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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Jan 1972, p. 16

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Business: After Hours: For beginners or people heading south in the winter or north in the summer. Members and Non-Mem- bers. Wednesday 1:30 - 2:30 EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME Men or women to re-stock and collect money from new type high quallty com-operated dus- pensers In your area No sell- mg To qualify. must have car. references. $1000 oo to $3000 oo cash Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent Income More lull tlme We Invest With your and establish your route For personal mtennew wnte BV Distributors Ltmrted. Dept "A". 1163 Tecumseh Road East, Windsor 20, Omano THE KITCHENER Water- 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE 16 Waterloo Chronich, Thursday, January 13, 1972 TWO LARGE OFFICES a- vailable on Weber Street, Waterloo, reasonable rent, available immedia- tely, Phone 744-5171. 5 NEW TWIN Home for rent, close to Westmount Road, three large bedrooms. dining room. living room, full basement with walk- out. $186.00 per month, pay own heat and utili- ties, family only. Phone 578-2644. 2 8 HOUSE FOR RENT 7A OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FARM HOUSE wanted to rent. within 20 miles south or east of Waterloo. Phone 578-7118 or Guelph 823-1225. 2 Insurance Agency 279 Webs: North. Wattrttoo PHONE 1 COMmWEVEhlTS& " ARTICLES FOR SALE " ARTICLES FOR SALE " SERVICES 8A HOUSE WANTED TO RENT 23 INCH Zenith Television, table model, remote con- trol, in A-l condition, Phone 57643478 2 Terms Arranged AUTO HOME BUSINESS loo Women's Coalition for Abortion Law Repeal meets Saturday, January 15, Room 151, Humani- ties Building, University of Waterloo, 1:30 pm. All women welcome. 2 for further information call the Service is our KNAC K W.H. KNACK PHONE 74a-6364 WATERLOO FAMILY Y ANNOUNCEMENTS 579-3500 145 Lincoln Road BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SKIN DIVING "r. a. 743-9091 742-3498 tf .3):qu Company Limited Waterloo Square Mall 743-2691 Ext. 36 CHORD ORGAN - Admir- al console model, good condition, $75.00. Phone 578-5942 after six p.m. WHITE, 47 piece china set $35.00. Volkswagen windshield, best offer. Phone 576-5412. 2 WESTINGHOUSE 30 inch UNION GAS McGill Unwersuty Press. 441 Pages. over 50 Pages of B/W plates Regular Pnce $22 50 now on special at $15.75 quantity lumuted 12 KING ST NORTH Upstairs next to the Waterloo Theatre (over the Waterloo Meat Market) Open 10a.m. - 10pm, 578-4950 COMBINATION HuimN, FIER-Dehumidifier unit, Electrohome, automatic controls, used two seasons, retail price $210. sale price $115. 578-5567. tf RELIEF F ROM sympton of Clearance of fur and stock hats hand made. 50 Roslin Avenue South, Waterloo. NEW 30" GAS RANGE stove. General Electric 12 cubic foot refrigerator. Chesterbed suite, gold blend. Kenmore dish washer. All in perfect con- dition, reasonable. Phone 744-1017. 2 GRACE MILLINERY- allergies and asthma or money refunded. Elcar Air Purifiers remove od- or. pollen and fine dust also attacks bacteria. mold and mildew. Sivad Sales .. Service 578-1570. Cook with Gas BARGAINS IN BOOKS 19th CENTURY POTTERY AND PORCELAIN IN CANADA as low as sl 6969 I -.-Me._ Iv VBDOK BARN THE tf Minimum 1 5 words $1.00 Each additional word ' NEW and USED Office Fur- niture, machines. typewri- ters, adding machines. Re- pairs - Rentals. Lockhart Office Supply, 659 King West, Kitchener. 742-1582. Cl RCULAR SAW sharpening regular and carbide. kni- ves and scissors. Repre sentative for Monroe X- 73 Ice Remover. fee and snow melting pellets that really work, non-polluting. contain no salt. Place your order now to insure delivery before it snows. Phone Lorne's Mower and Appliance Service 578-9130. (if! BUNK BEDS or single bed outfit, bookcase, chest of drawers, in good condi- tion. 578-8217. 2 USED TYPEWRn'ERS - do not have to be in working order. 742-1582 or 744-9130. 