an wmmm.mum. j "s - Business: After Hours: ' of August Service's HM!) a.m. - Wprsnip stryict WOODSIDE HISTORIC Park. 528 Wellington Street North. Kitchener invites you to help them cele- brate the centennial of McKenzie King. on Aug- [ ust 18th from 11:00 - 7:00. There will be a festival of Arts and Crafts in the park. Come for the after- noon. bring your lunch; birthday cake and lemon- ade free while it lasts. . ' (33) United Pentecostal Church. meeting at . Noecker Street 10 a.m. - Sunday School" 11 a.m. - Morning Worship 7 pan. - Evening Service Kenneth Miles - Pastor [Everyone Welcome- AIR FILTERS-- Irs hi- efficiency type for your furnace. 'Humidifiers. Elcar air purifiers and electronic air, cleaners. Call Sivad Sales - Service Incorporated 578-1570. it!) TWO-TONE Gold Loop t 7.95 ' 5.25 BRASS BAND Italian Marble 11.95 7.00 CAREFREE HOURS Sunshine Gold 9.95 4.99 TAJMAHAL Persian Gold Shag . 12.95 8.50 FEELING I LOVE Purple Shag 18.95 11.50 BRASS BAND Sunshine Gold 11.95 6.75 BASTILLE Foliage Green 10.95 6.49 ROOM SIZES & MILL ENDS AT GREAT SAVINGS FOR YOU! - DISCOUNT CARPETS 653-3718 , COMING EVENTS 8- ANNOUNCEMENTS 6 REAL ESTATE segvnces " ARTICLES FOR SALE In: Hwy 8 to founmm Street (Preston), mm It" follow Founum St North to Royal Oak Road, tum oght and watch for sans, (lust above leisure Lodge) 9:00'a.m. - Sundziy School Insurance Agency 279 Weber North, Waterloo PHONE . .CALVARY .uunen CHURCH Service is our KNACK Thinking of BUYING OR SELLING a home or business? . Call HOWIE KUENZIE Representing - Olsen and Newman. Real Estate - - Realtor. Phone 743-1004 . or 744-1196. AUTO HOME BUSINESS CHURCH SERVICES St. Jacobs SPECIAL NOTICE FAITH TABERNACLE BRIGHTON PUBLIC SCHOOL W.H. KNACK PHONE 744-6364 Visitors Welcome is: - 884- 1 330 ours: 742-3498 Terms Arranged "CONSULT US FOR YOUR BEST CARPET BUY" SUMMER BALE SALE BOOKS - . TRADED & SOLD Paperbacks. Comics. Maga- zines and Records. This weekly onlr- 20 Woman's Weekly _ $1.00. 800K EXCHANGE 28 Regina St. North, " ARTICLES FOR SALE FRESH, PlCKED Sweet Corn is our specialty. Look l . for us at the Waterloo County Farmer's Market on Weber Street near Wagners Corners. Wed- nesday 7:30 am. to 1:00 p.m. Saturday 6:00 a.m. tor,l:00 p.m. Ralph Bean 656-2965. . (th FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS. Call 742-2438. (ti) COLEMAN SERVICE - Coleman gasoline camp stoves and lanterns over- hauled. Coleman parts for sale. Authorized service for Coleman outing pro- ducts. Used Coleman stoves and lanterns for sale occasionally. 745- 2525. (tf) A. & M. USEDFurniture. 296 Lawrence Avenue. Kitchener. 743-0491. Open daily 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. We buy and sell used furniture. Dozens' of good used vacuum cleaners at give away prices. (if) Low prices, no down pay- ment, weekly specials. DESKS, TYPEWRITERS, 223 V2 King Street West. Kitchener ( across from Dutch Boy ' Food Markets) steno chairs. adding ma- chines. filing cabinets. calfuiators and cheque writers, used. reasonable prices, also repairs and, rentals. Lockhart Office Supply, 31 