I. [Wth .. one Rutherfatd's Bits “and Piece} A.“ “I my virtue- the ttmtqrit-ukRarteerotrmc nub-amnesia: We: tutort+tarr-ttrhtte. At 4.151.111. 1artMtnrdayetgbt when accompanied try their captain. In. Fred Nate“. left ttteeitytrretntimt-eruxtetat for New York. A full about“ mum of all the min attrac- “mammtbrthemv- alien who were the home. Wed- '-day--ttto late bran account of their trip In this week’s issue. Et badly Burn. Lynn Cross, th Coats. Joyce Gimme. Mich- ele Game. Ann Riemann, Marg- aret McCutchen and Deborah Pal- Mutable Duane Talmage, who was general manager of the Old- timers' " police-firemen hockey game at the Waterloo Arena, has tiniatted totalling profits from the “YEARS AGO: The first frog of the season was spied recently by John Mosebugger ol St. Agattui. it is a sure indica- tion that spring is close at hand. Courtship is an important time in a girl's life, and parents should see that the surroundings and ad- vice are the best, Dr. J. Aspinall McCuaig told the Evangelical Church congregation. A large white owl which made its home in Waterloo Park this summer makes war each night on the rats which infest the garbage dump west of the CNR tracks near the park. A number of boys ltr, repeatedly tried to shoot the without success. 30 YEARS AGO March 21 The K-W community recreation council plans to resume its Sunday evening jamborees at Waterloo Town Hall. The program was dis- continued some time ago. Mrs. Henry Becker and her son Edward of Waterloo are believed to have experienced the storm which swept the Atlantic on the weekend. They sailed Saturday from New York on a trip to Nas- sauinthe Bahamas. _ All public and separate schools in the county except Kitchener public schools will plant thousands of seedling trees this spring be- tween April 21-29. â€YEARS AGO March " Council slashed $45,000 off its budget estimates to strike a 59 mill rate, an increase of 5% mills Files of,Yesteryear Cribn "F By-law No. 2765 of the City of Waterloo passed by City Council on March 4th. 1968, prohibits the run- ning at large of all dogs in the City. Non compliance with these regulations may result in prosecution. ttl' City Of Waterloo DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE the trip RMM'S iltitttItgtdPidtedte 1'1 mzmm An ll,“ turnout law the Old- tlmen deteot the emntrirted local team Ita. Total Itemeeeds ot the night cantoâ€. - Constable Tonnage is denoted with the response and "pressed his gratitude to the supporters who tumedout in such numbers and the large number of local firms which donated numerous prizes for the "ttegt-grrmristtsetret 'Anritrttftherettieedqeyt 'tlgttta" m that to“ 'iii-tSt-ot-dit" And with that sort ofa success storyoethistutndsisitany wonder that he’s already making plans for a similar event next year? quumuuot Happy with the success of the K-W Week of Ctmeenrfor the eld- over last year. Expenditures for the year are estimated at more than $856,000. Aid Harold Gould raked Mayor Bauman over the coals for appoint- ing a bicycle licence issuer for the city. The alderman objected to the mayor and police chief appointing the farmer’s son to the post without council’s know- ledge of approval. Sgt. Ed Wick and Constable Lorne Girling of the local police force ttit"igif, a break-in at Centra Auto Body, 120 Bridgeport Rd., early Friday morning. Cig- arettes were reported stolen. 10 YEARS AGO March23 Vernon Bauman was installed as Waterloo's eighth alderman Monday night, to fill the vacancy arising from Harold Paikin’s re- signation. He has many years experience as alderman and was mayor of the city for three years. Mike's Carcoal Pit on Union Street and the Waterloo Hotel are the only two city businesses which so far have applied to the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario for din- ing lounge licences. The separate school board has given the two temporary class- rooms behind St. Louis school to CA. Hafther of Bridgeport for use as a contractor's warehouse. Ask any woman her age, and nine times out of ten she'll guess wrong. Birthday blues unit! cm- W. nil 'Ta-d3rtmpetmtrsmtitrnttr- www.mmm pin-b can“ its out: and not H mmemgodiorm â€humane-m. â€.mudmmn iotsedtttarsdatan9tttrrttood get-together for the city’s older Jitttdttiehistteirsgheldatrrtrst United Chm hum: pan. to 4 This meeting, which is one of a series being held throughout the eity, is expected to involve maidens in the are. served by humane] United, First United. First Baptist and Knox Pushy- teeUnchurehett. The getAogether commences with refreshments after which tttegttttteriillttreakttpintoirt- formal groups to meet with the mature people. A similar meeting held recently at Mount Zion Luthenn Chisel: has multed in bi-weekly meet- ings. The next neigttttorhood meeting is planned for St. Mich- ael’s RC Church, April 19. Each one is being coordinated by the community services board in co- operation with city churches. h“. M 'tgttt,t'uettftt moi-runway» insurance claims Mm tie â€who Id Us "humid-m chill "tttm-t treaetlm. in throw-cc. _ Puarteintartdpm-ei'aiAt- trn-tttFatt-art- mitt-ekttt-trlie'rvim" on tttep-ry-tttet- new clung†existing 1etgi,. in “albums open in tomato cmnmittuitiiiesumtineare: tunable delays in settling claims uni-naw inéreued thereiainattranee. - The methods used to deter- mine the value of vehicles dam- agedheyondrepair. . - Whether insurance com- panies tend to deny claims" or hold up payments by attempt- ing to apportion fault and wheth- er they should be required to pay out-ot-pocket expenses " they occur without waiting for "het-ttteco/spain" My. Ttr-tm, San Ste. Marie “Why. h in. as. thin is»... tter.0tt-i-d'sdtaMtitr. Pill: baring: villalao he DON'T JUNK t . . and! it. it u and SAVE Mli'i We mice a, / 2 wT ott mum, W's. rr ll " mm wm7454531