1., GET IN ON SOMETHING BIG! Full or part-ttme. busmess Is good? we have to expand to meet the demand! We need honest. smcere salesmen to join us now and stay a long time Don‘t worry about experience as I Will tram you to be successful and receive raped promo lion. You will earn while you learn and receive substantial commissmns weekly. plus cash bonuses for extra partICIpa- tron Thes Is pleasant. dlgmlled work contact W Hackbart. 345 Rosemount Dreve. Kitchener. Phone 74.T-4867 D.G.M. HOME Maintenan- ALL TYPES of home re- pairs, cement work. car- '1l1""W1oAHyls""'" REPAIRS Leaking foundations repair- ed. Basement walls refin- ished. plastered and sand finished. Dampness chemi- cally sealed out. Rock fac- ing and all cement work. CALL "5-7790 Between l2:00 - 1:30 pm. or after6:00pan. ttft REn'ZEL BROS. - Paint- D. AND B. Home MaigrtegF eiectrieal and plumbing work, ceiling and noor tiles laid. Reserve now for spring painting. Free PHONE 579-3820 & DECORATING Reasonable Rates Free Estimates oe - Recreation rooms. general carpentry, plumb- lug repairs, water soften- ers sold and installed. Free estimates. Phone "4-2i2ror742Al058. (tft ports, garages, recrea- 7223 after 4:00 pan. Ill) 884-1533 or Barry 744-4732. (15) pering, spray or brush. re-able rates. No Jolt too small. Free estimates. Plume 5784437 days or “2218 evenings. (15D the men with know bod, rates. Phone 742-8176 or 743-4466. (tf) 0A" tgo-om-Bo-eu-rt-SOG-o-ae'".-"' IOMVoham-I Stock wuv vnv suonmc. PIAIA "was, - PACONI DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. PHONE 578-7987 Prompt Disposal of Dead or Disabled Cattle and Horses. THE BOOK BARN A paperback editions Is NOW AVAILABLE for ONLY 3.99 Thes edmon IS EXACTLY like the hardcover edition Why pay 85 95 evervwhqre else"" " KING " INN". WAVEBlDO tUpstairs - Beside Hated-o Theatre) Ham Moo Red mam smpm Thor Fri mam "Mam fiat mam 6pm PAINTING TERRIFIC RATES be No a65 c " THE JOY OF SEX 578-4950 23 AGENTS & SALES HELP Dave (3D ttft Day shift work only. ex- perience not necessary. will train. Good wages and fringe benefits available. Apply at Office Satisfactory work done at reasonable rates. FteeEstimateg 653-5848 22 HELP WANTED BABYSI'I'I'ER REQUIRED for part-time days. Park- dale area. Phone 885-1591. (14) Phone 576-5293m) CLAMP OPERATORS SUB-ASSEMBLERS SANDERS BOB DEKKER 744-8292 For Free Estimates Other Services Include Wall Washing and Float Stripping DURACLEAN IMMEDIATE JOB OPENINGS LEONARD J. KOEBEL STOMP REMOVAL Specializing In "Anowoon noomus ckrartyoorwheArttouaar- MUFFATT TREE PIANO TUNING REGULATING FURNITURE LTD 17 Erb Street ELMIRA and REPAIRING Call MARVIN MICKUS 579-4505 ROXTON “FINISHING OLD ".0085 'liCjCjl' for BARN THE 1th (tf) LXPERIENCED DRESS MAKER - Alterations, re- pairs and Wing, LOST - MARCH 25th comer King and Dupont. small female Chihuahua, black and tan. weighs five pounds. Anyone with in- formation as to wherea- bouts Phone 576-1131". those bills with the with money you make selling lovely Avon Products. WILL BABYtUT 2 - 5 year old in my home. Lake- shore Village. Phone 884- 4684. uh 26 DRESSMAKING th ALTERATIONS 27 LOST th FOUND Here is your chance to make extra cash, delivering news- papers on Wednesdays af- ter 4 : on pun. Applicants must be 12 years of age or older and be de- pendable. Apply now, fill in the following information and send to: . Address The Waterloo Chronicle Att: Carrier's Supervisor Waterloo Square. Waterloo. Ontario. Age 23 AGENTS & . SALES HELP 25 CHILD CARE 578-5592. NEWSPAPER CARRIER $50.00 Reward 744-8802 MAC DONALD ALUMINUM ED, Dedicated and.pairr Suki]; house painter. to paint home after thorough preparation of old paint removal. Must be willing to guarantee high stand- ardworePhmteeveetings: 516-2813. 