Midget house league all-stars to play against Toyota's Monday q Toyota 's lose to Detroit. defeat Gait midgets by Dough Thiel 1n the past week all coach- es and myself met to discuss any difficulties, It was de- by Don Dreisinger Waterloo Toyota midgets were blanked 2-0 by Detroit Slassons in their first game of the Hespeler tournament by whipping Gall midgets 6-2 in a Hub league game at Waterloo arena Tuesday night. The game at Hespeler was well-played and excellent haltending kept the score wn. Both teams missed many scoring opportunities. All teams in the tournament play eight games and the championship is decided on total points. The line of Wietfle-Kuen- zi-Beaupre was most threatening, missing three great scoring chances. Terry Douglas, Mare Thiel and Mario Mayer also play- ed well. Mike Blake was outstanding in goal. There were 22 penalties, including four misconducts to Galt players, during Tues- day's game. The 1osergcon- centrated on rough play learn to ride the right way. Export instruction to " ages. lessons I hour dura- tion. Indoor arena. Horse and tack provided. Ideal Christmas present. Towco riders again this year won many champion- ships and "Firsts" at lead- ing Horse Shows in Can- odo and us. In the Jr. Div- ision, Towco riders won more championships and "Firsts" thon any other stable in Oncaria. IO TAWCO STABLES 37S COlUMIIA ST. W. WATERLOO PHONE 742-6551 RIDING LESSONS STABLES “fans $60 PLEASE! DON'T DRINK and DRIVE TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS EXTEND SINCERE SEASONS GREETINGS "MAY GOOD HEALTH AND PROSPERITY BE YOURS m 1972" THE FACTORY OUTLET THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF cided that players and coaches must show more respect for the officials and that the teams be recognized The game is being pro- tested by Galt on the grounds of bad retereeing but when a team picks up 14 penalties, it can't be all the officials' fault. rather than hockey Steve Beaupre gave Wat- erloo a 2-0 lead and was as- sisted on both by Woe1fle and Kuenzi. Mark Gray and John Shaver each scored once in the second period for Call to tie the game. Reg Schnarr, Larry Doug- las, Mike Yosurack and Mario Mayer each scored once in the third period for Waterloo. Coach Jim Ford and my- self are pleased with the way the team is perform- ing. If they continue to keep up the pace, they should be in the win column more reg- ularly. PIRIE’S PHARMACY 220 King St.S. WATERLOO on Christmas Day WALLPAPER & PAINT g), f g2oe ' tf is. q _ P Fliri.J, , dl/L"' . I , u " \ "the thought that counts" HATASHITA'S to stimulate more interest in the bottom two. I conducted a player draft and all those involved have been notified, and a notice has been posted on the bul- letin board at Moses Spring- er. A list will also be posted of a house-league all-star team to play against the Toyota team. FREE BABY SITTING The all-stars will practice tonight at 10 p.m. at Wat- erloo arena and the game will be Monday at the same rink In Tuesday's first game, the Rangers fought hard to score two goals in the third period and tie the Sabres Waterloo Kitchener WITH PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE Monday to Friday 2 to 4 p.m BRING YOUR LITTLE DARLING TI FITNESS CENTRE WATERLOO SO. LO_V_VER MALL 743-3689 JESSE“ Lri15f.E2E 8.95 to $15.95 for CUSTOMERS 41 JOHN ST. WEST WATERLOO 578-5530 Ontario th Duke Sts. " John Wolf and Paul Frieburger both played steadily in goal. Kerry Croft and Ron Wat- son scored for Buffalo: Ken Brown scored both Ranger goals. - The Bruins came from be- hind 3-1 to defeat the Hawks times in the third period. There were five minor penalties in the game, two to the Bruins and three to the Hawks. Harry Hendel. Mike Ober- holzer, Grant Plomske and Dave Schnarr scored for the Hawks. Bob Meyer, Ter- ry Robinson. Rick Schwindt. Waterloo Square Open Daily s mm. to 6 p.m. Saturday s 3.011. to , sun. r' "cy _ ‘ Q t2 I ii,,::, I “e u . iM ‘ 'ellllBl8llli8 ‘ I q , 1iNNillg " an“ 3 , liNf L' ' r BiiiiiiiiRgiligill1 E - - ' ‘ iillilrlRrl, 'ilMi.' XXV r Stickler scored for The final game, between Detroit and Canadiens, was also a 2-2 draw. There were " minor penalties, 10 to De ceptlonally well in the De- troit goal Dan Blair and Cord Dew nis scored for Detroit: Jem t.atrrltto Chronido. W. Doc-Inna Mt, um is Terry Mills played fr ICE SKATING - Moses Springer Arena l - WATERLOO COMMUNITY 5% K4,“) ti SERVICES Rang; BOARD Sunday, December 19th, 1971 2 :00 P.M. Stratford vs Waterloo Cedarbrae Public School Presented by Lakeshore Village Community Associa- tion December 18th, 1971- 1:30 to 4 :30 PM On: December 27th, 28th. 29th, 30th, and 3lst, 1971. The Bus will make pick-ups at: 10:00 AM - Corner of King and University East Side 10:15 AM - Moses Springer Recreation Centre 10:30 AM - Waterloo Square (Near the Cross Walk! 10:45 AM - Kitchener City Hall 11 :00 AM - Berkley Square. Senior Citizens Drop-in-Centre, 20 Albert Street, Wa- terloo Open Daily. For further information about the centre and other senior activities call 579-1020 Returning from ChicoPee at 4:00 PM. Please make your reservation at least M HOURS IN ADVANCE by calling: 576-2420; Extension: 48. Round Trip Fare: $1.00 This service may be cancelled on any particular day due to poor weather conditions or insufficient num- bers requesting this service. All those making reser- vations will be notified of cancellations. SKIERS BUS SERVICE TO CHICOPEE SKI CLUB Friday, December 1 7th, 1971 8:30 P.M. " Watch this column for a complete list of activities taking place during the Christmas Holidays. " for Children up to and including Grade six-FREE Friday - 8:30 to 10:30 PM - Public Skating Saturday - 5:30 to?!) PM - Family Skating Saturday - 8:00 to 10:00 PM - Adults only Sunday 3:30 to 5:30 PM - Family Skating CHECKING AVAILABLE 10e Children: Me All-18:50: Family: $t.00 SORRY NO SPEC'rMORs St. Marys vs Waterloo JUNIOR "B" HOCKEY ACTIVITIES OF INTEREST " SENIORS Every Friday afternoon 1:30 P. M. Waterloo Bowling Lanes - Cost: tli "Christmas Film Festival" Waterloo Arena BOWLING Putchli and Phil Hoffman. forthecanadiens. poinis, one ahead of Buffalo. Rangers have, seven; fan- Hawks.two. Doug Snyder of Buffalo is leading scorer with 16 points. Brett suckler has 13; Dan Blair, 12; Kerry Midget house ieatrtttwltAt2 .ll 'I I LT", 4'" I? I ' - f l . 1 “has: l ‘