2 Waterloo Chrooic% Wednesday, September 5, 1973 RICH was?!) HUUHlNLj tlr) CARPETS BY nuumwuu CKRAUS PHONE 8.41900 . CElANESE 21 Weber St. N. Look for this specially marked bonus pack. The extra 144 day supply saves . you $8.69. And enjoy savings on other sizes of Super Plenamins. I Get in on this outstanding offer on Super Plenamins, North America's largest selling multi-vitamin plus mineral supplement featuring 9 vitamins plus important minerals. . .. save up two-â€58.69 on _ super Plengmlns , gig - ' - A.. iilitird , - Tn I . . PC 'ai88iit -WW. ' 123255533! . . :§:1:§5:§:‘W ' M f PK?, , a" 'iciiiiL" "iiiiaii. :3 "r,,duC'J,c'c, e ' MiiiNtleiiElt8aNllmlEiiigmtalti wit“! JACK HAHN. B.Sc. Phm, M.J. HAHN. Phm. Open Danly Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 am. to 6:00 pm Fri. 9:00 am, - 9:00 pm _ Sat. 9:00 am. - 6:00 pm. 4 KING STREET SOUTH/WATERLOO, ONTARIO PHONE 744-8177 HAHN PHARMACY WYIOITLA CORLON . CERAMIC O ARMSTRONG k:q.o.Wr: - (i.ir.).ii.i..:tt?e . o F:?..::?..'..'" 'iiii.ii:iisii:'.t)t m ',fiiir.fiii:fitIt - - _ - tWJ. HAHN, Phm. B, I ‘To quelify, selected entrants must have complied with all contest rules and comelly answered a skill testing question. See the complete Toyota lineup for 62299. at Win'one of s trips for two. The Catholic Women's League of St. Louis Parish is beginning the fall season with a dinner meeting on Sunday, Sept. 9, at 6 pm. in the church hall. Guest speaker will be Sister Petra, S.S.N.D: The official choice of the NHL and the CFL iitiiiitiitt/r.ai) Sister Petra will talk of Peru MOTORS LIMITED Waterloo due will be speaking about her work and experiences in Sister Petra was him and raised in Saskatchewan. At the age of 14 she entered the Notre Dame Convent at Waterdown and there re- THAPS GREAT CHARLIE THEN THEY CAN ALL CHIP IN FOR _THE GAS... ",,,..w"' Fll.ElliTlJNll? Waterloo city council last night rejected a sug- gestion from Ald. Robert Cruise that a consulting agency be engaged at a cost of $2,000 to $2,500 to ceived her high school edu- cation. She received her teaching certificate from the Hamilton Teachers Col- lege. investigate the possibi- Sister Petra has spent many years teaching in dif- fervent parts of Ontario. She was principal of St. Louis Separate School from Council rejects Cruise suggestion " Kin. St. N. wall- oo 144-5274 DON'T HAVE To mm A BASKETBALL TEAM ... YOU CAN AFFORD TO 1 PAY FOR THE GAS YOURSELF... TOYOTA s ' TOYOTA EASY ONGAS EASY ON REPAIRS EASY TO PARK 578-8720 Sept. 1968, until June 1970 at which time she was trans- ferredtoPeru. The dinner meeting is be- ing convened by Mrs. Dor- othy Bird and Miss Rose- mary Danayka. Ticket con- venors are Mrs. Marilyn Foster and Mrs. loretta Lavigne. lities of establishin chief L,fi',el1',tirn0 Waterloo. Members of council felt their own opinions and a report from the admini- strative committee would be sufficient to decide whether or not they did want a city administrator. The establishing of such a position has been sug- gested by Aid. Cruise to do the work currently done by the Administrative Com- mittee. The position is in effect in Guelph and Kit- chener. Prior to making the de- feated motion, Aid. Cruise said he would have further information on the subject of a city adminis- trator at tleroct. 1 meet- ing of council'.'