5 Pnncess St West Waterloo 742 5971 We sell and service Radios. Television. Re cord Players. Tape Play ers 14 ARTICLES WANTED WORD 0F MOUTH ADVERTISING IS SECOND TO NONE But for those of you who haven't heard try " BOOK EXCHANGE 28 Regina North. Waterloo Open 9 am an 10 pm. INTERESTED IN STEREO? See Our Soundroom WAT ERLOO ElECTRDNICS SQPPLY co. no. 219 Hartwood Avenue 745-9421 We Sell And Exchange All Types of Books and Records J.C. ELECTRONICS PIANO TUNING REGULATING and REPAIRING Call MARVIN MICKUS 579-4505 SERVICES iill;l) (th (I) tf 5 Princess West, Waterloo across from Waterloo Bowl Open Daily 8:30a.m. -6:00rrrn. Saturday 9 am. - 5 pm. (formetly J C sakes tk Service) APPLIANCE REPAIRS - Mobile service plus pick- up and delivery. home’s Mower and Appliance Ser. vice. 578-9130. tf H0 ME, AUTO PORTABLE RADIOS, TELEVISIONS. TAPE PLAYERS. RECORD PLAYERS PHONE 742-5971 Residential & Commercial Wiring 774 king West. Kitchener CHIMNEYS C L E A N E D Roorchimney r e pa i r s snow-ice removed from roots, weather stripping. Handyman Linseman 578- RECREATION ROOMS in- WELDING DAMMAN MACHINE SHOP For Free Estimates BOB DEKKER 744-8292 AUTOMOTIVE RADIATOR SERVICE Other Services Include stalled. reasonable rates. references. Call 743-7188 after 6:00 p.m. 2 DU RACLEAN after hours 579-3060 Clean your whole house- Carpets, Chairs. Lamp Shades. Chestemelds Phone Gas Tanks and Radiators Repaired CASH and {TERRY REPAIR Electric Motors and Power Tools Repaus - Sales Senoce 91 University Ave. East 576- 1570 579-6650 SCANDIA ELECTRIC J. C. ELECTRONICS Wall Washing and Floor Stnppong to all CLASSiFiED DEADLINE - 12 NOON TUESDAY BABYSITTER OR mother's HOUSEKEEPER and Baby- IRONER REQUIRED - ap- proximately two - three hours per week, Maple Hill area. Phone 578-0018. Steady employment, fringe benefits, good wages and working condition. One block Trom “trolley stop. Hours7:30a.m.to4:00p.m. Apply in Person 22 SITUATIONS WANTED 23 21 JOBS PRIMARILY OF INTEREST TO WOMEN CLEANERS, BABYSIT- TERS and Homemakers for private homes, mature persons required im- mediately. Call Home Personnel 578-1570. 4 That can mean profit for you Avon Representatives cam money selling high quality Avon products in their spare time Need money? Call Avon now. sitter for new born infant wanted in Conestoga. starting February. about 30 hours per week. Call Mrs. Ross at'744-6111, Extension 2555 days or 664-2744 evenings. helper required in my home, two days per week. for th year old, near Moses Springer Park. Bus fair paid. Write Box 160 Waterloo Chronicle. 2 Company Limited 202 Regina Street North Waterloo WANTED BOYS & GIRLS To Deliver Newspapers AUDIO TRANSFORMER Call Mr. Bond 744-4435 38 LIGHT ASSEMBLY WORKERS DING D 0 N G! Everyone Knows Investment " small GLOBE MAIL 743-0421 AGENTS & SALE HELP AVON and NO STRIKES or layoffs. tll in business for yoursel with an Electrolux fran- chise. Start part-time. No cash outlay. Training and assistance given. See- ond language an advant- age. Excellent commis- sions. Car essential. Phone 743-8278 ask for Mr. Jo- ACCORDIAN, GUITAR and Chord Organ lessons avail- able. Westmount and Erb area. Phone 578-9042. M WANTED - GUITAR LES- MASSAGE - RM. Boudreau‘ Reg. M., 309 King East,' Apt. 2, Kitchener. 742- 4283 by appointment only. 4 SALES HELP required to HOUSEWIVES AND Par- ents - Now that the child- ren are back at school. do you have 10 - 20 hours per week. to work right in your own community. World Book - Childcraft of Can- ada Limited will train you to sell educational mater- ials. Excellent commis- sions. You can earn your own complete educational plan too. For appointment Phone 578-5117. 3 EUROPEAN DRESSMA K- 33 BUSINESS PERSONAL Full time sales help wanted to sell our large line of calendars. advertising specialties. marking de- vices and business gifts. Will also consider sales- man carrying other lines, or to work part time. Ex- cellent commission ar- rangement. Repeat busi- ness. Reply in detail. Re- plies held in confidence, Multi Advertising Special- ties, Box 94. Brockville, Ontario. 4 26 DRESSMAKING & ALTERATIONS 23 AGENTS AND SALES HE LP.WANTED Prices were generally higher than a year ago at the first Ontario trappers' association fur auction of the season held recently at North Bay Beaver brought an average of $15.00 per pelt, 30 per cent more than at last year's opening sale. and all other species but marten also commanded increased prices, Bear hides brought more than twice the December 1970 price. DRESSMAKING and Alter- ations done. 34 Allen Street East, Waterloo. Phone 743-0463. 40 ER - Specializing in dres- ses and alterations. Phone TM-0987. tf SONS, Lincoln Heights area. Phone 578-0367. 2 sell high quality home care products. Good com- mission. small invest- ment, free training. Phone 578-8144. 3 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION

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