"ir, logues _ spans sports Architectural Executive Portraits Child Studies Family Portraits Commercial Graduations Banquets Bar Mitzvahs h Conventions Journalism Post Cards Brochures Business Cards Real Estate Company Reports Calendars Advertising Construction TENT TRAILER also 17 foot camping trailer for rent, each sleeps six. Re- serve now for summer va- cation.669-2638. ATTENTION - NOW is the time for spring clean-ups, back yard, attics, base- ments, walls washed, painting and general main- tenance. Phone 696-2218 after 3:00 pan. (22) LEAKING ROOFS Repair- TENT TRAILER for rént. sleeps four, in good condi- _ tion. Phone 884-5765. SOUND SYSTEMS for home and industry. Musical in- struments for beginners or professionals. Expert service on your stereo equipment, eight-track players, musical instru- ments or amplifiers. Bo- ehm Audio Limited. 125 Union East. Waterloo, 745-1831. (10) SPECIALIZING IN Roof- Weddings News Releases Industrial Aerial " TRAILERS FOR RENT WEDDING PHOTO- GRAPHS - Prices begin at $60.00, -for informa- tion and/pr appointment. Phone 745-7917 after five. D.G.M. HOME Mainten- ance - Recreation rooms completed, small plumb- ing jobs. Well pumps, sub- mersible. piston and jets, installed and repaired. Free estimates. 884-2127 or 742-0058. (ti) " CARS FOR SALE 1972 VOLKSWAGEN Station Wagon, tttree-speed auto- matic, white walls, radio, 17,000 miles, still under warranty. $2,800. Reason for selling - need bigger car. Days 579-6940. After 7:00 pm. 662-1478. (23) 69 Regina at North Waterloo 742-0731 Yoo NAME IT and WE'tt PHOTOGRAPH IT ed also chimneys, 33 years experience, free esti- mates. 578-2270. C. Linse- man, J. Graft. (23) ing, chimneys, and eaves- troughs. Free estimates. Special rates for Seniors. Call now 744-2778. uh studio eight photography In Color or Black In White; SERVICES (20) 125) (25) TEENAGER REQUIRED as daytime companion for two boys, ages 7 - 9, June 26th to July 20th, within walking distance Waterloo Square. Phone 578-5932 after 5:00. t23) HELP REQUIRED for five hour Friday cleaning, Dominion Life, a r e a. Phone 743-5201. t23) Satisfactory work done at reasonable rates. Free Estimates 653-5848 For Free Estimates Other Services Include Wail Washmg and Floor Smpping STOMP REMOVAL DRIVEWAY REPAIR Ser- vice, asphalt sealing, roof repairs, foundation coat- ing, free estimates, all work guaranteed. 884-2345 evenings. (t1) Steady employment. (huge benefits. good wages and working conditions One block from trolley stop Hours 7 30 a m to 4 00 p m Apply In Person EXTERIOR PAINTING - Free spring estimates, no job too small. Phone R, Gardner 884-2157. 117. EXPERIENCED PAINTER needs interior and exter- ior painting of private homes. Phone 885-0037. 22 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED Interior - " SERVICES BOB DEKKER 744-8292 MOFFATT TREE Exterior painter. Special rates for senior citizens. Free estimates, Call now 742-2834. ttft DURACLEAN PIANO TUNING REGULATING REGIONAL SIDING 884-4875 Clean you! whole house Carpets. Chans. Lamp Shades. Chestethelds Phone AUDIO TRANSFORMER Company anned 202 Regina St North For free estimates and reasonable prices call LIGHT ASSEMBLY WORKERS and REPAIRING Call MARVIN MICKUS 579-4505 ALUMINUM SIDING and i24) (l9! (Hr CHRONICLE DRESSMAKING. Repairs and Alterations, ior wo- men and children. No pat- tern required. Phone 576 8456. (a) EXPERIENCED DRESS- MAKER - Women's and children's clothing also alterations. Reasonable rates. Phone 576.6640. EXPERIENCED DRESS- 45 BIRTHS RESEARCH ON Stuttering is being conducted by Uni- versity of Waterloo. Psy- chology Department, un- der direction of Dr. R.K. Penney, People who stut- ter are needed as volun- teers. For information please contact Irwin Al- trows. 885-1211, extension 3140: or 579-3172. (22) If you live in or near the Waterloo Square area. Earn extra cash selling Avon's famous products near your home. Call now: 26 DRESSMAKING tk ALTERATIONS TUTOR AVAILABLE for high school mathematics and physics. Phone 884- 4842. (23) 28 PERSONALS BIRTH CONTROL - Infor- mation and counselling. Open to all. No charge. k-V Planned Parenthood, 35 Scott Street, Kitchener 7436461. 