IO Waterloo Chronicle, Wodnogday, Fehruary 28, 1973 See Our Wide Selection Today j iii'iiiiii'ii"iiii _ EASY moon TERMS-PH. 743.5241 il SPIN DRY ANYWHERE ' mmoo slow "as . .. "hera.- ll lb. Capacity . 'h hp motor Instinctive Safety Wringer Release Polypropylene Agitator 10 Year Warranty on Transmission Ports Power Driven Drain Pump Double Wall Tub-Construction Automatic Timer Clock THE 2 . BEST APPLIANCE BOYS IN JUST '" CHARGE IT PORTABLE WASHER SPEED QUEEN SUPER'I'WIN TOWN! WRINGER WASHERS Scout week was held from February 13-25 and some " groups involving 775 boys and leaders in Waterloo took part in the activities planned for their area. Recapping the year, one of the most notable events was the paper recycling pro- ject. It was reported that 592 tons of waste paper were not wasted last year as Scouts in the North Wa- terloo district collected this quantity from their eight collections. This paper will De recycled into many useful products. Funeral Home Ltd. Waterloo wh King St. 74541445 Waterloo Scouts may have found collecting paper Mr. Hugh Brown (left) of Clearview Auto Wash is shown here congratulating Mr. F.H. Fawcett, (right) of Burlington on winning a free trip to Ja- maica. Mr. Fawcett is in his 5th year at the Uni- versity of Waterloo. He is very pleased on win- ning the trip as he has just been married, Will use the trip as a honeymoon vacation. This IS the First winner of three major contests held by Clearview Auto Wash during January, February and March. YOU are invited to enter this exciting conte'st now. You‘ll have a chance to win this month. Just come in to Clearview and "fill ‘er up". We'll give you the details while you are here. Enter now -- today - spend a week of delight in beautiful Jamaica. FAHIUES APPRECIAIE DUB HIE CHAPEL FACILIIIES LIMITED 205 WEBER NORTH at LODGE - WATERLOO (tttttttttttt B. di5oott Scouts collect 595 ions of paper CLEARVIEW AUTO WASH WINS TRIP TO JAMAICA During the winter a good part of the day must be spent in cutting up firewood to keep the cabins heated during the night. The terrain at the camp provides ex- cellent toboggan runs and Guest Speaker is Miss Patricia Hanna of Toronto who was appointed by the General Board of Mis- sions to the position of di- rector of services for Over- Mrs. Edward Bergman of St. John's Lutheran Church is the Key Woman and soloist is Mrs. o. Zah- raj of Waterloo. Waterloo World Day of Prayer is being held at St. J o h n's Lutheran Church, Willow St. on Fri- day March 2, 1973 at 2p.m. Outdoor camping, a pro gram which seems to go hand in hand with scouting occupied one of the top ac- tivities positions with the Waterloo boys last year. The local scouts took advantage of the simple facilities at their Everton paper each collection day and then throwing them off the truck at the collection depot. It did prove however as a steady source of in- come to help finance the various Scout activities. was} heavy physical job. plains up several tons of World traveller is speaker Miss Hanna has travelled widely in many countries abroad and brings to her new position an interest in languages and literature she spent a period in Paris teaching at a French school and studying at the Sorbonne. Upon her re- tum to Canada she held a teaching fellowship in French at the University of Toronto. seas Students and Layman Abroad. Miss Hanna is a member of Oakwood Presbyterian Church, Toronto and was Assistant Head of the Modem Lan- guage Department at Earl Haig Secondary School, Toronto. when she re- signed to take up a church vocation. After graduating from the University of Toronto sponsored by the Lake- shore Village Community Association. This group is operating two Cub Packs for boys eight to ten, one Scout troop for boys It to 14 and one Venturer Company for boys 14 to 17. Cubs camping in the eight to ten age grouping is con- fined to the period from May to October. Beginning the last weekend in May, the Cub Lodge at Everton which accommodates no campers is filled every weekend un- til July 1 when the seven- day camping program starts. The newest Scout group in Waterloo are the Nth group which meets at Cedarbrae School and is ski hills (luring the winter. Waterloo scooters did not Snowshoeing and fishing go without recognition this through the me Is also popu- past year. long service tar. medals for at least ton HARPER 1llIE0EOR [Tl]. 44 King St. South Waterloo Sony 1 7" Colour TV Goodman - Goodwood speakers 3 Way Floor Model Excellent savings on these items We DON'T handle records. organs ' guitars . refrigerators or stoves 1 2" Portables in stock cut down in price t Save up to 20% SONY - KENWOOD - SHIRE - GOODMAN - LENCO - NORESCO' GARRARD - EMPIRE - B.A.S.F. SUPEREX - KOSS - PANASONIC Buy now before prices go up on all Electronic Equipment "Came To Us For Your HiFi Needs" BUT WE SPECIALIZE IN JUST QUALITY STEREO EQUIPMENT Open Tues. Thru Fri. to 9 PM Sat to 6 PM See Jim Sim or George Harper In 1961 she was appoint- ed by the Presbyterian Church in Canada as a Youth delegate to the Third Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Delhi, India. Following this Assembly she visited the mission areas of our Presbyterian Church in India, and Japan and Taiwan. Further studies, travels have taken her to Spain, Mexico, Greece, Russia, New Zealand. Australia, and Africa. Miss Hanna has served on a number of national committees of the Presby- terian Church and has written a teen-age study guide for the 1971-72 mission study on "the new gener- ation in Africa. " world affairs and an under- standing of the problems of overseas students. Long Service pins for non- uniformed members for at least IO years of faithful and efficient service were given to Donald Balcarras, 2nd Waterloo; Cameron Thoman 8th Waterloo and Marshall Soehner Waterloo. d) Mrs. Harold Paike, . Marvin Rush and Mrs. Phillip Plantz all of the 7th Waterloo group received long service brooches as Ladies' auxiliary members. medals for at least ten. years' faithful and efficient service as a scooter went to: James Facey, 4th Wa- terloo; Mary Hagger, 2nd Waterloo; Lary Karo J0th Waterloo and Donald Wick. third Waterloo. 576-7330