night". I responded casual- ly. serene In the knowledge I lied politely. as usual. Told her I didrft need a day and told her it was all set. but that she couldn't knowing it would be sever- al mans off. and that there might be an earthquake or a flood or something in the rm going to aim in all directions at once and pull both triggers. Reason is I've got to get ready to go to have a lot to do. Like shine my shoes. and change $12 into mbles or whatever they use. and get my wife to iron some shirts. and. uh. get her to pack my bag. and. uh. well. a lot of im- portant things. My wife had known for .about a month that I might be going to Germany on the winter break. She thought it was great for me. “It'll be a nice change for you. And it'll do you good to get away from me for a few days You must get sick of me" change. that I could scarcely separated. and that the very idea of being sick of her was nauseating - Consolidation opposed First of all. rve redis- covered a maxim that was already ancient when Mos- es looked out over the promised land: women are not only unpredictable. but unreasonable shot-gun column. instead of the usual coherent. unified. lucid examination of a single topic. from other separate schBol schools was opposed recent- ly by the Waterloo County Separate School Board. Trustees- approved a brief to Bifocation Minister Thomas Wells strongly urging a distinct Separate Schools Act: Support for The Ontario government's proposal to consolidate all payers of . the four toqm- ships will be $135,331 for a net increase of $10,621 or "percent. A cosLsof $176M. . However. after pro- If provincial grants are Foe That Unusual Gm Inset The WIND“ ILL SHOP " King St South Waterloo Cudxoo Clock CIVSlal Chin Guam-cs receive a Library services to cost . 20% more Bill Smiley You are filled with self- doubt. “Have I not taught them anything? I'm a fail- was warm. and at first I thought " burst a painless blood vessel. But it was thewrmtgcohmr, It's not unpleasant at first. Rather like taking a warm. salt bath with your clothes on. ICs when it be ginstoeool... There's not much more to be developed there. so'tit turn to topic three: exams. which we have just gone thrmnghasession of. mark a set od exam papers. and finding that the first five you mark are lailums. passed across the kid’s face. land I thought. "By golly.heknows me.andhe's enjoying his grandad." Next second. I was soaked l was thoroughly enjoy- ing playing with my grand- son. He's old enough now to be played with. without fear that he‘ll break. I had him under the armpits and was hoisting him in the air. making those ridiculous sounds that would make grandfather blush crimson if they ever heard them on aqueous event. Aside from a rainstorm. have you ever been soaked from a great height? Ibave. lastStmday. that she was in favour of go back to theshoe factory. braless. big clumsy boots thetrip.Sheburst into tears. If everybody fails. rn be trersatssmeakers. My next topic also deals fired. because in this sys- You look up at the pic- with the family. and with an tem. if ymfre teaching fail- ture on the wall of the aqueous event. Aside from ares. you're a failure as a Queen. on whom somebody a rainstorm. have you ever teacher. regardless of any has drawn a moustache. been soaked from a great other factors." You fill in, with your ima- It says the present On- tario govemmeut appears to have "a mania for con- solidation." citing county school boards, regional gov- ernment and other exam- Staff originally redoin- mended $224,914 in ex- penditures this year, an ate school suwoRers- of their traditional autonomy. The brief says the gov- ernment‘s proposal to lump all education legislation into rgctjonpt _depri{ring separ- Biiiristisastepintttedi- bmtget--eoverirtg service in the tom of Wool- wich, Wilmot, Wellesley and North Dumfries-was