Next week the University of Waterloo will be hosting Grade " students from across the province for the annual Campus Day. The students will be considering possible careers. Here U of W fine arts student Anne Epp polishes a soapstone-sculpture for a showing of student work. Campus Day is set for Tuesday. . The presentation by Eden Snyder, a former district governor of the Optimists Club, pointed out the basic needs of society have not really changed in the past 50 years- Mr. Snyder said despite the fact circum- stances change from one era to the next, needs re- main constant. He said more emphasis should be placed on "good trends" rather than providing a crutch for drug addicts and alcoholics. Physical fit- ness programs, recreation- al areas and a wide variety of activities should be established. He indicated if more em- phasis was placed on es- tablishing activities in the community the\instances of drug or alcohol related problems would diminish. Snyder said by encouraging Opti-Mrs. Club. Prevention, not cure answer to problems The need for volunteer service clubs in society to- day was discussed at the re- cent meeting of the K-W " Kb. M. I. WITIII-OO 'q6S2p0 physical activities we will encourage a good, healthy attitude towards life. This, he said, is why wo- men are more sensitive to the prgblems in society to- We honor . . . D.V.A., Blue Cross. Green} Shield and Welfare Drug Plans. By the way. we deliver at no charge to you. l, . westmount place X pharmacy 578-8800 50 Westmount Rd. N. WE KNOW SOME PEOPLE WHO DON'T! CALL 579-1 550 your Student Summer Job Centre A community project DO YOU NEED A SUMMER HOLIDAY? STUDENTS want to work for YOU this summer westmount place pharmacy Canada Manpower Centre OPEN . . . 7 DAYS A WEEK MONDAY to SATURDAY : 9 am. to " p.m. According to him, as children mature they con- stantlyJook to the mother for affection, patience, un- derstanding and guidance. day. HOLIDAYS 1 1 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS Waterloo SPRING - ( CLEAN SWEEP ",.,' 2 PIECE KROEHLEB MODERN CHESIEBHELD MMTE Sow. tist 3704 in pay and M. Striped ttttttl ttHin covet Sate 2 GATEWAY FRENCH PROVINCIAL DECORAIOR CHAIRS town! in gold velvet with continuing uni-Ill trim. Slog. list $308 LOOK to {Fe 'tifFrdf5llr" SPRING ADULT INFORMAL EDUCATION CLASSES STARTING SOON _ 2 KROEHLER Mt. a. Mrs Colo-ill Swivel Backus. 100% Ohfiat mu. Sun Retail $300. 30% of! CHAIRS IN PAIRS 2 "WHILE" COLON“. SWIVEl ROCKERS 100% Olaf-I Cont, Marie trim. Serge. List S366. “HUMAN COLONIAL UWESEAT Sun. List $340. Sale Ptiec 2 [RUENlER MODERN SWIVEL ROCKERS town! in 100% Olaf-I nova. Suggested Rot-ii $366. 30% Mt SKlAB IBADI‘IIONAl [OVESEAI sm. list 3295 Sale HiWAY FURNITURE’S ’ .1 GARDENING .1 CREATIVE WRITING .15le SCREEMNG w SMALL ENGINE REPAIR a and MAINTENANCE " CROCHETING (snowmobilesJawnmowers,etc.)VRUG MAKING A _ V YOGA » ""HAND WEAVING / AUTO CARE & i “BRIDGELESWE, _ AT THE KITCHENER FAMILY YMCA I “GOLF LESSONS w BEGINNERS BRIDGE ami, I“ INTERIOR DESIGN DUPLICATE BRIDGE AN iNG iv' iif,Rhflt1c ./ INTERMEDIATE GUITAR 1iiiiii FOLK SINGING . INTERMEDIATE GUITAR SALE 27 Erb St. West Waterloo 743-4333 AT THE WATERLOO FAMILY " Wan-doc Mich. Wednesday, m 13, 1974 " '265.20 '235.00 3265.20 '269.9S M55.00 '265.20 s249.95