EARN MONEY 1N SPARE TIME ' Men or Women to re-stock and collect money from New Type high quality coin- operated dispensers m your area No selling. To qualify. must have car, references. $1000 00 to $3000 00 cash Seven to twelve hours week- ly tum net excellent Income. More full time We establish your route For personal m- teruew write including phone number B V DISTRI- Bl'TORS LIMITED Dept “A' 1117 Tecumseh Road. East WINDSOR 20. Ontario Busmess After Hours 7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APPLICATIONS ARE Being accepted for the automa- tic transmission fran- chise in your area. Appli- cants should be business minded with some me- chanical ability. Your in- vestment will be secured by stock and equipment. More details Write Box 202 Waterloo Chronicle, We will sell your property for only _ AINSWORTH Real Estate, a locally owned company serving the Waterloo Re- gion area for many years, has a qualfied sales staff to serve you. Our record is 98% of properties we list - we sell! For personalized service call amsworth RO M MAG E SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26th 7:00-9:00p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th 9:30-11:00a.m. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Corner King and William Sts. _ Waterloo. Noecker Street 10 a.m. - Sunday School ll a.m. - Morning Worship 7 pan. - Evening Service, h Kenneth Miles - Pastor - Everyone Welcome - 16 Waterloo Chronicle, Wednesday. October 24. 1973 1 COMING EVENTS th _ ANNOUNCEMENTS 3% commission United Pentecostal Church meeting at BR IGHTON PO BLIC SCHOOL Insurance Agency 279 Weber North. Waterloo PHONE real estate broker 576-0600 1770 King East Service Is our KNACK Terms Arranged AUTO HOME BUSINESS PHONE 7446364 FAITH TABERNACLE W.H. KNACK REAL ESTATE SERVICES Fall tttM, 1330 742-3498 t4fit nth (43) j " ARTICLES FOR SALE Hl-LlVlNG SHAG. Golden Apricot and Persian Gold. With cushion backing. Reg $9.95 sq. yd. NOW $5.55 sq, yd ACAMAN TWIST - Two colors. 10 yr guarantee. Reg $10 95 sq yd NOW 3825 sq yd LEVEL LOOP - Patterned. C b. $5 00 sq yd Remnants and Room Size Carpets - Always a good supply Runners. $3 00 and up for l2 " lengths Take Hwy No 8 tum left at bottom of Shanty HM follow Breslau Road turn ugh! a! cemetery again: one rm/P down mad match for vgn faunas/m term/e Lodge across aol INCLUDES: Containing' frame, brackets and liner. 5-year guarantee. Cash and Carry. ATTENTION HOUSE Build- ers - Eleven foot "L" iron for over garage door. Two 4-ply side wall radial snow tires for 14-inch wheels. Complete four piece inter- com set. Two boxes gray floor tiles. Two bucket seats, newly upholstered. two-tone brown. Brand new set hub caps 14-inch wheels. 119 Columbia Street West after 4:00 pm. (43) DESKS. TYPEWRITERS, ANIMAL AND INDIAN cos- tumes for rent, for ladies, boys and girls. Phone 745- 9213. Waterloo. (43) DOO BLE $66.50 CONDITION YOUR Air with products from Sivad Sales - Service Inc. Phone 578-1570. (m ill-INCH ADMIRAL Tele- vision, Italian cabinet, $60.00. Recreation room furniture, three piece settee, two lamps. Phone 884-2422 after 3:00. (43D TWO PAIR Summer tires, pair of belted snow tires, sizes: 078-14, F78-14, F 70-14 belted, all good con- dition. Skiis with poles al- so men's ski boots, size 9%. 884-4736. (43) BOOK EXCHANGE National Geographies 29c New Comics 4/256 Magazines 3/25e Paper Backs 3/25e 45 RPM Records 10e steno chairs, adding ma- chines, filing cabinets, calculators and cheque writers; used, reasonable prices, also repairs and rentals. Lockhart Office Supply, 31 Weber North, 742-1582. (tf) 28 Regina St Nomf DISCOUNT CARPETS 653-3718 BOOKS Consult Us for Your Best Carpet Buy FALL CARPET SALE PHONE 578-0138 WATERBEDS SINGLE $64.50 KING-$71.50 Day or Night MI Minimum , 6 words 81 .00 Each additional word + Low prices, no down pay- ment, weekly specials. SKATES - Girl's figure size 11, boy's and men's sizes 12, 7 and 8. Baby's gate. jolly jumper, riding toy, box of clothes - infants to two years. Hockey shin pads also guitar. 742-6931. (43) BABY CARRIAGE, Car bed, crib. mattress, used lovingly for three chil- dren; still useful for three more. 578-7541. (43) " ARTICLES FOR SALE 30-1NCH VIKING Range, white. Hoover floor polish- er. Electric hedge clip- pers, odds 'n ends. Phone 742-4778. (43) FIREWOOD - Beech and maple, dry, split and de- livered, $16.00 per single cord. Phone 742-7457. (tf) COOEY .22 Calibre rifle with scope and case, only used a few times. 