Insurance Agency k' 279 Weber North. Waledoo PHONE Business After Hours BUNGALOW mm ATTACHED GARAGE Bow window, stone front, completely decorated, cus- tom built cupboards, rough- ed-in plumbing for extra washroom in basement. The driveway is paved and the lawn sodded - all ready for you to move in. $3000. down. Call now! 2% YEAR OLD - Three bed- room brick bungalow, Lakeshore Village, nicely decorated, finished recrea- tion room, roughed in plumbing for extra wash- room in basement. land- scaped, paved drive, close to two schools and bus stop. Monthly payments $170.00. Mortgage 8Va% for 22% years. Two - 10 acre cottage lots, 80 miles from Water- loo, along river, good boat- ing, fishing, snowmobiling, No agents. For information call, residence 745-2264, business 743-5221 extention 203. after five 743-5222. 9A APT WANTED TO RENT 10A ROOMS FOR RENT 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE UNFURNISHED one bed- room apartment or private flat. Central Waterloo. Business woman. Phone 743-8495, 27 MONTH'S FREE Rent or 7A OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE 9 APTS FOR RENT DOUBLE or SINGLE rooms for male students, private kitchen and bathroom fa- cilities, parking, separate entrance. Phone 744-1528, 30 In clean modern building with ample parking. King and Weber area. Units from $75.00 per month. _ Wot-mo tPetit", 1mm. Jule e. um special rental bonus. Two bedroom apartment, a- vailable now, 3150,00 monthly includes appli- ances and utilities, Lake- shore Village, Days 745- 1108, Evenings 744-1033. Tums Arranged AUTO HOME BUSINESS Sonnet: is our KNACK W.H. KNACK OFFICE SPACE For Rent PHONE 576-8660 27 COMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS PHONE 744-6364 Martin May You Must 50. "In Looty "no. Bedroom Gonna! Controclov's Lumtod Days 705-1 we Evomngs 743-0603 743-9091 742-3498 1th tf Operates off batteries or household current on its own detachable line cord. An added plus: 2 motors - one for precise capstan drive and one for time saving for- ward and rewind action. This means constant tape speed when recording or playing because one motor does not have to do two jobs. It also means added motor life. An attractive vertical styling with convenient fold- away handle. VU meter allows accurate control of recording level and also pro- vides visual battery life check. Separate tone and volume control guarantees top quality sound micro- phone, patch cords and AC line an attractive cassette recorder for use at home or on the go. SIXTEEN FOOT moulded plywood boat $125.00. 40 " Evinrude motor, $175.00. Trailer - boat/uti- lily, $125.00. 742-5745. THOR WRlNGER Washer, white, with pump, two years old, just like new. Phone 745-8090. 27 ROOM and BOARD or room wanted by working girl. central Waterloo. Write Box 155 Chronicle. 27 GIRLS CLOTHING size RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS - For prompt delivery - ser- vice Phone 5766957 before 9 a. m., after 6 p.m. on " ARTICLES FOR SALE REFRIGERATOR - Inter- national Harvester, 10.5 cubic feet, across the top freezer, good condition. 14 James Street. 27 ELECTROLUX - Authorized Dealer. Phone 745-0245. MANS BICYCLE, good con- dition, rat trap, kick stand, ar' wheel, $20.00. Phone 743-8779. 27 11A ROOM & BOARD WANTED Plus 6 EXTRA TAPES 60 minutes each, worth $15.00 all for only 12 - M. Boy's clothing size 14. Phone 576-2191 evenings only. 27 SIGHT & SOUND see them now at Lower Mall Waterloo Square PHILIPS CASSETTE RECORDER/ PLAYER 745-4461 Open Thur & Fr, $49.95 till 10pm ti The BOOK BARN 10% OFF All BOOK PRICES To Students We offer a complete selec- tion of new books as well as moderately priced used books. Don't let the stairs scare you, there are only twenty of them. We're small and friendly, drop up! NEW and USED Office Fur- niture, machines, typewri- ters, adding machines. Re- pairs - Rentals. Lockhart Office Supply, 659 King West, Kitchener. 742-1582. MANUFACTURERS OUT- LET Company, Retail De- pot - Now located at 714 - 716 Belmont West, Kitchen- er. Sale of fabrics, numer- ous bargains from our re- gular stock of drapery, up- holstery. slip cover fab- rics, yard goods and rem- nants at special prices. Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Friday 9tfl0 a.m. - 9:00 pan. Satur- day 9200 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 742-6341. (if) 16 CARS FOR SALE Minimum 1 5 words $1.00 Each additional word B' 3 SPEED TAPE RECORDER Sharp T" Solid State Stereo, Model RD 715 C, complete with speakers, pause con- trol, large vu meters, aw tomatic shutoff and three digitcounter. List Price $319.90 OUR PRICE $199.95 WATERLOO ELECTRONICS SUPPLY " ARTICLES FOR SALE 7 King Street North (Upstairs) Splendid Selection of Art Glass, Silver. Brass, Stone Ware. Turn of Century Furniture Original Oils . Handcralts OPEN 6 DAYS WEEKLY PHONE 579-0540 12 KING ST. NORTH Upstairs next to the Waterloo Theatre lover the Waterloo Meat Market) Open 10a.m. -10p,rrt. Tuesday through Saturday Closed Mondays FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTs Photte742-MM. tf I968 FORD Fairlane two- door hardtop, va, automa- tic, one owner, low mile- age, 742-2565, 27 OPENING MONDAY, JULY 12th 10 a.m. Company Limited 219 Hanwood Avenue. Waterioo 745-9421 WATERLOO BOY & SELL ill;ri, tf Professional Driver Train- ing, No extra charge for road test, For more infor- mation call- Your home reflects your good taste when you decor- ate with custom made dra- peries. slip covers, uphol- stery and accessories . . . and sew them yourself on your WHITE sewing ma- chine. It's easy to get pro- fessional results with the easy-sew features and the time-saving attachments on the new WHITE sewing ma- chine. Be decorative and save money, too . . . with a WHITE, from $79.95. CIRCULAR SAW sha rpen-' SPECIALISTS ON Roof Re- pairs leaking roofs, roll roofing laid, shingles seal- ed, C. Linseman, 578-2270. Residential & Commercial Wiring 774 King West, Kitchener APPLIANCE REPAIRS - " ARTICLES FOR SALE PLUMBING and HEATING, New work, repairs. altera-- tions. Free estimates. Twin City Plumbing- and Heat- ing 742-0680. tf 19 ing, regular or carbide, knives and scissors. For pick-up Phone Lome’s Mo- wer and Appliance Service 578-9130 from 4:45 to 6:00 Dan. a Lower Mall Waterloo Square 745-4461 Open Thur & Fri, till IO pm HOME REMODELLING REPAIRS ADDITIONS ETC. General Carpentry E.J. OAKLEY 744-8864 Mobile service plus pick- up and delivery. Lome’s Mower and Appliance Ser- vice. 5788130. tf SIGHT & SOUND after hours 579-3060 Electric Motors and Power Tools Repairs - Sales - Semce YOU‘RE SEW DECORATIVE! 579-6650 DEFENSIVE DRIVING ACADEMY SCANDIA ELECTRIC Bus, 744-7238 Res. 743-6527 Waterloo SERVICES CLASSiFiED DEADLINE - 12 NOON TUESDAY (If) tf WELDING DAMMAN MACHINE SHOP QUALIFIED SUPERVISOR RELIABLE CLEANING " 21 JOBS PRIMARILYAOF INTEREST TO WOMEN BLUESTAR PAINTING and Wallpapering. If you want a good job at a reasonable price, please call IB6-2954, a good job at price, please after five p.m. PHONE 578-8585. help for Maple Hill area, Thursday mornings 9:00 - 12:00. $2.00 per hour. Phone 576-3846. . 27 required for Zion United Church, Pre-School Centre, a head-start program for four year olds, three half days per week. September to June. Phone 743-2012. For Free Estimates Kitchen Cabinets a Specialty "One call does it all .. Call AUTOMOTIVE RADIATOR SERVICE BOB DEKKER 744-8292 Other Services Include PROFESSIONAL J. & J. LAWN SERVICE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING Lawns Mowod White You're on Holidays DURACLEAN Gas Tanks and Radiators Repaired SI University Ave. East 576-1570 ALLEN W EB E R IS Wandsworth Place Kitchener 743-5186 Clean your whole house- Carpets. Chairs. Lamp Shades. Chester%gds Phone PHONE 743-4829 Compton: Lawn Care Paint. Paper. Vinyl Fdr Free Estimates Wall Washing and Additions Alterations -- General Carpentry Ftoor Stripping SERVICES "And that's just a min- imum figure", Jean Hardy, personnel manager for the refinery, told The Finan- cial Post. "Its really hard when you can accept only a small proportion of ap- plicants, especially when most have adequate qual- ifications and are either unemployed or underem- ployed." . BIRTH CONTROL CENTRE _ Community Services Room206 Campus Centre Open Daily, Mon. - Sat. 10 Information and Help With: Birth Control. Family Planning. VD. un- planned pregnancies, sex bang-ups, and unwed mothers. 23 A new 100,000 barrel-, - day oil refinery built a Golden Eagle Canada Ltd. is about to open at St. Ro- muald, near Quebec City. To fill 125 production and maintenance jobs that will begin next , the company has I1.1mm 6000 applications. a.m. - 5 p.m.. Tues. and Thurs. evenings " pan. PHONE 744-6111, Ext. 3446. Numbed by all those Dominion Bureau of Statis- tics on unemployment? Here's one, from another source, that makes the' whole problem come d- fully alive, The 1:“; Post reports. 24 EMPLOYME WANTED Jobless figures EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD de- sires work in boutique dress shop, have modeling ex- perience. Phone 743-4559. GIRL, 15 years old. will babysit children any age up to eight years old through the summer mon- ths at my own home. Please Phone 745-3256 for more information. 27 TWO EFFICIENT Boys will mow lawns, weed gardens, in Westmount - Erb area. Phone 576-9385. 27 Phone now for complete in- formation on how easy, fun, and profitable your life can be as an Avon Represents- tive. Act now before the vac- ancies are filled. ire vestment. Commi‘iall 743-0t21. "er 28 PERSONAL 25 CHILD CARE 23 AGENTS 8 SALES HELP Chronicle Classified Ads . Really Work University of Waterloo QUICK!