' W-rioo Chmidcilodnuday, July 4, 1973 PAIIIIIG & DECORA‘IIIB 196 Pinegrove Ores. Waterloo PAPERHANGING OUR SPECIALTY Call Now - Free Estimates INTERIOR EXTERIOR tttyt- 1 094 JOHN GUBESCH agter6.0t?gr.m, The Waterloo Crickets emanated their losing streak Jute 5 in their defeat against Gait by a score of 14-11. This is the third consecu- tive loss for Waterloo in Grand Valley Juvenile League play. The last two were won by Guelph (ls-SJ andHespeler(1b3). During the last three league games Kerry- Sim has led the batting with a Crickets in slump with a home run, a double, and four singles. Enron Mitchell has also helped the cause with a triple and a double the last two games. The Crickets will take on Hespeler, Grandview School in Gait and Guelph next week with high hopes of reporting wins for all , a but)“: and tour as. Ellie Hackett is Clayt Brown came on for the Mets in the bottom of the first inning last Wednesday evening to retire the Dogers after they had scored 17 runs. The Mets lost the game 21-20. a I Ava I'U I THROUGH 11.000 WASHES (WOULD YOU BELIEVE 2 ‘CAR WASHES PER WEEK FOR 100 YEARS?!] PLUS 1.000 HOUR SALT SPRAY TEST. CAR G U AR D STAYS PUTTHROUGH SUITE 5 BUNKER MEWS KIT. UNDER CHROME msmg. HOLDINGS iij.i,i,r,i/h l d, g DECK U0 Phone 579-3820 uc. No. 299 C 71 "tsIttrl P"" PANEL (mums PANELS INSIDE one LESS DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTO. [iii Prompt Disposal of Dead or Disabled Cattle and Horses PREVENT RUST ON NEW th OLDER CARS KEEP IT FROM SPREADING TRAINED, COMPETENT OPERATORS DO THE JOB RIGHT! mm FROM This Rustproofing Process W§ll Not Drip lit All CRITICAL AREAS: ii INSIDE - _' a noun POSTS INSIDE 000R PANELS. msms mam ihiiiitttpK ontwuuclt000 59.95 call Today 576-6360 CA R G U A R D The Waterloo Potters' Workshop will be offering childrens' classes this sum- mer beginning the week of July 9. There will be five one week sessions with classes meeting from 9:30a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Monday through 'msn‘nzrmnsn ’uuosnsml ___WEuUL___, - Classes for potters CHRONICLE Friday. A brochure issued recently was mistaken in publicizing the classes as Monday. Thursday and Friday. This summer will include a wheel throwing class for children over 12 with two years previous experience. Registration may be done by contacting the Waterloo Community Services Board at City Hall. The charge is $10 per ses- sion which enables the work- shop to cover the cost of teachers and supplies. BSA Triumph MOTORCYCLE SALES and SERVICE Kawasaki 325 Weber St. North OPEN Tue. - Sat s am. to 6 pm. M4-2630 welcomes letters to the editor - The