"GRC-TV will also take a close look at the indus- tries which have helped make this region strong over the years" Mr. Din- spel said. _ Featured in the series will be the first television showing of "Cell - 16". a National Film Board pre- sentation of a film made by a prisoner. The series deals with the history of justice in the Judeo-Christian w o r I d: the psychology of crime; the police; youth and crime: the courts; prisons: re- habilitation of criminals; and a look at the problems of minorities. The program, called "An Eye for an Eye?", was written and directed by the Rev. David Watson of Trinity United Church. Kitchener. and is being produced by Grand River Cable TV. It discusses crime, its prevention and punishment, in a 22-part series of 30-minute seg- ments. Grand River Cable TV Limited will feature its first series show for nation- al distribution in the new Community Channel 12 program lineup which starts Sept. 4, Tony Din- spel. Director of Pro- gramming, said today. Talent night is part of season But according to senior citizen coordinator. Ber- nard Isaacs, the centre is capable of handling more, He feels some of the sen- iors in Waterloo- are not using it because of the lack of transportation either be- cause of physical disability or long distances. Another reason for laclrof use is that " Watrrtoo Chronich, Wednesday, Scam“! te. 1973 It is estimated that Waterloo has about 4,000 senior citizens and pre- sumably there are about 900 who are in some form of contact with the services available to them at the senior citizen's Drop-1n Cen- tre at 20 Albert Street, Waterloo PAIIII’IIIG I DECORAIIIG 196 Pinegrove Ores. Waterloo By Eugene Ago-0- “mere 884- 1 094 EXTERIOR PAPERHANGING OUR SPECIALTY INTERIOR Call Now - Free Estimates JOHN GUBESCH HOPE adds more activities “0'5me or "We also want to review our rich heritage in this area on the monthly show 'Discovery', which will appear on a Tuesday at 10:30 pm“. he said. "Our first "Talent Night', anoth- er monthly program, will appear next Tuesday, Sept. 4, at 8:30 p.m.. and will fea- ture an hour of singing and dancing by the 42 members of Project People. ., Interior " " latex White 7 2 and Colors GALLON auart [Sale ends October 13th Federal Members of Parliament, Members of the Provincial Legislature, and the Mayors of Kitch- ener, Waterloo, Cambridge and Stratford will make regular appearances on Channel 12 to report to their constituents on gov- ernment business, he added. AVANT, Interim Enamel - oggstt" shun finish Whm and Color: To widen the scope of the mtre in activities and to make it more attractive to a variety of interests, a project being called. Help Our People Enjoy. (HOPE) has been organized for September. r Among the desired aims of project, Mr. Isaacs said, is to give senior a chance to make new friends, as well as to provide a learn- ing experience. HOPE will feature classes in Mosaics, Macrame, sewing, oil painting, lectures, leather work, relaxation classes, Intuit" Alkyd Semi-gloss mm- and Colors Intuit): Sunniâ€: tutu White and Colon Flam and Porch ‘ Eamon the only form of social activity provided initially was cards and many sen- iors don't care for playing l Interior 1 Alkyd Semi-gloss lMtite 8 9 9 Interior Scull-gloss law: I While Gallon Exterior Noun paint Alkyd and law: White 2 69 Interior Enamel I Eggshell shun finish- Quart Whit- Interior Latex While W'" '743-5283 110 King s. Waterloo tiste."F_ri.tiii9p._rn., CROWN DIAMOND ONE COAT PAINT SALE Quality Interior and Exterior P it" GARDE) 2.69 v' [OPP 2.69 Salton Quart drama and choral groups. HOPE has received an initial grant of 84,575 through the New Horimn program. Free transpor- tation is also available mi request. The present registration fee established is $2.00 per person for 10 weeks of classes. According to Mr. Isaacs, the participants will be given one~third of The programs would al- so provide an experience the seniors could continue to out to use outside the Tuesday. Thursday and Friday between 10 a.m. and noon and from 1 pan. to 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Seniors wishing to stay for both will be able to have lunch at the cegtre mpugh the Meals on Wheels unit. the article. they make as an incentive and - comple- tim of the crafts courses. seniors can instruct other seniors, thus delaying some of the cost. There will be three rooms available at the cen- tre for these classes which planting 84.00 - $8.75 I V 3' MOUNT BATTER “MD-81.75. no MAPLE â€0.7531090 SPREAomG JUNIPER 32.75861â€, BLUE was: $15.00 no Buy Direct. Fully Guaranteed. Competitive Prices JAPANESE YEWS - am for any Irradiation R. R. 1, Waterloo 664-2482 $000M “out. from Wagner's Coma on Hm Rd. JOHN'S NURSERY Ronny I“; Lindon 'hmrAtt.tt8ttt 1"... From 2-16 h. A TREE