885-1841. (43) 223 'd King Street West. C HlLD‘S ARBORITE Table GIRLS' COATS and jackets, sizes five to It-Teen, some just like new. Phone 884- 8997. (43! DANISH TEAK SHOP LTO. Kitchener (across from Dutch Boy Food Markets) and chair set, also high- chair, all in A-l condition. Phone 884-0238. FINE SCANDANAVIAN TEAK FURNITURE QUEEN $69.50 il10, (th (44) Open daily 8 a m, till 6 p m Saturdays 8 a m tall 5 p m 100 lb. Bags FINE. COMMERCIAL ROCK NO. 1. SELECT NO. 3. CRY- STAL NO. 2. and PELLET NO. 4. Protect your home and fa- mily with the most advanced type of fire dector ever de- signed. U.L.C. approved. battery operated (with bat- tery replacement warning signal" Sounds alarm at trace of smoke. Designed to suite four home decor, Sale priced'at $64.95. DOG FOOD 501b. Bags SHUR-GAIN. BITE SIZE, Reg. $8.45, Spec. . . . . $7.65. CO-OP. HI-BOY, CHUNKS, Reg. $8.30, Spec. . . . . $7.70. CO-OP, HI-BOY, CHEWS, Reg $6.80. Spec. . . . . .3620. WOODEN SNOW FENCING SOFT. ROLL. . . . . .$20.35. 100 FT. ROLL. . . . . .$40.25. MANURE CATTLE OR SHEEP MAN- URE 50 lb. Reg. $3.99. Special............$3.25. Special. . . . Special.... WILD BIRD SEED 50 lb. Reg. $7.00,. FEAT MOSS 4CU. FT. Reg. $3.95. Special..........., l BUSHEL, Reg. $3.00. FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS. Call 742-2438. ttf) DESKS, FILING Cabinets, new and used. Electronic calculators, l.B.M., Olym- " ARTICLES FOR SALE WATERLOO COUNTY SUPPLIES CO-OP pia and S.C.M. typewrit- ers, rentals with purchase option. Service with satis- faction since l935. Ontario Office Outfitters Limited, 68 Queen Street South, downtown Kitchener. 745-1171. ttf D WESTCLUX SMOKE SIGNAL FIRE DETECTOR :Qnrmerly 20 My" St Brvdgepnvn WATER SOFTENER SALT 20 SHIRK PL 7451181 KITCHENER WATERLDO COUNTY SUPPLIES Phone 745-1181 Prices in effect till closing Monday: October 29th CASH & CARRY SPECIALS CO-OP PUTTING SOIL ....$6.l9. DRIVEWAY REPAIR Ser- vice, asphalt sealing, roof repairs. foundation coat- ing. free estimates. all work guaranteed. 884-2345 evenings. T It“ VACUUM REPAIRS. parts. supplies for all makes, Used vacuums with one year guarantee. 745-6957. Free pick-up. (45t 16 CARS FOR SALE New Installations Repairs Residential - Commercial WOULD LIKE to buy sta- tutes of all kinds, old co- mic books and books. 664-2592. (tft CHILDREN'S BORG REITZEL BROS. - Painting and paper hanging, the men with know how, free estimates, winter rates. Phone 742-8176 or 743-4466. WANTED - DESKS, Type- writers. adding machines filing cabinets. Phone 742- 1582. (th SHAMPOO - Rugs and Up- holstery. Call 745-0033 or 653-9387 for free esti- mates, Nu-Life Rug Ser- vices. an SCOTCH. AUSTRIAN Pine, foundation shrubs, blue spruce, maples, tree farm prices, all guaranteed. 742-5745. ttft WE BUY used refrigerators and freezers. Call Ken Schatz 579-6940, Ford TV " ARTICLES WANTED BEAGLE. Female. three months old, beautiful markings, shots, wormed. $25.00. Phone 578-7541. 1972 PLYMOUTH CUDA 340 four-speed, bucket seats, power steering and brakes, headers and Crag- er mags. Must sell. Phone 744-7834. (34) 19 SERVICES DRESSES AND Skirts, Pe- the sizes 7, 8 and 9. Phone 884-7324 after 6:00 p.m. PURE WOOL rug, black/ " ARTICLES FOR 1iA1.F CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - NOON TUESDAY wool snow outfits, size 3X. Child's sidewalk bi- cycle with training wheels (for 3 - 6 year old). 885- 1289. (43) Limited. gray. Girl's 26-iilch bicy- cle. Wanted: five drawer chest. 742-1354. (43) TRIPLE G PLUMBING and HEATING PHONE 884-4585 tMit (43) (43) (If) 22 HELP WANTED The Fonowing"oppo'rtuniuess Available for Male or Female Good Wages and Good Bene his Apply “.porson Satisfactory work done at reasonable rates. Free Estimates 653-5848 VIC GATEHOUSE - Music. Instrument Repair Ser- vice: saxophones. clarin- ets, flutes, piccolos, oboes, string _ instruments and bow reharing. Piano tun- ing and repairs. It Bridgeport East, 578-5832. (tf) MINOR INTERIOR House repairs, painting and wall- papering. Phone 578-6196 after 6:30p.m. (43) For Free Estimates Other Services Include Wall Washmg and Floor Stripping PAINTER - EXPERIENC- ED, homes or apartments, reasonable rates, free es- timates. Phone 885-0767. (tfy STOMP REMOVAL " SERVICES CABINET MAKERS ASSEMBLEHS S08-ASSEM8tfRS SANDERS GENERAL [ABORERS BOB DEKKER 744-8292 DURACLEAN Clean your whole house - Carpets. Chaars. Chesterfietds Phone MOFFATT TREE HUXTON FURNITURE UMITED PAINTING & DECORATING PIANO TUNING REGULATING Interior-Exterior Reasonable Rates Free Estimates PHONE 578-7987. and REPAIRING Call MARVIN MICKUS 579-4505 l7 Erh Street Elmira and cm (43)