2_ Waterloo Chronicle, Wednesday, March 6, 1974 IiiiilTheMutuaniitsassurancecompanrscanada/wi,-xontaa A report of the proceedings of the 104th annual meeting, held February 27. 1974. ls available upon request to The Mutual Life of Canada, Waterloo. Ontario, or to any of our branch offices. TOTAL PREMIUM INCOME NET RATE OF INTEREST EARNED NEW PREMIUM INCOME INDIVIDUAL GROUP LIFE INSURANCE IN FORCE TOTAL PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES DIVIDENDS TO POLICYHOLDERS ASSETS NEW LIFE INSURANCE SOLD INDIVIDUAL GROUP Highlights from Mutual Life of Canada’s 104th Annual Report Call Chefyl 576-6952 or 576-2680 LOSE UP TO 10 ms. ANDY DRESS SIZES A MONTH FITNESS CENTRE Lower Mall Waterloo Square oo.providing protection and benefits for hundreds of thousands of Canadians who rely on The Mutual Life of Canada for a substantial part of their financialseourity. _ children three and one-half to four years old. despite evidence of a growing de- mand from parents. He said the trustees‘ de- cision on the subject will be In a strongiy worded re- port to trustees. Mr. Sweeney recommended against introducing early Waterloo County separate schools should not Mart junior kindergarten. tte- cording to superintendent John Sweeney. Sweeney against ir. kindergarten l K-W UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S CLUB . Anyone With Books Call 578-0783 _74f-5dtS3 745-6034 ' 749,754,000 412,881,00o 31 ,313,000 6,923,000 9,622,875,000 188,357,000 138,254,000 29,078,000 1 ,488,31 0,000 6.78% USED BOOK SALE 1973 April 5th and 6th sponsored by for Tenth Annual tik Mr. Sweeney said there are growing demands for junior f kindergartens be- cause there are generally opposed and in, favor of junior kindergarten will be invited to air their views before the board takes a one of the most important they will make. from the from a political standpoint. Tmtees agreed to discuss the topic at a future special S 619.985.000 ' 347,967,000 20,071 .000 5,809,000 8,663,386,000 1 61 .551 .000 1 25,050,000 26,072,000 1 '378,6ti7,000 6.54% 1 972 Course in health care It includes instruction in the prevention of illness and special sections on nutri- tion and health, bedside nursing, care, with all lec- The Kitchener-Waterloo Red Cross will begin its Family Health Class, March 12 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The course, being held at the headquarters at 186 King Street South, Water- loo, is an educational pro- gram of the Red Cross. Through it, individuals are taught basic nursing care. According.to Mr. Ballard, "The fraud problem is gen- erally associated with large metropolitan centres but it does exist to a lesser de- gree in medium and smaller cities and in industralized regions. More is lost through frauds than through the highly-publicized bank hold Mr. Ballard was speak- ing to some 300 area bank- ers today at a seminar held at Wilfrid Laurier Univer- sity. "Banking frauds cost that industry more money than the highly-publicized bank holdup according to Michael Ballard. director of security for the Can- adian Banker's Associa- tion'. _ F raiad,s cost banks mqre than holldups large play areas, 'addition- al, classrooms and special don't we?" . In arguing' against a pro- gram, Mr. Sweeney cited the high cost of hiring specially trained teachers. and the added expense of more working mothers and smaller families today and children often do not receive sufficient mental stimula- tion at home. Many experts believe that formal learning can and" should begin earlier tp, kindergarten. One of strongest argu- ghe as Choige. ll, - Canada's largest-selling rye whisky. Blended and bottled by Joseph E. Seem & Sons, Ltd., Waterloo, Ont. The class will be con- ducted by Mrs. Ruther Aus- tin, RN. graduate of Toron- to East General Hospital with seven years nursing ex- perience. The 12-week course has a $2 fee and is open to any- one 18 years of age or over. At the conclusion of the course, the members re- ceive a_certificate and a Red Cross medallion iden- tifying them as members of the Family Health Ser- vices of the Red Cross. Seminars of .this nature are recent innovations on the part of the chartered banks and are designed to familiarize personnel with the latest trends in criminal activities in order to reduce the incidence of losses. tu'res presented by special- ists in their field. The seminar was con- ducted Jointly by the Insti- tute of Canadian Bankers council in Kitchener-Wa- terloo and the Canadian Bankers Association. Panel members included Water- loo Region police, bank se- curity officials and repre- sentatives from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. In fact, said Mr. Sweeney. there is a great deal of evi- dence to suggest that it could be harmful. ' A three-year .study by he and his staff has con- vinced him that four-year- olds do not have the seeing and hearing skills needed to cope with a formal school environment. "“ A review of research into the subfe‘ct led to the con- clusion that, on the whole, there is little evidence to suggest that earlier school- ingmay benefitachild. up and for this reason, we are grateful for the opp6r- tunity of discussing it with Iocalbankers."