Building activity do wn from 1970 In December, 1970, per- mits were issued for $468,650 worth of construction. In November, 1971, the total was $1.2 million. Cougar scorers were Pat Bauer, Al McKeating and Dave Good. Al Thomas, Brian Novak and Jerry The City of Waterloo is- sued permits in December, 1971, for over $650,000 worth of construction. Thirty-nine residential, one commercial and three industrial per- mits were approved. by Arlo Ringle Doug Sample, with two goals and an assist, and Tom arrison, with two goals, led il'; Firebirds to a 6-3 victory over the Cougars in Twin City juvenile play. Don MacKenzie had a goal am vo assists for the Firehirds: Jim Dietrich, a goal and an assist; John Schwindt and Bob_Bechtel, one assisbeach. The win landed them in second place and the Cou- gars dropped to the cellar. But building activity for 1971 was over $7 million less than in 1970. The city issued permits for almost $29 million in 1970 and for $21.5 million in 1971. The most significant dif- ference was between the $8.3 million worth of govern- ment and institutional per- mits in 1971 and $15.8 mil- lion for the same category in 1970. But residential construe tion was up over 1970. Per- mits were issued for 884 dwelling units in 1971 and only 802 units in 1970. The city collected $2.110 revenue for 43 building. two demolition, one renewal, 27 plumbing and 27 trench and sewer permits and one impost levy during Decem- The Grand River conser- vation authority has ap- pointed a full-time biolo gist to its regular staff . Allen Sandilands of Glen Morris will be responsible for developing a fish and wildlife management pro- FIRST CONCERT , Sun, Jan. 16, 3 p.m. For thin" (omen Mrs " l Cousin!" 7444'“ Mrs, G, Hohwy 741-0193 Adls Stud-MI Humanities "wove, University of Waverioo Guest Artist SANDRA WATTS, TWO *CONCERT SERIES K-W JUNIOR SYMPHONY Firebirds down Cougars 6-3 Music Director Roffi Armenian Conservation authority hires hio'hhtqitt -- Oboist "ries I†Sin... " Twin City juvenile league gram for the river valley. He will work under the di- rection of Norman Old- field. chief of the forestry and wildlife branch. Mr. Sandilands has a varied background in fish and water quality studies. Cougars McKinnon picked up assists. Cougars " GTO's, 6 Hard skating and team p.m.; Firebirds vs Mustangs spirit have given the Birds 7 p.m. Starting times will be two wins and a tie in their exactly as shown above. last three starts. Players-give your team Schedule for January 16 and coach a break-be on Schedule for January 16 at Waterloo arena: Mustangs Firebirds GTO's ["jiirlTjTlliIlllE0ljile a I. FRY! (fltyr WW\\, 'ii/ l _ all you can eat If!" Ocean Cod with French Fries Cole Slaw, Roll and Butter KING & DUPONT STREETS, WATERLOO Bring the Family-the/ll love it! every Monday may 5pm m9pm CQQnge He holds a bachelor of science degree from the University of Waterioo and has spent considerable time working in Quebec in such positions as research assistant. game warden, and supervisor of a fish T FAPts. 0251610 21013 8 11422 7 "Mr. Sandilands will be of great help to us in a number of Ter and programs", sai Mr. Coutts. The appointment was ap- proved by the authority executive committee De- cember 30 and became effective Saturday. G. M. Coutts. authority general manager said that Mr. Sandilands' appoint- ment will round out the ex- pertise of the authority staff. transportation scheme." Mr. Sandilandslias con- centrated his studies and work in a specialized field of biology which relates to water life population studies. He has been working tem- porarily with the authority to-carry out a fish and wa- ter quality study and to es- tablish sampling programs. (next door to Waterloo Theatre) oi1tt-ioo,tlthrt'th8rrTttrteur"Atr_rri_1,h_1?1?. 16 l "di-rid Custom Pipe Bending l I SHOPS Shocks l 2 min. "mspoctiort - no obligation i 180 Weber North 578-3320 Watertool Lil Open moi _ Sat IO am. - am pm. Telephone 745.6713 “’ZTV' "' .. ----_ _.-----. "Iainâ€: '. Handgun-d Gifts Collector's Item " AHIrNECllmt PRESCRIPTION BOTTLES _ 90 . 100 your; old of _ Canadian m IGUNION STREET EAST, WATERLOO. ONTARIO The TREASURE TROVE of GIFTS North Ainoricu's Only Coast to Coast Nunavut of Exclusive Auto Muffler Shops tia; FAST. FREE MUFFLER INSTALLATION