Canadians had comic hook era War If, a Une whim Cana- da could boast of having their very own comic Lights or maybe Dixon of mama Police? readipg age dung; World Blown up pictures of the long forgotten characters and various features of the books which - dominat- ed Canada's news stands until Feb. 26. The life of the Canadian comic book industry was not only short but was limited to one company which dominated the stands while a handful of other Canadian companies struggled along on a small scale. Early in the year 1940, Canada shut the door on the import of comic books from the United States as the war necessitated selectiv- ity of imports. The familiar American colour covers depicting adventure and humor disappeared from the newstands and two Canadian brothers in Tor- onto quickly put the wheels in motion to fill the vacant Cy Bell and his brother Gene hunted up a ‘man called Edmund Legault who had once expressed his desire to draw comic strips and before anyone else could pick up the pro- fitable idea 52,000 copies of Wow Comics were on their way to Canadian children. 64 pages packed with the adventures of a dare-devil master swordsman. Dart Daring as well as a navy The first copies of the comic books were a thick Remember Johnny Ca- tch. Dart Daring, Nel- It is highly probable you, m be seen in the Kitchen- '-Waterloo Art Gallery _168 King Street South, Waterloo SCOUT-GUIDE (WEEK - FEBRUARY 18-25th L a.ql-itk, JOIN by Indy [let-u - DINNER 6:30 P.M. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL 105 University Avenue East, Waterloo Dinner & Dance Tickets $4.00 Per Person AVAILABLE AT: Credit Union Office Saturday, February 24th. 4:30 p.m. twin oily community credit union ltd. 2ND ANNUAL MEETING 25th ANNIVERSARY DINNER and DANCE irateirtituetttttmtttte ='r'i'call ttmAshadieft. .Asttsewaremtti-d,Cy presented to the Canadian children may have lacked the pmtessional drawing at first which (has Swer- man, Batman and Captain pilot Whiz Wallace._ Marvel in mu cofour but else. thought up and prepared by the young, inexperienc- ed Cum artists ade grew and came up with such firsts as man-eating plants and his characters were the first to come up with wisecracks in the moment of crisis, . . served as a source of in- formation for the Canadian children about what was going on in the war as well as bringing about a better sense of nationalism. They could follow Johnny Ca- met as he rescued fair mack as be rescued lair young girls and watch as the Brain always managgd to escape the impossible situations with the Nazi's. All the characters were Canadians most .often de- picted in adventures occur- ing in Canada. Besides War Hawk, The Mad Gunner and dozens of other war and space heros Waterloo CUBS - Boys 8-10 years SCOUTS - Boys 11-13 Years VENTURERS - Youths 14-17 years ROVERS - Young Men 16-23 years OR BE AN ADULT LEADER Kitchener H NE BOY T 742-3072 all happening at JESSE†clenaem For A Group Near You it-irckmstvwamtutp comics, Ontario & Duke Sts. DANCE 8:30 P.M. A printing plant which occupies nearly an entire block in downtown Toron- to on Jarvis and Adelaide Streets had grown as Bell's comic book empire grew but became idle when the Canadian heroes were rejected. - There are few reminders left from those five years. The Bell brothers lost all their money when their investment fell threw. They hadn't even saved Hem: Wow and Dime eNtegt- ics had their funny people too. Such characters as Barnacle Bull. Prdusor Punk, Billy Beaver be. came popular as well as Wacky Willy. Boon. Wacky Wabbit. Loop the Droop, Casey the Cop. The comic books were not only a source of entertain. ment but also provided social news. Every book had a contest. of sane sort company which muted Ontario towns playing a- gainst their homtteams. - The war ended and with it Mr. Bell's domination of the Canadian comic white efforts were easily forgotten when the Amer- ican heroes returned in full Waterloo Square Phone 579-1860 therhatipriattat. If mammalian“ themeoaiddraw8ti0easily mat. “Ghent Canadian Whites" back out before the public for a look at what used to choroting and Colo: Cutasutotioet 0 Vinyl Wall Coverings . Harding Carpets . Armstrong Flooring 0 Custom Made ito (my ' Wanda 0pm Fri. til! 0 pm. Draperies 0 Crown Diamond Paints O Kern Finishes . Hees Pull Shades WATERLOO STOVE PROUDLY PRESENTS THE 2 BEST t APPLIANCE c: BOYS IN- TOWN ,4 SPEED OUEEII. - sum PORIABlE WASHER Service 744-7371 Pizza Plus "Submarines" WESTMOUNT PLACE WATERLOO Offer expires Feb. 28/ " Free Delivery With This Coupon (Cut this out andlkgep ill) Take out and delivery