 1t:00aan. - WORSHIP VBRIG HTO N PUBLIC SCHOOL Noecker Street 10 a.m. - Sunday School ll a.m. - Morning Worship 7 pan. - Evening Service Kenneth Miles - Pastor -Everyone Welcome- LAKESHORE VILLAGE Neighborhood "Y" meet- ings starting. Tuesday, September 17th. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., Messiah Lu- theran Church, Glen For- rest Boulevard. New members welcome. (37) FAITH TABERNACLE United Pentecostal Church meeting at t COMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Business: After Hours: 1974 Northern Stocker And Feeder Sales WIARTON - Thurs. Sept. 19, 10:00 a.m.. 3400;THESSA- LON - Wed. Sept. 25 - 10.00 a.m., 1000; MANITOULIN - (Little Current) - Thurs. Sept. 26 - 9.30 a.m.. 2800; AMOS - Mon. Sept. 30 - " iii) a.m.. 800: LA SAR- h! (Dupuy) - Tues. Oct. 1 RUMMAGE SALE -. Spon- Insurance Agency 279 Weber North. Waterloo PHONE ' sored by Ladies.Auxiliary 404 K-W Wing. R.C.A.F. Association: Saturday. September 14th. 9:00 am. A 3:00 pm. St, Andrews Presbyterian Church. Queen Elizabeth Room. Kitchener 137’ Itil.') ffdpuy) - Tues. Oct. 1 - 9:30 am., 2000: VILLE MARIE - Wed. Oct. 2 - 10:00 a.m., 500; NEW LIS- KEARD - Thurs. Oct. 3 - 11.00 a.m., 1000; SOUTH RIVER - Fri. Oct. 4 - 10.00 a.m., 1000; WIAR- TON - Thurs. Oct. 10 - 10.00 am. 3200; SOUTH RIVER - Thurs. Oct. .7 - 11.00 am. 500: - MANI- TOULIN (Little Current) - Mon. Oct. 21 - 1.00 p.m.. 300. For further informa- tion write S, MacDonald. Advertising Manager, Box 130. Huntsville. Ontario Service is our KNACK POA 1K0 camera SERVICES 5 ““153191‘. AUTO HOME BUSINESS PHONE 744-6364 W.H. KNACK ;s: QM- 1 330 ours: 7423498 Terms Arranged CALVARY REFRIGERATOR SER- HELP! HOUSE wanted to rent. Construction man (with small family) able F to repair and maintain your home in return for reasonable rent. Phone 573-1890 or 745-7790. (m OFFICE FURNITURE. Of- fice machines, new and usd, service with satis- faction since 1935, see our large selection. Ontario Office Outfitters Limited. 68 Queen Street South, downtown Kitchener. 745- 1171. (ti) BOOKS TRADED & SOLD Paperbacks. Comics, Maga- zines and Records. 9 APTS FOR RENT DRESS PARADE. CUSHIONED. GREEN " 9.95 tt AND FLORENTINE MARBLE 7.95 4 TRAIL BLAZER. CUSHIONED. BEIGE COURTYARD. CUSHIONED. CRIMSON RED & GOLD 10.95 PINK SHAG. CUSHIONED _ 8.95 LIELANI SHAG, ORANGEYFLAME 11.95 SHEER DELIGHT, NAVAJO SPICE 12.95 TAJMAHAL SHAG, TWO-TONE BLUE 12.95 MANY ROOM SIZED CARPETS TO CHOOSE FROM THREE ROOM Apartment. not far from Waterloo Square. Adults q only. Phone 745-9198. (37) 12 _ COTTAGES FOR RENT This weekly only - 20 Woman's Weekly $1.00. BOOK EXCHANGE 28 Regina St. North, Waterloo Open 7 days till 10 p.m. ttA HOUSES WTO TO RENT ENJOY A Quiet late sum- mer or fall vacation on Lake Huron, just south of Kincardine in a spacious comfortable and fully winterized vacation home. For more information Call 884-3223 after 4:00 pm. (38) , BUSINESS - OPPORTUNITIES " ARTtCLES"FOR SALE Yale Hwy 8 to foumam Street (Pmsmnl, mm It" foftow Fountain St North to Royal Oak Road, lam ugh! and watch for srgns, itust above leisure lodge] VICE Equipment. good supply of partsrprus elec- trical stock for sale. Best offer, must be for com- plete lot. Phone 5790553 during the day. (if ) HOWIE KUENZIEZ Representing - Olsen and N Newman. Real Estate - mm; of BUYING on SELLING anticommunistâ€? DISCOUNT CARPET SALES Phone "3-t0ttt or 144-1196. "CONSULT US FOR YOUR BEST CARPET BUY" DISCOUNT CARPETS 653-3718 ’S‘EHV'ICB 4th Minimum 15M81.N ewmma A. I: M. USED Furniture. 296 Lawrence Avenue. " ARTICLES FOR SALE Don't Forget to Protect Your Bulbs through the Winter. We have bone and blood .meal, blood meal and super phosphate. Waterloo County Supplies Also Miscellaneous Bulbs Kitchener. 743-0491. Open daily 10:00 em. - 9:00am. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. We buy and sell used furniture. (formerly Mill Street) Kitchener) 8ridgeport) 744-63’5 1 DARWIN TULIPS , MIXED DARWIN TUUPS CROCUSES MIXED CROCUSES SlNGlE EARLY DARWIN DDDDIE EARLY DARWIN o00BLE PEONY TUUPS DARWIN HYBRID TUHPS SINGLE LATE TUUPS EMPERDR TUllPS TRIUMPH TULIPS DUTCH IRISES _ PARROTT TULIPS SPECIES TULIPS LILY FLOWERING runes HYACINTHS NARCISSUS ' DAFFODILS ROCK GARDEN NARCISSUS WATERLOO COUNTY SUPPLIES CO-OP Mom-Fri. 8 am. - 6 pan. Sat. 8 am. - 5 pan. . FALL BULBS 20 Shirk Place CHRONICLE ccissmsos PAY Choose From: (ED-UP Reg. Sale Sq. Yd. Sq. Yd for Sale " Astoet.Esrmt.sAta/"tsaRrteussr- " CARSHNtttALE PONCHOS For Sale. land CHILD'S 38-ineh $t5.00. VHF recei CAR BEDM.00, Two exten- BOY'S GOLF Shoes. white/ tan also pair brown ox- fords, both size 6h, like new. 27 Earl Street, Kitchener. 137) FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGER- FIVE PIECE kitchen suite with extension leaf, ex- cellent condition, $40.00. English tea set, bone china, consisting of tea pot and e.ight cups and saucers, neVer used. $12.00. Phone 576-3642 af- F OR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS. Call 742-2438. (tf) DESKS. TYPEWRITERS. sténo chairs. adding ma- chines, filing cabinets. calculators and cheque writers. used. reasonable prices, also repa.irs and rentals. Lockhart Office Supply. 31 Weber North. 742-1582. (to BOX SPRING and mattress for double bed, like new. Low prices, no down pay- ment. weekly specials. 223 ld King Street West. Kitchener V . (across from Dutch Boy Food Markets, crocheted. all sin- eeors.Pt-e74lratS3. pots.televisi-iteases. blankets. ' by 14 rag. 7am. antenna 151-174 Mega, Hertz, 8501!). Bulletin watt amplifier plus chang- er 8i25.00. Two television cabinets $3.00. Picture - fall scene 83.00. Clock-ra- dio $10.00. Phone m. (37) LargeUiaper pail $2.50. Inch worm $12.00. one- piece red snowsuit. size three. _ $10.00. Training chair and pot 83.50. Play penM.00. Two toilet seat trainers, $1.00 each. Phone 884-3161. cm ATOR - 13 cubic feet, ex- cellent condition, reason- ably priced. Phone 742- 8779 after 5:00 pm. cm ter 6:00 p.m. Phone 884-4414. DANISH TEAK SHOP LTD. SCANDWAVIAN TEAK FURNITURE FINE up) (38) cLAéstFIED WINE - 11:00 am. TUESDAY (37) (m (37) LAST' CHANCE to-" CONVERTIBLE 20-inch I MARVELTONE Loud Speaker system . by Ears- HUMIDIFIER, twchresser lamps, electric stove $20.00. 30-inch snow shov- el, small cabinet. Ph6tte 745-7227. cm MC CLARY winch electric stove. in good condition, $45.00 or best offer. Phone 742-0845. (37) FRESH PEACHES. sweet corn and other vegetables. 21 - INCH TELEVISION. black/white. Occasional chair also- floor lamp. Phone 744-7463 after three. 137) GIRLS 26-inch CCM coaster CASH FOR Hand painted china, glass light shades, old beer trays, furniture, watches, fruit jars and old ‘dolls. 743-6223. (t!) " ARTICLES WANTED 15 PETS & SUPPLIES 16 CARS FOR SALE HEAVY DUTY Contractor's wheelbarrow wanted, in good condition. Phone 744- 2659. . (37) 1972 VEGA GT station nnag- on, four cylinder. wide oval tires, plus two snow tires, radio, excellent condition. lady owner. Phone 576-8478. FREE KITTENS - Three 1965 CHEVROLET Impala hardtob. 63.000 miles. $200.00 Phone 884-9605, FREE KITTENS - Four months old, friendly, healthy and playful. Call mm or 742-4265. (37) your own green and yeilow beans. basket Soe, Mlle] bicycle. wooden wagon, child's pool table 28 by lil inches. all excellent con- dition. 578-3991 after six. Wellesley “was. my 1orcttheeartoutlrtttpe- “swimw- WWW“: Ra'lph Bean 6562955. bicycle, like new. Phone 743-5370. (37) fluffy ginger males, one white female need homes. Phone 744-5142. (37) 137t (37) (If) (37) QUICK‘SALE I!" â€my. REUPHOLSTER YOUR " SERVICES DRIVEWAY REPAIR Ser. vice and asphalt seating to preserve ahd protect your asphalt. Hot asphalt re- K-W JlAVEtrrROUtmNG and Rooting - repairs and D.G.M. PHONE: Maintain: HOME OWNERS - We build recreation rooms and bars, also specialize in vinyl upholstering. Ah1a- ranteed x workmanship, - reasonable rates, free es- timates. Phone 578-8062. Reasonable rates on siding. overhangs and seamless eavestroughing. Material ano workmanship guaranteed. PHONE 579-3820 Sttitefiie - lots of m Call "btM& (mini-p) pairs. Beach plus other points. Phone 745-1505. (22) lwu‘mw, """"6""6 and roll roofing; pram! service, guaranteed work. general carpentry. plum! ing repairs. water sonat- Free estimates. Phone 884-2127or 742-0058. (tfr PACONI DEAD STOCK _ REMOVAL LTD. Prompt Disposal of Dead or Disabled Cattle and Horses. PIANO TUNING REGULATING ahd ' REPAIRING Call MARVIN MICKUS 579-4505 ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 745-0167 after 6:00pm be No ‘65-c-74 (34) (a) (tn (tft ttty (37)