10 Waterloo Chronicle, Wednesday. January 10, 1973 Phone ti2S-3820 "COM DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTO. Model 20C312WA, Size 20" Furmture styled cabinet fin- nshed to match walnut Features Include . Philcomatuc ll "Hands-Off" Tunmg System All you do tS select the chan- net, see the tight The new Phulcomatic advanced color tun- mg system that automatocally tunes and locks m the cotor ptcture consvstlng of A C T color. bnghtness. tom. and con- trast controls Phllcornatnx l black matrix' picture tube . 'Cosmenc color cucult . Memory-mate pre-set fine tumng . Trartseitouzed UH FNHF tuners . Ltghted UHFNHF channel Indicators . Dupole VHF antenna , UHF antenna loop . Instant response . 75 OHM Input Hetght 17-1/8", wodth 25"depth 1Sr3/4" BLUE MOUNTAIN "i, two how- of an mnmcnm Mom Mu. Montana-Vs ski pro Ernie Mulloth and his no". o "90nt doy ticket than good In: all Mn. hot lunch and than-rod has Ironspovlo'ion “this now of the public mic. counts: PHILCOMATIC " "HANDS OFF"TUNING SYSTEM V (200312WA) homo! DW of Dad or OM Can“ and Ham Lic. No. 299 C 71 plan your ski trip now! HERE‘S WHAT YOU GET: FORD m. 1 14 King St. S. Watertoo 579-6940 GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! 1Kitcfreaer-lthttedmt Retort: Across From Waterloo Square with The Record o $22.50 package for Sally and Steve McAm- and became parents to their first son at 9:30 pm. January 2. The couple reside at 1 High Street, apartment ' in Waterloo. They named their new edition Steven Birth I WIN 5"!" "oe. mm- Elizabeth Epp (left) got to take this big stuffed dog to her home at 127 Church Street in Kitch- ener last week. Elizabeth received the dog when her ticket was drawn in the Grand Opening The Sal-lay heroes; a novel of what happens all the play- ing field by N .B. Gerson. The sons of the falcon; set in the wild mountains of Transcaucasia in the 1860's by David Garnet. Incident at villa him; a novel of gothic suspense in Morocco by Anne Eliot. Dirty butter for servants; historical suspense novel Lutheran Lite Insurance Society of Canada " pleased to announce the commencement of operatmns as a fraternal benefit society serving Lu- therans in Canada with life. health and retirement Insurance protection Officers appointed by the Board of Directors are Walter l. Rugland, President. Walter I. Lueclte, Agency Vice-President. Norman E Strom- berg Secretary. and David J Michael. Controller The lormation of Lu- theran Lite was sponmred by Aid Association for Lutherans. Appleton J.C. ELECTRONICS (formorty J.C. Solos tk Sonics! CASH and CARRY REPAIRS tr Fri-ecu We“. Wm mtrosoomtttmeoettro Bowl RADIOS. TELEVISIONS. TAPE POWERS. RECGRD PLWERS Hm. Am. Pen-Ha PHONE 742-5971 on» Div 0:30 mm. - 6:00 Fm. Sunni-v 8 mm. _ s um. Walter L. Ragland Book reviews Eisenhower work Lutheran Life Insurance Society of Canada I » ;'»MW '5', I Ill ‘3 .{ a; , Non-fiction Astronomy in colour; con- temporaries ideas about the universe by P. L. Brown. Towards the discovery of by Joan Fleming. Sloop of war; a young lieu- tenant takes over the com- mand of a British ship dur- ing the American war of in- dependence by Alexander Kent. The way up; memoirs of Count Gramont, a swash- buckling figure at the court of Louis XV. The nowhere man; plight of an Indian immigrant in England by Kamala Mark- andaya. The slick and the dead; a suspense novel about two disinterred corpses by Philip Cleife. Where the east wind blows; suspense and excitement on a remote Hebridean island by Alistair Mair. The silver pineapple; a search involving the threat of a major art scandal by Elizabeth Kyle. - The enemy I kill; another Canadian adventure story by Alexander Knox. Walter L. Luecke Canada; selected essays by Canada's internation- ally known historian by Don- aid Creighton. In the eye of the storm: Angota's people; a history and condition of a deprived people by Basil Davidson. Eisenhower and the Amer- ican ensues; an assess- . _ ment of the administration Han Suy m. of the United States Govern- Ihrmesteader; a n ment in the 1950's by H. s. Wylyqod recalled by . Pamet. Minifie. . o Rotarians holding, fir ld . d . e51 e m uctlon The Waterloo Rotary Club started their 1973 meetings January 9 at the Waterloo Motor Inn with 75 members and guests from Kitchener and the Conestoga Clubs attending. The blessing was given by Walter McLean with a remembrance for the late Lester B. Pearson. Four new members, Fred Laing, Ram Armen- ian, Don M‘Timkulu and Les Cox, who is leaving to take a new post in New- Draw held at Ford T.V. Limited, 114 King Street South in Waterloo. Ken Schatz, (right) owner of the store was on hand at the presentation. . Photo by Fred Miller Norman G. Stromborg Wis and Lutheran thothertrood, Minneapolis. Minn These two societies have now withdrawn from operations in Canada Lutheran Lite commen- ces operations with assets of $26 million. life insurance in force of $160 million and more than 20.1110 members m British Columbia. Alberta. Saskatchewan, Manitoba and orttario.Home office Is located in the Mars- land Centre, Waterloo, Ontario The Caribbean Islands in (all color; by H. W. Harman. A horse around the house; maintaining and enjoying a horse by Patricia Jacob- The running deluge; Mao Tsetung and the Chinese revolution, 1893-1954 by Han Suyin. Homestead"; a prairie boyhood recalled by James Minifie. foundland were introduced to the club. A fireside induction meeting will be held Janu- ary 16 at the home of Presi- dent Glen Machan, 279 Glenridge Place in Water- loo. The following new mem- bers are invited to attend, Ken Pflug, Raffi Armen- ian, Leslie Cox, Fred Laing, Harold Basse, Don M'Timkulu, Nelson Amy and Howard Pippy. The proposers of these men are also invited. David J. Michael