. a 1llt.tnetettt.t)tteone%'TttqesVttatvtAtt02 " l Lli_ri5lIrl]0? Children & Teens Gymnastics and Tiny Tots Sports Club Lead- ership Development. Adult - Slim 'n Trim, Slim 'n Swim. Volley- ball, Basketball. GYM ACTIVITIES Children - Beginners, Pre-Junior, Junior, Syn- chronized. Adult - All Levels Mother tk Child RED CROSS SWIM 186 KING ST, SOUTH 744-1711 WATERLOO Congratulations to . . . . . starting JAN. " - SAVE up to 10 to 25% and more on specially Marked items HARPER ELECTRONICS free. We'll help you plan. . . do the packing and unpacking if you wish. Our men handle everything as though it were their own. We've been in the business of moving families to bright new locations since 1928. We know what you expect. Efficiency and reasonable costs. Let us give you a free estimate - no obligation. across town or across the street can betrouble- YWCA EQUITABLE LIFE 44 King St. s.. Waterloo 576-7730 Opposite Waterloo Square Open Tues. To Fri 10 to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. on your bright new location. We are proud to have been associated with your move. ' 'The Friendly Movers .. MOVING . STORAGE . PACKING . SHIPPING JANUARY CLEARANCE TIPPET-RICHARDSON LTD. at HARPER ELECTRONICS See '12 te, Action i, Batik Basic Hand Weaving Bridge instruction Cake Decorating . Crochet Decoupage House Plants Bridge Clubs . T.A.B. - Mothers and Childreinake-A-Break at the Y.W. . Neighborhood Y.W. Groups - Take-A-Break in your own neighborhood. Call 744-6507 or 744-1 71 1. - ADULT INFORMAL COURSES ADULT INFORMAL GROUPS Register Now Classes Start Soon 84 FREDERICK STREET 744-6507 KITCHENER PEAREN. a daughter to bt. nora and Wayne Paaran. 217 Huntingdon Cnscent. Wa- terloo. at St Mary's Hospi- tal. January 5. YOUNGER. a daughter tty Pttrwar and Daniel Younger. , 3O Dunbar Road South. Wa twice. at St, Mary's Hospi- tal.Januaty 4. PYKE. twin boys to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pm. 601 Sil- varb’uch Road. Waterioo. at K-W Hospital. January 6, GERRARD. a son, James CAMERON. I daughter. Erin New Miriam. to Miriam and Don Cameron. 106 Sea- gram Dave. Wan-doc. at St. Mary's Hospital. Jamr Intemational Cooking Knitting Macrame Sewing Silk Screen Print Making and Ham Mm. "t Mount Ann. Drive. Nam. at St. Mary’s Wat. Jan- Agent: . Allied Van Lines 1/70 The Look Is Leather at I N ' [WINE WestmogggPlie Waterloo I Deaths. The work was divided into five parts and tenders called for each. Council accepted the lowest tender in all cas- es. The total cost, accord- ing to the tenders, is $126,- 305. The estimated cost was $12l,500. Construction will be finished in the spring. Schiedel Construction of Contract awarded for CSB building The project is being finan- ced under the federal gov- ernment winter works pro- gram. It will include a gar- age, workshop and green- house. The federal grant will be approximately $50,000. The building will replace the present CSB facilities in Waterloo Park. UMBACH, Herbert. 158 King Street North. Waterloo. January 4. 82 years. . GUTZKI. Henry, 57 Bridge- port Road East. Waterloo. January 6. 78 years. KIENAPPEL. Leander. 97 William Street West. Water- loo. January 7. 68 years. WANDERVEEN. George. 36 Amos Avenue. Waterloo. January 6. 68 years. MATISZEK. Teresa. 196 Hil- lrard Avenue. Waterloo. January 7. 69. GALLANT, Andrew. .17 Fir Street.; Waterloo, January IO. 56 years. , HEIMBECKER. H. Stuart. formerly of Waterloo. January 9. 64 years. Waterloo council awarded tenders for a $50,000 com- munity services board building at its regular meet- ing January 3. The building will be erected on North- field Drive. MOORE. I son. Tm Cher- lee. to Mr. and Ma. Charles Moote.24 Ezra Avenue.Wa- tedoo, at St. Mary's Nomi. tel. January 7. DTEZLER. a doughun. Etaimt Marie. to Barbara and An- drew new", RR 3. Watt»- loo. at St. Marks Hospital. January 8. CROSS, a son. Peter Robe". to Flora and George Cross. 258 Alexandre Avon- ue. Weterbo. at K-W Hot- pital, January 10. SPRUNG. a son. Gordon Peter. to Mr. and Mrs. Pe- ter Sprung. . 5 Pittsbtd Close. Watenoo. at K-W Hospital. January 6. REDFERN. a son. Geof- ftey Owen. to Judy and Owen Redfern. 269 North- crest Place. Waterloo. at St. Mary's Hospital. Jan- uary 8. wt; Pum~t~ Dnvi'd 60mm. 550 sumo.- hil Avenue. Viv-Moo. at St. Mary's Noon-I. Janu- as“ Bulmer- Robertson Marian Elizabeth (Betty) Bulmer married Gordon Gardiner Robertson m Oban. Scotland. December 28. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bulmer. 1 12 Westmount Road South. Waterloo. The bridegroom is of Oban, WEBER-PETERSON - 'Dorothy Marie Weber and Lawrence Leonard Peterson were married December 28 at Erb Street Mennonite Church, Waterioo. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weber. RR2. Waterloo. -photo by om“ mom Enasco Limited of Water- loo will do the electrical work at a cost of $12,000. County Mechanical Con- tractors of Kitchener will do the mechanical work for $17,525. Hespeler was awarded the general trades work for $52,- 233. Con-Dun Limited of Waterloo will assemble and erect the pre-engineered steel superstructure for $27,- Lord and Bumham Com- pany of St. Catharines will build the greenhouses at a cost of $13,062. Weddings In other business, council approved a 1972 interim levy of as mills. Clerk Dur- ward Preston said the bills would be mailed out in Jan- uary and that taxes would be due February 22 to 25. was also 28 mills The interim levy for I971 4.23:3 MOTORCYCLE SALES AND SERVICE 325 Weber St. North 745-5ttte3 OPEN Tue-that. 9 am. to 6 psf?', Kawasaki Tanis-Joy Freeland and Kevin Brian Krauel were married Saturday at the Royal Canadian Air Force association wing 404 head- quarters. Dutton Drive. Wa- terloo. Rev. Walter Murray of Parkminister United Church officiated, The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Freeland. Kitchener The bridegroom's parents are Mr/ and Mrs Paul Krauel. 254 Stanley Drive. Waterloo, The meeting will be held in the story room of the Kit- chener public library be- ginning at 8 pm. The other speaker is a qitpresentative of the Ontario human rights commission who will talk about the commission 's acti- vities and how the caucus and other human rights or- ganizations relate to it. 5267 A general discussion will follow each speaker's pres- entation. Further information about the caucus can be obtained by calling 578-4655 or 576- A representative of the provincial government's wo- men's "bureau will be one of two guest speakers for the K-W human rights cau- cus meeting tonight. It is the caucus' first pub- lic meeting since it was or- ganized late in 1971 by a group of K-W citizens "in- terested in pmmotingNte protection of human rights as enunciated in the univer- sal declaration of human rights, including those rights protected by the On- tario human rights code." After a honeymoon in Cor- fu on the Mediterranean. the couple will live in Watertoo. Freeland-Krauel Rights caucus holds first meeting tonite The newiyweds will live tn lnnerkip, Ontario, w,