" PE RSONALS PIANO AND Guitar lessons by qualified and exper- ienced teacher. West- moun.t - Beechwood area. Phone 576-0577. l36) EXPERIENCED Pl A N 0 Teacher, A.R.C.T., just moved to Waterloo. Phone 578-4314. (35 I R E C E N T GRADUATE, BA. - Music Major with teaching experience a- vailable for private piano and theory lessons. Phone 579-5698 after 6:30 p.m. (36) PIANO LESSONS available McGregor School area, Waterloo. Phone 742-5243 for more information. (36) Waterloo students cur- rently in the lower grades who dread having to take grade 13 may find when they reach that point in a few years that the grade won'teven exist. BIRTH CONTROL - Infor- mation and munselling Open to all. No charge. K-W Planned Parenthood, 35 Scott Street, Kitchener 7436461. 30 32 MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS t884-2630 [EN FIVE Pin bowlers wanted for K-W Church League, need four teams at Waterloo Lanes, 9:00 p.m. Wednesdays. Phone Wayne Hartung 744-9065 or Ron Herner 7444970 (36) Grade 13 may become a Grade BUSINESS PE RSONA LS RATZ-BECHTEl flllEUl.ahjE 8: CHAPEl SALES and SERVICE 325 Weber St. North OPEN Tue. - Sat 9 a.m. to 6 pm. MOTORCYCLE Kawasaki BSA Triumph 'onremenl Parkmg, entering Wellington or King Street 621 KING WEST - 745-9495 ln speaking at the Pro- gressive Conservative Policy Conference at York University in Toronto. Mr. Wells said the intro- duction of the credit sys- tem in I972 has allowed more students to earn enough course credits to obtain their secondary school Honours Graduation Diploma in less than five years. “I believe that Grade l3 as we know it today will change drastically. if not virtually disappear," said Mr. Wells. 13 may eventually disappear Ministry of Education statistics showed that two- thirds of the students who thing of the past within the next few years, Educa- tion Minister Thomas Wells said last week, i',2, fa f t T--" " rl’r~ I _ 39;?" l! i,' ‘;_$ V. q6al"cua , J’.-- - ---' -..~ .. u"" ' LTkcirie, 3%, Fijitit! ME . _ As '-» - xii/1);») Cm: orW,. Jun , Ward No. 1 (North Ward) September 1 1th Ward No. 2 (East Ward) September 12th Ward No. 3 (South Ward) September 13th Ward No. 4 (West Ward) September 14th Business Tax (All Wards) September 14th ADDITIONAL HOURS FOR PAYMENT As an added convenience for making payment. the .Tax Office will remain open until 5:30 P. M . on all due dates - September 1 1th. 12th, 13th. 14th and on Saturday, September ttth from 9:00 A.M. to " Noon. iri-ii".iiiiii' c'""-, _ 1973 FINAL LEVY h _ ilriijtiiii) REALTY & 'i'Ar"tj?t-ii-1tic-?jsi-riiliiy?i BUSINESS TAXES 3RD INSTAlMENT (REALTY) - 2ND INSTALMENT (BUSINESS) DUE DATES FOR PAYMENT WITHOUT PENALTIES ADDED CITY OF WATERLOO “The effect of this trend on an isolated Grade 13 year is obvious. It won't be long until many more students are earning the 33 credits for the Honours diploma in four years," he said. obtained Grade 12 di- plomas this year had more than the required 27 cre- dits. In fact, 11.000 stu- dents accumulated 31 cre- ditsor more. The Education Minister predicted that by the end of this decade, Grade 13 will cease to exist, even without Government regu- lations to banish it from existence. In other remarks to the 200 conference delegates, Mr. Wells said the employ- ment and job opportunity R .A. McKee Tax Collector ARCHIE DURANT HARRY HUEHN Sen-tee worthy of your confidence - a tradition since 1925. 'e" situation for Ontario teach- ers will stabilize in the 1970's. but that the present teacher surplus is likely to continue for a few years. He said he believes the competition among teach- ers for jobs will ensure that better candidates obtain jobs, thus improving the quality of education in this province. Other major trends for- seen by Mr. Wells are a freer access to school faci- lities for parents and other adults interested in con- tinuing education pro- (With no down payment if you qualify) - _ _ 550 Weber St. N. (North of King, South of Northfield) Waterloo CASH and CARRY REPAIRS Germany J.C. Saks th Service) 5 Pane-u We", Wan-vice - trom Wonvloo low! I“... Anti. Put-H0 RADIOS. IElEVISIOIS. TAPE PLAYERS. RECORD PLAYERS Open Daily 8:30 In. . 0:00 In. Sam 3 01n- 5pm -ut." ElECTRONICS PHONE 742-5971 at a time at AUTO-HAUS WAT E R L00 phone. q You get the whole car NOW, and pay for it little by little only $70.74 a month for 48 months. This includes life insurance, $173.25 tax. $11.50 license, $2.00 registration and $733.52 bank charge at an annual rate of 12.5 percent. OF COURSE . if you trade in your present car, your payments will be considerably lower. ALONG the way, you get a little financial help from the car. Such as excellent gaso- lint mileage. YOU GET ALL THIS. plus a 1600 cc. en- gine and Volkswagen's 2-year - 24,000 mile WARRANTY, (twice as long as any other economy car). . Now only 32475. How to buy a bug a little bit OPEN FOR SALES, SERVICE, PARTS. can take your application over the TELEPHONE 884-7470 ’ 'Authon'zed Volkswagen Dealer .. grams development of al- ternatives to formal class- mom learning that would lead to opportunities for secondary school students to earn course credits out- side the school and a less militant stand on the part of teachers in Ontario. Watetooo Chronicle, WM. September 5, 1973 I3 HORNU NG'S CHILDREN'S SHOES HORNUNG'S CHILDREN'S SHOES Savage, Bonnie Stuart and Buster Brown Shoes Expertly Fitted Waterloo Square Waterloo Square House ot Furniture a In lam mm [M 576-5“. FURNITURE and APPLIANCES One Room or A Complete Houseful ALAN RIGBY'S FOR RENT EXCLUSIVE CHILDREN'S SHOE STORE Watwbo's