Women teachers meet "Self respect evokes respect", was the topic of discussion at the third ses- sion of the Waterloo County Women Teachers Associa- tion leadership course on Self Development. Speaking at the Ministry of Education offices" on Weber Street. Eleanor Stewart. Federation of Lv/yet'..'!? Teacher's As- sociation executive assist- ant, provided a focus for the group with her topic which led to the exchange of experiences between the teachers. A resident of 300 Regina Street North, Susan is familiar with the pecu- liarities involved in riding elevators. She lives on the 17th floor._So for her topic in the competition, she Chose elevators'. Her .four minute long speech won her the school competition, area one of Waterloo Qounty, then the whole county and recently she defeated contenders from seven counties. What do I do? Watch the numbers? Look at the peo- ple? Talk to them or talk tomysetf? All these questions have been caused by our dear friend Otis the elevator maker. He's the one who makes oversized orange crates to carry people, french poodles, grand- mothers birthday presents and watermellons up and rdown sometimes as "many as 80 floors. _ What does happen when you step into an elevator? Time doesn't just freeze as if you didn't have to do anything while waiting to get up to say 35 floors. What most people resort to is watching the numbers going from one floor to an- other. This appears to be Susan Fischer, a grade, eight student at MacGregor' School has progressed into the Ontario finals in the elementary oral communi- cations competition. Speech covers trials of eleiriitor riding The following is Susan's Custom Pipe Bending l "sieitsty Shocks 2 mm unsoectoon _ nooblvgeluon 180 Weber North 578-3320 Waterloo Waterloo Kitchener JESSIIP'S North America "s Only Coast to Coast Network of Exclusive Auto My!!!» Shops Kitcusnswntmoo Ontario a. Duke Sts. FAST. FREE MUFFLER INSTALLATION Doreen Thomas, vice- chairman of the Waterloo County Board of Education stressed that it was not the function of the person that was important but rather the fact that the world would be richer by a person who was true to himself. very interesting to some. why they'll look at the seventh floor in curiosity, wondering what's going to come next. - Mrs. Thomas went on to say this requires thought- ful decision making and some determination. Joanne Clarke, depart- ment of sociology WLU, gave a talk illustrating the merit in predicting role play for women. Indeed number watch- ing might be-4nteresting, especially Jf you end up having a conversation with 15 of them. There might be: you're kidding with 16: there might be ah yes, I did hear that somewhere; with 17 there might be uhuhuhuh and with 18 may- be even you devil you! Your actions also depend on whether you are alone or not. " you are by your- self you would probably do such things as tie your shoe, brush the dandruff off your shoulders and one of the most common things. talk to yourself. "'WhaCme talk to my- self, you think I'm crazy?" you say, but ah you’d be, surprised! You might tell yourself stories or even get angry .with yourself. "Don't you know any bet- ter? Stand up straight! Pull your stomach in!" You might tell you, just be- cause you are alone. Then pe elevator stops, the door opens, someone gets on, and that puts an end to your little fidgits. Now what are you going to do? Oh probably raise your eyebrows or-ttttle, nod your head and maybe you'll say "hello. " If you are lucky, whoever gets- on, whether it is a he or a she, let's just call it.... Waterloo Square you run into what is com- monly known in most ele- vator circles as the ele- vator conversation. Raiptr- might say something like, "stthow'ssehool"? Exactly what every _ school kid is dying to talk about. Or, "Cht, gee that's a-long ride up." And if you have a real winning Ralph, after it has been Who knows, maybe even you're a Ralph. But for those of us who aren't we can't Just let Ralphs con- tinue on to start these nothr ing conversations. We've got to handle them. raining for five days straight Ralph gets on soaking wet, splashes a puddle of water in front of your feet and says, "it sure is raining." What are you supposed to say to that. “It sure is?" How? you ask. The best way is to startle them, by immediately starting a con- versation with something. like, "I think Prime Minis- ter Trudeau's baldness makes him look ten years older don't you?" That should get him. But there is just one problem, you're not going to say anything like that. we don't have enough nerve. And its going to take an awful long time to get some. . So until we do, there are only two alternatives to all our elevator problems, Either we go up the stairs or we get Otis the elevator maker to install magazine racks in all his elevators. If yott're lucky Ralph will say "hello" back. Then LiJi'ifiilllE1l)] "iio,iibediidam -. Ontario PAKIICIPKI'IN; PHARMACY Westmount Place Pharmacy PARCOST PARTICIPATING PHARMACIES IN WATERLOO Do something about the cost of prescriptions. Munostry ot Health Westmount Place Hm Frank S. Millet Parkdale Plan Parkdale Pharmacy Mumh 1 Vin-non man. Wednesday. March a. 1974 3 You can. Three things, in fact. l. When your doctor gives you a prescription, ask "Is this the lowest cost drug of its kind?" It's easy for him to check. ._ 2. Take your prescription to a pharmacy which displays the PARCOST symbol. It guarantees iust what it says; Prescriptions At Reasonable COST. _ 3. When your pharmacist fills the order, ask again. “Is this the least expensive one?" He hos the PARCOST Index which lists drugs by price. -- Saving money beats ducking over high costs. 884-3860 5786800