Weber North, 742-1582. _ (tft . Waterloo Open 7 days till 10 pm. DANISH TEAK SHOP LTD. SCAN0lNlWlAN TEAK FURNITURE FINE Reg, Sale Sq. Yd. Sq. Yd. t 7.95 S 5.25 (tf) 1th "lrtie'Rtrt 1‘m81.00 Each “that! word * " ARTICLES FOR SALE LINED FLORAL Drapes 100' wide by 88 track, excellent condition. Four swivel kitchen chairs. I Phone 742-7434. (33) KENMORE 30" White elec- tric range, deluxe model, rotissiere. excellent con- dition, $150.00. Phone 579- 0357. . (33) In Economical 50 lb. Bags " T - PURINA DOG SHOW - PURINA DOG MEAL - BURGER BITS _ - - CO-OP HI-BOY CHUNKS - CO-OP HI-BOY CHEWS - MASTER DOG and CAT KIBBLE < - TOP BREED 0.8. 's - MILKBONE Your choice of 10 lb. or 25 lb. Bags - PURINA CAT CHOW FINE CHINA Plaée settings from $5.75. All tr stock. Coyne Importer , Water- loo. Phone atshm. (gm MOVING - MUST SELL: Girl's ti" bicycle. Winter coats, sizes: girl's_ IO, boy's 6, man's' 40, lady's 12. Seven foot Christmas tree. Phone 742-1146. (33) Waterloo County Supplies CONRAD GREBEL COLLEGE 14 ,cHuacHPEws (formerly Mill Street) Kitchener (Bridgeport) - 744-6351 WATERLOO COUNTY SUPPLIES Mom-Fri. 8 mm. _ 6 pm. Sat. 8 am. - 5 pm. Solid White Oak in excellent condition, Cos-OP Best offer accepted. 20 Shirk Place Waterloo, Ontario. (519) 885-0220. Seating 140 people. DOG FOOD CO-OP CAT FOOD- For Sale (33) " ARTICLES FOR SALE BICYCLES - . Girl's IW' CCM; CCM Swinger 12"; tricycle ltr' wheel. Phone 576-1716. (33) FULL SIZED Crib and mat- ching drawers, also new- -born carry seat. Phone 884-1028. 133) GUARD-ALL Light with timer, like new. Slipper tsatin wedding gown, size M. 7424001. _ - BABY MATTRESS Spring- fi)l_ed $5.00. Black/white 26" television. new pier tare tube, $50.00. Phone 742-6822. - (33) LESLIE ORGAN LLOYD BABY Carriage, cgnverts to car-bed, fm good condition, $30.00. Phone 884-3453.. . (33) 23" RCA Victor colonial black/white television} in excellent condition. $175.00. Phone 578-4878. (33) CHE;RRY BEDROOM., Suite, color television Chesterfield and chair, etc., reasonably priced. Phone 578-3701. (33) LONG BLUE Gown with FOUR GOODYEAR Tires L 84-15. White portable sewing machine with at- tachments. Conn coronet and case. Lady's golf clubs and bag. Ski boots sizes 71/2 to 9%. Lady's roller skates size 8. Phone 744-1635. - 133) OFFICE FURNITURE, or fice machines. new and used, service with satis- faction since 1935. see our large selection. Ontario Office Outfitters Limited, 68 Queen Street South, downtown Kitchener. 745- 1171. (tf) NEARLY NEW. rubber rid- " ARTICLES WANTED CASH FOR Hand painted china, glass light shades, old beer trays. furniture. watches, fruit jars and old dolls. 743-6223. (th rim, never used, half price, 4mm. Phone-8W 2005 (33t excellent condition, $275.- 00 firm.. Phone 742-6822. ,_ (33) bolero worn once, size 13-14, $15.00. Lady's im- ported shoes. size 8C. one pair _brown $12.00, one navy $10.00. both with built-in Supports and worn ace. Dress' size 15, two party dresses size 14, $3.00 each. White vinyl headboard ac, $6.00. Mirror for double dresser $10.00. 