Blanket catches fire The congregation at St. John’s is an active one " well as being the lamest in Waterloo and is led by a man equally as active. St. John's is a busy church On Oct. 27, a blanket was ignited by an electric heater at 59 Bridgeport Road East causing a total oftoin damage. At 12:08 p.m. Oct. 28. Waterloo firefighters were called to 138 Bridgeport Road, East where grease had ignited on a stove caus- ing$25damage. The most damage caused by fire last week occured Wednesday at 32 King Street North when a cigarette butt ignited in a chester- field and caused $100 da- mage. Rev. Arnold Conrad with a trip to Europe to commem- orate his 25 years of work in Waterloo is just one ex- ample of how extraordin- ary this Waterloo church is. Aer. and Mrs) Conrad will probably make the trip some time after Easter next year. and response, these 25 years would not have materializ- ed." He expressed his ap- preciation also of the ser- vices of his pastoral associ- ates and the laymen who have served faithfully on the church council and vari- ous committees over the years. - Only nine alarms were responded to last week by Waterloo Fire Department with five of those calls being smoke or bonfire investigations. Mr. Conrad has served in the ministry for 32 years. His first charge was at New Dundee and his second in Nova Scotia where he serv- ed three congregations for four years. He came to St, John's, Waterloo, in 1948 as suc- cessor to Rev. cs. Roberts who had been pastor of the church for 24 years. Later Mr. Conrad and the congre- gation recalled Mr. Roberts PAIMIIG & DECORATIIB 196 Pinegrove Cres. Waterloo The fact St. John's Lu- 884- 1 094 INTERIOR at EXTERIOR 'Aillmlllt1 Paperhanging Our Specialty Call Now - Free Estimates JOHN . GUBESCH â€5mpm NOW! A parsonage was built in 1961 and the church, fellow- ship hall and "educational wing all built in 1962 at a cost of $350,000. Three services are con- ducted each Sunday through- out and 11 a.m. The church doesn’t drop a service in the summer, it adds one - a mid-week worship for St. John’s also conducts German services twice a month and a Danish service onceamonth. In addition to the regular communion services, a communion for Alcoholics Anonymous is held every two months for which the convenience. of mem- bers planning weekend trips or vacations. emeritus. new edifice was built on Willow Street in 1962. Kini Street was renovated in 1952 but was destroyed by tire in Iâ€. The congre- Waterloo Theaire until the FAITH TABERN ACLE BRIGHTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Services Commence SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 pm. and continue through associate pastor. Mr. trape_jui_c_e ed vats-range TOES.. WEE. THUR. FRI., at 7:30 RM. of Dearborn. Michigan SPECIAL SERVICES with Guest Speakers Noecker Street REV. and MRS. M.R. SPRINGFIELD 103 King St. North (agttieCitmaig1hm Ai;izsr, puzzA You EVER Thgrtt) .'.// IgttleCitesats"PMa lit II IgttleCitegats"PMa UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Kenneth Mites -' Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a.m. at 8:15, 9:30 [IIIYHIS COUPON GOOD FOR "HS COUPON GOOD FOR on: coutow nu my ONE COUPON m: Frtu Services Held At ON THE PURCHASE or ANY MEDIUM OR LARGE MEDIUM PIZZA rvazj, you EVER TAsrsoy/ C Little 578-7410 . ,ei,iii.ijayj,lii.)i'jf FOR THE PRICE OF A SMALL PIZZA 578-7410 50c OFF Pizza, 578-7410 on: Twin City churches and their families attend. A special cahmunioh f?r, the afternoon of the first Sunday of each month. The Danish service. start- ed in 1966 is conducted by a Toronto Danish pastor, Rev. Paul Overgaard them mefnbérs of St. John's Church and of other church- " Kb. St. M. It?! ttt 00 "bn" attend. Rev. Springfield Waterloo Twenty Igttleaegatsolha mus COUPON Gout' so: LONE, COUPON m H225 Luis COUPON GOOD son V )itiCj,i:,,'i))'t' @324" Sagan“ als, 1191.0 ONQCQUP o_Nfft VHZZA» $16.95 'IM5 s39.95 '1535 ON THE PURCHASE OF t ANY SPORTSMAN PUZZA WITH ONE on MORE ITEMS 578-7410 Shopper BallRiWUt2l% m ITB. "Specialists in family footwear for over 25 years" 1 5 King St. North/WATER LOO/ 745-7012 FOR THE PRICE OF A MEDIUM PIZZA 578-7410 Ttie OFF LARGE PIZZA Suzette Season is here Vacate your shoe wardrobe for My of warm mileage. With boots of all lengths . . . all mum. To not will! "was, skirts . . . ’roond town or ski lodge. Natalee Chronicle, Wound-y. Novemhu 7, 1973 7 The Chronicle has compliiNs Waterloo coverage . DINE IN . CARRY OUT . DELIVERY I2ttleCiteaariPtaa , LtttleChesats"P1na THI COUPON @600 ion -_" Leather Boot THLSSOUPON 090701301 ONE COUPON PEI! POZZA at coui (isn't! Fi2QA SPORTSMAN g PIZZA $1.00 OFF SPORTSMAN "SPECIAL" Cheese with pepperoni bacon, mushrooms, ham green peppers tl, onions 578~7410 FOR THE PRICE OF A LARGE PIZZA 578-7410 578-7410 Cordoba