2 Windoo Chronicle. Wednesday. February 28, 1973 Last minute instructions and pinning on name tags were being carried out last week before 7th Waterloo Brownie Pack had their Awards The Brownies of 4th Waterloo Pack, their par- ents and friends went on a trip "Around the World" at Winston Churchill School last Thursday evening. Brown Owl, Bev Hage- dom introduced special guest - Mr. David McClure with t e North York Board of Education; Mrs. Pat Bemer, division commis- sioner; Mrs. Pat Lapsley district commissioner. Packie greeted the traw ellers at the door with passports to the various countries. The program began with a special in- ternational "Thinking Day" opening. The Brownies followed this with a Brown- ie Band dance, a Gogo dance and a Chinese Fan game. Brownies, guest take tour of the world The 7th Waterloo Brown- ie Pack held its Mother and Daughter Banquet at St. Michael's Church Hall University Avenue Water- loo, on Monday evening Feb. 19th. The occasion marked the celebration of Think- ing Day, and World Friend- ship in honour of the Birth- days of the Founder's, Lord and Lady Baden-Powell. The Theme for the Ban- quet was "Reaching out Around the World". Table centres depicted various countries or parts of the World, and napkin rings made by the Brownies, were decorated with toadstools, the heed table was,colour- fully decorated with flow- ers and flags of all mem- bercountries. , Dinner was served by the Mother's Committee with the Chairman Mrs. R. Pet- rie, making sure everyone was looked after, Tawny Owl Mrs. R. Martin. thanked the Mothers for their support, and the effort they had made. not only for the Banquet. but cos- tumes, cars for church parades. and the many other things they are asked to help with from time to time. Two new Guiders were en- roled. Mrs, Rosin Long. and Mrs Yvonne McAra. were welcomed to the Pack Night supper at St. Michael's Hall on Univer- sity Avenue. - Brownies salute sisters Mr. D. McClure delight- ed all with his live rep- /.t tiles, especially after an in- vitation to handle them. Flight 1973. Following this parents and guests travelled to five countries: Jamaica, Spain, Italy, Greece and China. There the brownies and visiting students of Mr. McClure's North York class introduced everyone to-a display of pictures, products, music and all were invited to taste a food peculiar to each country. These" plus the were welcomed The evening closed with a special candle lighting ceremony for brownies all over the world and for the founders of the guiding movement, Lord and Lady Baden-Powell. , by Division Commissioner Mrs. J.E. Bemer. The Brownie welcome was a "Salute from Ceylon" led by District Commissioner Mrs. R. Lapsley, Golden Hands, Golden Bars, Badges and Service Stars were presented to 15 Brownies by Brown Owl Mrs. "A. Jack- The special guests for the evening, Division Com- missioner Mrs. J.E. Bemer. District Commissioner Mrs. R. Lapsley, and Dis- trict Secretary Mrs. M. Haller, then joined in a pro-, gram of story and song‘ For the Brownies were in costume representing vari- ous countries in the World Membership. Friendship Pennies' were mailed in a large red mail box, which was placed at the base of a pillar with pic- tures of uniforms from around the World, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, and Lord and Lady Baden- Powell. The program closed with the singing of 0 Canada, and a special good night from the Brownies to their Sister Brownies around the World Chronicle Classifieds Pay Chronicle Photo visitors aboard