744-1017 before 3:00 p.m. or Friday after 3:00. _ (3:1) P x M 1em'rrw.ALi/, ing boots. size 40 or 8h, $20.00. Phone 579-1628. (35) half CLASSIFIED DEADLINE . 11:00am. TUE$DAY 5:313“ s/-' g- “I. 1m PINTO. moo cc, "to door. standard shift, radio, new brakes and shocks. excellent rubber. safety checked. Phone 535093. (33) " CARS FOR SALE ' PAINTING - Interior and exterior, free. estimates. tan paint now. Phone Rick Gardner 745-6905. (33) REITZEL BROS. - Paint- Satisfactory work done at reasonable rates. NIMROD TENT‘Camper. sleeps four adults, sacri- tit $32ti.00. Phone 742- . 133) » " SERVICES CALL 745-7790 after 6:00 p.m.. or 578-1839 Anytime. cm ALL TYPES of home re- pairs, cement work, car- pentry, chimneys, car- ports, garages, recreation rooms, plastering - fancy or - plain. Reasonable rates. Phone 696-3280 after 4:00 pan. ' (til EXPERT PAINTING and decorating. seasonal re- actions. special rates for senior citizens. For free _estimate call now 742- 2834. an JERRIFIC RATES on FOUNDAHONoBASEMENT REPAIRS Leaking foundations repair- ed. Basement walls refin- ished, plastered and sand finished. Dampness chemi- cally sealed out. Rock iae- ing and all cement work. " CM - TRAVEL ,. TRAILERS ODD JOBS. landscaping. yard fences. painting. garage cleaning, garden manuring, lawns, sinall moving jobs. Reasonable and reliable. Michael 662- 2166 anytime. (24) int and paper hanging, also -Hrargdblasting, the men with know how. free estimates. Phone 579. 8331. . (th BOB DEKKER - 744-8292 For, Free Estimates Other Services Include Wall Washing and Floor Stripping DU RACLEAN MOFFATT TREE ' and STOMP REMOVAL Clean your whom house - Carpéts. Chairs. Chesterfield, Free Estimates 653- 5848 (tf) we K-W EAVES'rROUGHING WEEKEND EXPRESS - Household goods. mater- ials, etc. hauled to and from k-W area. Point .... Clarkef north to Sauble Beach plus other points. _ Phone 745-1565. (22) " --N SERVICES DRIVEWAY REPMR Ser- _ vice and asphalt sealing to preserve and protect your - asphalt. ' Hot. asphalt re- EAVESTROUGH- ING - TROUGHS Cleaned, roof repairs, chimney flashing, also house re- pairs. Guaranteed work. Phone 578-2746. (16) EXPERT PAINTING. DE- CORATING. Sandblast- ing. Special rates for se'n- ior citizens. Free estims ates. Phone 578-5745. <th D.G.M. HOME Maintenan- ce - Recreation rooms, general carpentry, plumb- ing repairs, water soften- ers . sold and installed. Free estimates. Phone 384-2127 or 742-0058. (ti) SPECIALIST IN Leaky roof repairs, flat, stone. shing- les sealed, roll roofing laid. M years experience. guaranteed. work. 578: "__ RAINBOW EAVESTROUGHING -and Roofing - repairs and replacements, shingling and roll roofing; prompt service, guaranteed work. For estimates Phone 743-3948. (34) -JOlNTLESS ALUMINUM - GALVANIZED TROUGH New. Repla'cement. Repair or Clean-OUT PHONE 579-3820 pairs. Company Residential. Commerical or Farm. PACO NI . DEAD. STOCK REMOVAL LTO. Prompt Disposal of Dead or Diiiabled Cattle and Horses. GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 884-3842 . PIANO ' TUNING _ REGULATING and REPAIRING Call - MARVIN MICKUS 579-4505 be No 485-074 (tit (ti)