" t.-uootmrtir-r-ttw.rh-ttterr.Htr' WESTMOLAQE Wmmmï¬ï¬Ã© "rtr3TCET, - In tugt “wee years thirty ambu- nous stoves lead by Dom-man Food then anchored a year later by Sumac Now twenty more boght new stores have opened the" doors In all, 50 stores of- fenng a wude var-cw of auabty merchandise and servnces Youve helped us grow Now help yourself to our bug BIRTHDAY PARTY SAVINGS' twice MY. mm' “WE'VE G mma' ', SAVE UP TO 50% DURING OUR Yesterday thirty different stores at Westmount Place Shopping Centre, TO-DAY. FIFTY! FIFTY odividuat stores will open their doors to you and your friends tor a GRAND OPENING BIRTHDAY PARTY celebration. You'll like the specvous new addition to Westmount Plece...twenty brand new stores opening on a cancerous commonway capped by a mammoth multi~colored dome The entire mall is fully enclosed â€fully climatized for the ultimate in modern shopping comfort. regardless of the weather outside, Each gleaming new store beckons you to a tirat-timgt-qtver look-see To meet the friendly personnel .to see the quality merchandise for family and home _ to buy at BIRTHDAY PARTY SAVINGS OF UP TO 50%! HOURS:To-night-Thursday- Friday- 9:30 to 9:30 . _Saturday- 9:30 to 6:00 In celebration of our 3rd birthday, we're having a big Grand Opening Birthday Party! “Ere 3 years old and