Plus great new spring styles for Mom and Dad too. (iyyllRiWmla!© Open T00... Wat, Than, 9 mm. to g pm. Fri. 9 to 9 Saturday: 9 to 5 sun. Cloud Mondays lThey're here...our new spring col- ‘..' ‘Iection. Crepe soles, color - combos and grown-up lin kids love. " Sty g FOR GIRLS l I _ A " 21; e7 r t M ' , " iiea' "iir'j2i'"t',ri', Fl: may a Ill, p, ':iiih . v.., L, a __. rrp. - iR'Si' EY a ,1 “2‘ l 3, (iii:itss?." Ln, ' =ri K AND aovs . moss no. "Specialists in family footwear for over 25‘yun" 1 , "King St. 'ttorth/wATERuNVNbm" 2 10 WW Chroniclo. WM, Mud: 6, 1974 fadliialtidts for\Kids...m ALL OUR WHEEL†801MB! PET SHOP “is Pet Shop Lower Mall - 743-6921 Waterloo Square STANLEY PARK PET SHOP un'I'IIOPIGII. FRESH, WATER FISH are 1/2 P RIC Er,"::::;:.:::,-" Has something exciting tor ovary Oldest and Largest Pet Shop in Waterloo. TROPICAL FISH LOVER Complete Line of Pets & Pet Supplies. Birds, Dogs, Cats. Reptiles, Marine Fish, Plants and Rodents. FROM Mite UNTIL FUBIHER NOTICE I iota I†I TL' 4tsa, 4 ' and Open Only 10 _ 6 Thur & Fri tiiS HISTORIC WA TERLOO Livery stable is used as store The stable belonged to the Alexander Hotel, since replaced by an Essa gas station. Guests at the hotel kept their horses there as did a few people [mm the community. The long brick building at ' William Street East provides the appropriate surroundings for Artisan Interiors. a store carrying a large line of Canadian furniture. But no one would have thought. when the bricks were being laid in 1874, that the structure would be used for its present purpose. .At the time it was being built to provide shelter for horses. For some retMon, people Just don't notice the dir.. Levi Preiu remembers that he kept his horse there My shaped building wedged between King Street's which used to pull the delivery wagon for his grocery commercial district and William Street's residential store. The More, now owned by his son at the 100 King section. Street South location. used to occupy a portion of the melon! brick building at I William Street East Alexander Hotel. Stanley Park . Pet Shop Stanley Park Mall - "3-068t Kitdlonet The Waterloo Chronicle News, Ads, Features from Your hometown After serving its stint as a livery stable, the building changed with the times. Shortly after the car became more popular than the horse. it became Shlebell's gar- Me. - _ _ _ A. __ r.. . As part of his lease at the hotel, Mr. Preiss said. he was given a stall tor his horse. Though given the space. he had to provide the essentials of hay and feed for his means of transportation at that time. These commodities were stored in the hay loft above the stable and arrived in that position via the window at the trout of the building. -The garage operated out of the building until around was when it was left deucried and ignored by proa- petrtive tysyetttthree WW. _ -.. . -__ ... A . Then Grime Stark caught sight of it in 1972. Attract. ed by in unusual shape, she realized the building's potential and took qvgr itt ownership. _ . __ . Spending several decades as an automobile repair shop had not enhanced the interior of the building which had never been built tor inhabitation anyway and restoration at it was a major job. Mrs. Stark said the walls were completely black and it took the whole summer at '72 to get rid of the dis- mal appearance. The brick walls were cleaned and the original beams were left uncovered in the ceiling to provide the kind of atmosphere Mrs. Strait thought her line of furniture would look best in, Described as a plain Victorian styled building. local historic architecture enthusiast Bob Howell said there is eortmeting architectural design which does not keep in line with what was being built at that time. Although built in the 1870’s. the framing which can still be seen in the attic is fairly primitive and is sim~ ilar to that lound in the Kumpl house, built in the 1820's. The style though is not surprising. Mr, Rowen said considering the original purpose of the building.