Alhtefdittg, Carol Radder and A. Joss as" DeGroot were married Jan- Wal nary 1 at First Christian Re- pan formed Church in Kitchener Det Rev. PL. Van Katwijk officiated, l The bride is a daughter of ner Neil Macadam. county board d education trustee for Waterloo. was elected vicechairman of the board at its 1912 inaugural meet- ing January 4. He replaced Lorraine Mansfield. trustee for Wa- terloo Township and Bridge- port, who held the post during 1971. Fred Stiefelmeyer, trustee for Kitchener, was re-elec- ted chairman. He is begin- MacEachem elected board viqeitttaitetuait Raddor- DoGroot YOUTH BABYSITI‘ING COURSE: Learn the tech- niques of properly caring for infants and children Learn safety and first aid. Find out EXACTLY what is required of a babysitter. REMEMBER: Employers usually look for people with training. This course is offered to all teens, ages 14-17. 8 weeks, beginning Thursday. February 3. at 7:30 pm. Cost: $10 per person. SPEED READING & MEMORY TRAINING Stu- dents of this course usually more than double their reading speed, and also increase their memory effectiveness and concentration. The instructor, Mr. Don Schafer, BA., warns that some home- work is necessary for maximum results. 12 weeks, beginning Thurs., Jan. 27, at 7:30 p.m. The tuition fee is $70, which includes four texts and both we and post-testing. t$55 of tuition is income tax deductible. ) BASIC YOGA: This ancient discipline helps to develop a calm and relaxed sense of well-being. It also helps to slim and trim without exhausting ex- ercise. Our instructor, Mr. Umesh Sharma, learn- ed Yoga from Master Yogi Swami Sivinanda of India, and has taught both there and in Canada for many years. Two times to choose from. BASIC YOGA l: 8 weeks, beginning Tues., Feb. 1, at 7 :30 p.m. Cost: $22 per person. or $40 per couple. BASIC YOGA ll: 8 weeks, beginning Tues., Feb. 1, at 8: 45 p.m. Cost: $22 per person, or $40 per coup- le. WOMEN'S WORLD: A series of eight Tues. after- noon informal lectures on topics of interest and con- cern to all thinking women. The topics are varied and informative. and speakers will be scheduled on subjects suggested by the group. This course begins Tuesday, January 25. at 1:30 pm, and costs $l2 per person. BABYSITTING WILL BE PROVIDED CLASSES ARE LIMITED. REGISTER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! YOUTH CLASS ADULT INFORMAL CLASSES AT 1rlllHllE WATERLOO YMCA PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Mr. and Mrs. cttristian.Rad- dark, 13 Dietz Avenue South. Watertoo, The bridegtoom's parents are Mr, and Mrs, Arie DeGroot of Kitchener ttietgttistteeuetdyearisttite The" 1960's had given school boards the challenges of expansion and growth but the l970's will provide a greater challenge. said Mr. Stiefelmeyer in a brief in- augural address. While growth needed to be curtailed, the quality of education must be main- tained and upgraded wher- ever possible, he said. The couple win live in Kitchtr GENERAL INTEREST FOR INFORMATION AND BROCHURE WATERLOO FAMILY YMCA 145 LINCOLN RD. 579-3500 YOGA SOCIAL DANCING GUITAR PUBLIC SPEAKING GOLF CREATIVE WRITIN' MAGIC GOURMET COOK" PSYCHOLOGY HOME BUYING HOME REPAIR PHOTOGRAPHY EXPLORING THE SUPERNATURAL Re ogrttirttr" an! {inn- cial restrictions Why the government were a m jor problem as was the method of municipal tax levying which seemed to equitable in some areas. “Until this matter is equitably resolved. we will lack the support of all the citizens of this county," he said. Westmount Place SYNTHESIS "It will be necessary for WOMENS SELF IMPROVEMENT: "Discover A New You!" This 13 week course has 25 separate one hour lessons (2 per evening) in Wardrobe, Makeup, Poise, Social Graces, and Figure Im- provement. Instructor Pennylynn Thomas is a former head teacher of the Patricia Stevens Fin- ishing School. The course begins at 7:00 p.m., on Thurs., Feb. 3. The tuition fee of $50 per person includes all take-home material. and is income tax deductible. (A full outline of the course will be given on Thurs., Jan. 27, at 8:00 pm.) CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH CLASSES: Our in- structor. Mrs. Jackie Cuthbertson (B.A. French) teaches two classes. One course is for beginners and the second is for those with some knowledge of Canada's second language. (Students who have taken the beginner course are capable of the inter- mediate course. i Cost includes texts. BASIC FRENCH: 10 weeks, beginning Wed., Jan. 26, at 7:30 p.m. Cost: $25 per person. or $46 per couple. INTERMEDIATE FRENCH: 10 weeks. beginning Wed., Jan. 26. at 8:45 p.m. Cost: $27 per person. or $50 per couple (income tax deductible). CHILD PSYCHOLOGY: This 8 week course. taught by a Ph. D. candidate will discuss child rearing techniques. child behaviour, social atti- tudes, intellectual growth, and other topics of in- terest to the class. The first meeting is on Monday, January 31, at 8:00p.m, Cost: $25 per person. AND MANY MANY MORE! OTHER CLASSES OFFERED AT THE KITCHENER YMCA A -‘ 19' .~"":*- taxes in- Sound Sensational STEREO SHOP SOCIAL DANCING PUBLIC SPEAKING ' CREATIVE WRITING GOURMET COOKING u "-e-tttte-4ttt pm- ciat authorities that in am we must have greater fi- nancial suppon or we can't carry out the task entrusted to us and offer the level of educational A opportunity that I know the citizens of this county expect for their children." - Board members were ap- pointed during the meeting to sit on the various statu- tory and ad hocsommittees. Phone 579-5650 HOBBIES & SKILLS INTERIOR DESIGN WORKSHOP. Through illus- trated lectures and projects using actual materials and colours. students learn both how and why to decorate. Instructor, Jim McGhee of Hamilton. is a graduate of the New York School of Interior Design. 10 weeks. beginning Wed., Feb. 2, at 8:00 pm. Tuition is $26 per person (Income tax deductible). . CHINESE COOKING: Taught right at THE CHINA KITCHEN, 51 King St. N.. Waterloo, by the owner, Mr. Gordie Mah. Upon completion, both MEN & WOMEN should be able to prepare a Chinese feast in their own kitchen. Tuition fee includes all ma- terials and recipes. 8 weeks, beginning Tues.. Feb. I, at 8:00 p.m. Cost: $25 per person. or $45 per couple. (Please register at the Waterloo Family AUTO CARE AND REPAIR: For utterly unmech-' anical and unknowledgeable MEN & WOMEN. this practical course will help you to understand. to appreciate, and even to repair your car. Instruc- tor John Muir is a licensed mechanic. 8 weeks, beginning Mon., Feb. 7. at 8:00 pm. Cost: $18 per person, or $30 per couple. BEGINNERS BRIDGE: Basic fundamentals of North America's most popular card game. Begins Tues., Jan. 25. 8:00 p.m. Fee: $20 per person, $36 per couple. INTERMEDIATE BRIDGE: Offensive techni- ques for those with some bridge experience. Be- gins Wed, Jan. 26, 8:00 p.m. $22 per person, $40 per couple. ADVANCED BRIDGE: The subtle arts of defen- sive bridge for ex rienced players. Begins Mom. Jan, 24, 8:00p.rn. gm†person. $46 per couple. BRIDGE CLASSES: Choose one of our classes and learn to play bridge or improve your ability. Our expert bridge instructor, Mrs. Joy Staines, keeps the classes relaxed and enjoyable All classes run for 8 weeks, WOMENS BALLET: An 8 week "enjoyment" course for adult women who want to use this ex- citing art to stay in shape and try their hand at one of the best forms of self-expression. No previous experience is necessary, according to instructor Jim Guse', formerly of the National Ballet of Can- ada. The course begins Wed., Jan. 26, at 2:00 p.m. Cost: $18 per person. LADIES‘ AFTERNOON BRIDGE: Women may gather for cards, coffee, and socializing. Hostess Joy Staines will be available to give advice and teach the fine points of the game should you need help, Begins Wed., Jan. 26 at [.30 Fm, Costs $12 per person, BABYSITTING PROVIDED, at the hour of lt o’clock Al, at the Company's Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario. fur the purpose " receiving the Annual Repoet at the Company for the year eesdintCDeeeantter am, 1971; for the election of direetors; tee the appointnem of Auditors; and for the transaction of such other bushes. as may property be brought more the Meeting." "no Waterloo Mutual Imam Company wit! be held on WAY MARY 24th, I972 riUl11lEliii& WATERL00, ONTARIO, JANUARY 10, 1972. M. W. BOTH, Secretary