30 MYLEMENS-Paul and Barb (nee Tucker) announce the birth of their first child, Marcia Hope, May 28. 1973. in London. A second grandchild for Fred and Allison Tucker and great- grandchild of Mrs. Hope Sparks and Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tucker, . GUITAR AND Accordian lessons available in Lake- shore Village. Phone 578- 3005. (31) 33 BUSINESS PERSONALS GUITAR AND Accordion lessons available: armss from Waterloo Square. Phone 7450021. tf " AGENTS e SALES HELP HI THERE! I am looking for mature persons who have the desire to earn above average incomes, duties sales and super- vision in ladies' fashions (personalized undergar- ments). Write Box 191 Waterloo Chronicle. (20 HOMEMAKERS earn $10.00 - ti5.00 for two hours work in your home thostess). Phone 5784534. 126t AVON HAS A TERRITORY FOR YOU 32 MAKER - Alterations, re- pairs and dressmaking, reasonable rates. Phone 578-5592. (24) Classifieds pay 743-0421 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION The (23) (ti) Progressive company has immediate openings for manager/manageress and sales personnel in foundation garment industry. Only ser- ious and mature persons need apply. 22 HELP WANTED A Brownie Revel at- tended by 250 Brownies, Leaders and Parties of the North & West districts of Waterloo Division Girl Guides took place at Moses Springer Arena re- may Brownies show dance A national theme on pro- Vince, of Canada, “Our Land" was featured. The general program opened with the traditional Brownie ring and ceremony led by Mrs. D.W. Trump, West District Commissioner Packs were divided into ten groups, each to repre- sent a province, partici- Prior to the event it was the responsibility of each pack to collect pictures and display material to decorate their provincial campside. For Interview write to: IMMEDIATE OPENINGS MODEL 1273 Leather like stitched case, High sensmtnty, Operates on 3 "D" batteries. Size: 8%" x 5%" x 3%" THEMANAGER P.O. Box 912 KITCHENER (lliaririuaoLtmas: 'iiiHtttttr11leta, 114 Kng Street. s. Vimtxer%oty - 579-61340 for your listening Pleasute 23-24C A special feature was presented by 7th Waterloo Brownie Pack in costume performing a french dance. During the pow wow session, Mrs. J.E. Hage- dom reviewed the action songs learned by the Brown- ies during the event. paling with a craft, game orsong. Special guests inchided Mrs. J.E. Berner, Waterloo division Girl Guide com- missioner and Marilyn Zeller, attending for St. John's Ambulance. MODEL MT-STEREO AUTOBTRACK PLAYER . Automatic track change. Fast forward. Separate vol- ume contols for "gm and left channels. Track lights. FURNITURE and APPLIANCES One Room or A Complete Houseful House of Furniture " In lath “and. “I.†516-544. ALAN RIGBY'S awn-lum- FOR RENT Waterioo Chronicle, Wednesday, June 6, 1973 13 Stretch 'n’ Knit fabrics by the yard. also Polyes- ter Sheers New swim suit material just arrived. plain or printed available. Lace. Fibrefill I: Lycra, Elastic by the yard. various widths and colors also stretch lace, lace trim. and elastic belting. . PRECISION SHABPENING‘ SEWING SUPPLIES Fuu instructions with em "utehieto COMPLETE LINE of Scissors - Exportly done by :Eaisharp" below method end Only. Model 885 In dash, 8 track AM/FM Stereo. push button radio selection, Reg, 159.95. This Week- PAII‘IIIB l BECOMING 196 Pinogtovo Cres. Waterloo MODEL tt56--STERE0 tt TRACK AUTO PLAYER WITH STEREO RADIO High-low tone control, Track lughts. hghted radio dial, Size 6%" x TH" x 1%" ELGIN. . Inches powerful AM/FM radto 8 track umt wuth speakers Full sues BS R record changer thr lure stand, Stereo head- phones FREE wuth pur- chase PAPERHANGING OUR SPECIALTY Call Now - Free Estimates INTERIOR EXTERIOR tWa-l 094 s139.35 JOHN GUBESCH “5an.