struck by the regional li- brary committee My. "etamttorumttaqay- eraexmidbeevmtirttter regional official, have been advised an: is likely-the Ken Schaefer Ph 664 2012 JG, 54%,: as a teacher. I should . LAWN ROLLING & FERTILIZING . TOPSOIL . LANDSCAPING SERVICE 0 SODDING & SEEDING library It takes on her shoes. atv sumes a yoga position and looksoutthewindowJack‘s crutch. a relic at skiing and a broken leg. falls on the noor. and you jump a snicker. You resort. after the first Then begins two hours at hell. The kids are supposed to be tense nervous. strain- ing every brain cell to do well. They're about as tame as a hibernating bear. Susie quaint old word for this function is "invigilatirttr" It sounds kind of dirty. but it isnt Just utterly boring, You are figuratively locked in a room for two hours with about 35 teen- agers. That alone is a fate worse than death. for some people. Personally. " rather be locked in with 35 students than with 35 papers. That is supervising Then you pick up a paper and the student has understood what you've taught, and applied it. and used some brains of its own. and it's a ninety percenter. Hallelujah! And ymfre hooked for another year. There is only one thing muting gmsy hair versus children's books." Karin Manley, director of library services. said the budget last year in- cluded $5,000 for children's books that were not pur- “absorbed into adult books." About my wife, kids and Germany amtpeintsandttookprxr- son. chief regional planner. under whose department the library service is a divigimr--to work out how to reduce these items to a total 0133.750. $10,000 from books and was five yo?†out of date, the committee urged It was left to the staff "We have a five-year Kitchener Waterloo for die scheisshaus?" Ream l'llgetalong. - ist es? Md: mocha! bevor der mg lune. Id! bin tin mam. Wo bist Teutonic goodies. Let's see m. if I rum her my Deutsch. "Was mak- from Germany. I promise.“ will. be loaded with ' Iein. tgermtttichheit. blat- You look oultbe window atthedirtysnow-hanUand dreamodabeachoratrmrt stream. You whip around, adareyouweredrirtintvto see if anyone is cheating. Nobodyis. Ezceptgoe.who working together. and, is sound asleep. head on arms. An early fty bums. Warned you this would be a shotgun column. But I think I’ve covered e, thirtgortthettomefrmtt. has given up after half an Mesaiditwasacaseof “Playing “wimp hall." although he said he did notgraottotte"eritiealof have been pretty dashing in in recent years, wad to things they haven't been a .3233 item for equip- ment and small tools, for noardefmet minty system of savanna! and in- eminent Jan. 1. m3. Now it is adult l tiouthatkeepsthesystem chiiben'seirmriatimt-ed tobethemainstayofthe children's collection 1;. to rural library service. pre- W." lie said at last my» lion“ be spent eeyt'i'ttr'qrtomart's1arad- ing a 'the mtttt. is avail- ate"Oraeesetrrtoaohe Itm-8rllilrrl.rlMtlll.8tltElktillllE1 I Consonant Parka-g, aiming WetLimrtam or King Street 621 Km WEST - 745-9495 ‘lle “any: was: fringe beasefita, com with all)". m. KING’S TROTT. ARTINDALE. WEST. COOKE . 251 King St West. Suite 402 Kitchener. Ont. N26 135 7 Telephone 578-5440 BUSINESS HOURS OPEN Monday Fr DAVID S. WHITFIELD, B.A.. LLB. , W.R. Artindale, ac. E.F. West D.R. I TIM'S SPORT SHOP Ll LOWER MALL - Waterloo Square) IMooday Enday lOOOamIo200am Saturday tt3Oam loZOOamSunday 1200mm 10009!!! In Kitchener over ss.oo Business Men's Luncheon StV and up roa FAST saw-cs Call 579-5040 FREE Delivery in Waterloo and Bridgeport - over $3.50 Itutaroorsasoctiooeooessa,r: mtedses-hth I A ' U RESTAURANT att King St. North. Wan-doc Wehmacomplmlinoofnuno ARCHERS aro-atotmoo'oomrehat 578-581 o Bows - ARROWS CROSS Bows - OUIVER isoowassormdwithtttem iothetproetiseo0m. atthebramAtibmriest- tttriqoé$tmrnenrrnttes. timeiattaet-es.Aioat D.R. Cooke Canadian