" Waterbo Chtonido. Wodmsdpy, Newman! 7, 1973 body went to Toronto for a t r,'i:'i" day's Wig); You bought - " l thing s . e , toothpaste By W Beat _ and the odd household neces- MY', how the shopping sity (like scotch tape) local- sceneinWaterioohasehang- ly, but all else was "im, ed over the past few years. ported" from the big city. We actually have stores Well. I'm here to tell you rm Waterioo Kitchener b" T, 2 var N _ , a. ‘q " ' $1"in w-rue -..,dE HAIRY TOM Vfris'0t, 1llEsrlll10lltl'll' PLACE MEN'S HAIRSTYlING l[-SpeciaI--l l FREE ! I With each Complete Nov. !1','g' We JW Today's modems ore becom- ing more aware of fashion. They are looking to the fu.. ture . . . and so do we. 744-082] 'L. Lil; JUIIP'S elenersa or Born, or Mum HAll communal: Bring the above coupon! Opposite Canada Trust WE DO WOMEN'S HAN " APPOINYMEN‘I’ See us soon for complete hair styling. Phone soon! 8-01. Size VALUE 2.00 8-01. Size VALUE 1.98 PS. SHAMPOO irircirttiot-tuto . LALLRJES BEST Ontario & Duke Sts. Waterloo Square Our friend . - the shopping plaza Seriously, though, can't you remembergwhen erery- a) NORCO‘IT GEORGE FAVE that we have arrived-ive made the Mme. You too can buy the same things here in Waterloo that Tor- ontonians buy. tl know be- cause my sister-in-law and I both appeared at a fa- plazas," Westmount Place, is celebrating its third bir- thday with the opening of an addition. Shall we all sing a rousing chorus mf "Happy Birthday"? Anyone looking back at our civilization one hundred mily party wearing the same “one of a kind" dress.) We have a fair bit of choice in our sttooointt-several NCS,. ft KING’S BUSINESS HOURS OPEN Monday Friday IO oo a m to 2 003 m Saturday 1130amto200am Sunday 12 D0noooto IO oo p m WHITE ElNA SEWING MACHINES We Carry A Full line In A ‘Bright New Plaza“ - Mada/J /? (70/11?! ...Even A New Name e BUR [EASE EXPIRED IN 1nTlilllJlll SQUARE We Now Have l ‘Bright New Stat' - 1#llitThllillll)ll" SEWING CENTRE formerly Sight and Sound Waterloo Sqqpro _ In Kitchener over $5.00 Business Men's Luncheon Stir and up son FAST seamen: Call 579-5040 FREE Delivery in Waterloo and Bridgeport - over $3.50 LVU u RESTAURANT att King St. North. Waterloo '?,ts',iii'rt"""', and SEWING SCHOOL """1'2esii,t,"ai 1nTllillllB't WHITE ELNA CENTRE And don't ymrlove a sale? There's nothing like one to keep the circulation going- and the old stock moving. I simply can't resist a sale- in fact, I make no effort at all. I'm what the ad men call your compulsive shopper. It may not fit, be the right col- our, style or material, but if it's on sale, I have to have it. years from now will know qrearetreharxttqrtor laugh ,.hent.ehadtoeeiehratethe birthday of a shopping cen- tre! Of course, we all real- ize it's just a publicity gim- any excuse for a sale. mick.Anyportina and Canadian Food I have a friend who is also something of a sales addict. He lives in another city now but returns to K-W fre- quently to take advantage of the shirt manufacturers' sales. He confided once, though. that he feared he'd been too impulsive. Seems he bought a red and green shirt. Not a bad shirt really except that one half was red and the other half green! But I'm digressing. l start- ed to talk about shopping Nazas-- not the foul deeds accomplished therein . . . I have come to the conclu- sion that the modern shop- ping plaza is an institution without which society would collapse. After all, we pro- bably spend more time there than anywhere else. We shop in them, eat there, go to be entertained (either by mo- vies or by watching other owner d a left-handed sky- hook. And I'm right-handed. . And the piece de resist- ance of sales for the true de- votee is the "no try-ons" sale. This rule makes dis- aster a sure thing. knowlan't help myself. The cheque hook finds its way into my hand (who let it out of my bag?) and before I know it, I've signed some- My paints get sweaty. my "tiiia%'aiii formerly Sight and Sound Waterloo Squaw lower Moll shoppers). we learn todrive there, we meet friends, and wesmash upourcarslhere. Plants and benches and modern art (atdeast I as- sume that’s what it is) pro- vide an oasis in which to re- lax from the tension (or I recall with a certain de- gree of affection the shop- ping plaza where I learned lor attempted to learn) to drive. My father took me out in a half-toi’truck. Not only could I not reach the pedals (even with the aid of a cushion), but I could not shift it into first without making the truck shimmy. You haven't lived until you have seen a shimmy-ing half-ton truck lurching its way though a shopping pla- " lot! temptations) of shopping. You can sit down and enjoy your ice cream cone. A word of caution, however. Always check your bench before sit- ting down. Chances are that the person who sat there be- fore you was also eating an may, if luck iishining upon you, be able to distinguish whether said person had pistachio or rocky road . . . So, you see, where would we be without that friend- ly, neighborhood plaza? . . . Solvent, probably! Machine as lllustmted -d R