115t CALL 743-0421 20 Raodeesor, Ave Kitchener MacGregor School Area EASTER BONNETS AND ‘ BUNNIES Overhangs Face Boards Seamless Eavestvoughs Gables a. Dormers Free Estimates says AVON Required For ‘4 T (I!) (My t14t NEED TAX HELP? For fast friendly efficient ser- vice, at a fair price 183.00 and up). Gall John Mein- tyre 14369-8872. (tft INCOME TAX Returns prepared, 16 years ex- perience, reasonable Phone ans-(r167. Monday - Friday 3:0tF10:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 33 TAX RETURNS " _J'ERSoNALtt BIRTH CONTROL Infor- mation and referrals, open to all, no chargé. K-W Planned Parenthood. 35 Scott Street, Kitchen- er. 743-661. (H) Woelfte received the Pres- Heat's Award, for being the most improved player over the season and Sport- co Trophy for heir best defensive player. leuceman Don Wilson was named the most valuable player at the annual awards“ night Tuesday of the Waterloo Shims junior Bhockey team. Siskins centre tahesAf VP 10:00 pan. 'rfll,llr?mri5Tl'] rtii]'t'lrrirlttilrr1 Cam‘s Dean Woelfie Second Floor 'rd.. ">lI.lrltmlrl1 Garage so full there's no room for the tar? , Whatever you want to buy, sell, rent or Iease...you'll find fast results with a want ad! There's a perfect way to clean out all that junk stored in your garage-simply turn it all into instant cash with a Want Ad! Some- body wants to buy those items you no long- er want and you'll be surprised-and pteased--with how fast you'll reach that somebody through your ad in the classified pages! So give us a call today and we'll help you write a low-cost Want Ad to get the re- sults you want! "n Clayt Voisin was a guest at the event which was held at Clive Woolner's Lodge in Three Bridges, near St. Jacobs. Voisin was with the team from 1931 to 1964 when theclub wonjtslastot a record six Ontario Hock- Wilson It! given an en- ey Association junior B paved watch from Bergman championships. Jeweller! for his am This year's edition finistt- twway efforts. The ntg- ed in first place for thefirst ged Lislowcl nativtrinitte time since the 1953.59 sea- Thief: 16-year-old broth- er, Mare, who was Wilson‘s defence partner, was nam- ed rookie-of-the-year and received the A and A Sports The club's top scorer. Bob Sclmurr. won the Ron Buddell Memorial Trophy for scoring 81 points on 30 goals and 51 assists. He was second in league scoring to Barry Duench of Kitchen- er Ranger B's who had 90 ihird in team scoring with 16 goats and 22 mists for 38pointsin40games. points, including 39 goals. points, was awarded the Mel Weber Award for be- ing the top goal scorer. He had 40 goals in 40 games, topsintlieleague. Long-time Sister: trainer tjiiiiic,jij,'liiiliiiii Call Tdta-6364 wmoo cmonido - WM» Apr" 3, 1914 17 Clean it out with 0 WM" " semi-finals. Elmira went on to win the champion- ship over Guelph Biltmores before being eliminated 4-2 by Owen Sound Greys in the aiiAhttario quarter-fin- tognh-glace 1irftshin_g Ei- Perfect The " victory cap- ped of! an amazing un- deafeated season for the Toyotas. The Waterloo team had defeated the first play-off match. Waterloo Toyota Mid- getsmadeit26winsina row as they defeated the Kitchener Random " to take the Hub magmatic munday. But the Silk: were beaten season Waterloo Square was highly-touted