Weddings KNISCHEWSKYfLouis, 43 Mar- garet Ave, N, March 6, 88 years. ZELLER, Oliver, 20 Crescent A Ave., Kitchener, March T, 72 n"_uBai.uB, P?"""'"? I'll-ll“, oo WEISS, Mr. and Mrs. John, 194 33:3, Drive, March , so Cegarbrae Ave., at St. Mary's WAYNE, Thomald F., 732 Avon- wag?" 'l,").",',',',':,"?,',',',."";,,.,,,, dale Ave., Kitchener March 4, 77 iiGLciii Rd at K:W EC 57 years. . ., pital, March 6, daughter. melo, The Netherlands,84years. 221 Huntington Cres at K-W GREEN, Mrs. Frederick, Pres- Hospital March6 son: ton, March IU?teary ORLANDO, Mr. and Mrs. John, KMSCHEWsKY, Louis, 43 Mar- 585 Glen Manor Blvd. at St. garet Ave, N, March 6, 88 Mary's Hospital, March 8, son. years. .. HACKER, Mr, and Mrs. Roger, ZELLER, Oliver, 20 Crescent 443 Hazel St., Apt. 8, at K-W A Ave., Kitchener, March T, 72 Hospital, March 8, daughter. years. HARRIS, Mr. and Mrs. William, WALTON, David, Lloydminster, RR 3, Waterloo, at K-W Hospi- Alta., March 4, 83 years. -. tal, March 8, son. SLOTHOUBER. Bernard J. Er- melo, The Netherlands, 84 years. GREEN, Mrs. Frederick, Pres- ton, March 5, 79 years. BROX, Reginald, 4 State St., March 2,46years. BECKER, Katie, St. Jacobs, for- merty of Waterloo, March I, 90 years. McIN'l'YRE, A. A. ' Central Park Lodge, Kitchener, former- ly of Waterloo, March 2, 87 ELMSLIE, Norman A., 27 Ed- 2 Warrior: Chronlch. Thursday. March tt, ttm / Deaths _ mund Rd., March 4, 72 years. FEENEY, Kenneth Patrick, 58 Dooley Drive, March 3, 30 years. " WAYNE, Thomald F'., 732 Avon- dale Ave., Kitchener March 4, 57 years. Eva-plinth Mr. and In. Michael Evans will honeymoon in Washington. McINTYRE, Alison A., 290 D" ('13 , Queen St. S., Kitchener, for- 'till-Ill-ll-lr-lil-III-ll-l-i- merly of Waterloo, March 2, 87 GOEBEL, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald, years. 3360 Poiny Trail Drive, Minis: BROX, Reginald, 4 State St., sauce. (nee Barbara Barney. March 2,46years. formerly of Waterloo) March formed by Rev.Carl Wagner. - The bride is the former Connie Louise Ruth, a daughter of Mr. and Mn. Harold M.Huth ot 170 Alvin St. The parents of the bride- groom are Mr. and MRsJame: Emma! 179 Union St. E. HOLIDAY SERVICES will make regular inspections oFyour residence, remove papers from your porch, clear mail and milk boxes, check your furnace, look for water leaks. forward mail. water plants, feed birds, cats or fish, mow lawns, shovel snow. HOLIDAY SERVICES Sunday. March 14th, 1971 12-6 p.m. Located north of Interchange 34 and 401 JUST TELL us YOUR NEEDS CALL HOLIDAY SERVICES 743-5535 A NEW SERVICE FOR TWIN CITY TRAVELLERS AND VACATIONERS OWNED AND OPERATED BY C.E. VOELKER. 29 SPRING ST. W. WATERLOO THE DOON CENTRE OF CONESTOGA COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE What Do You Know About Your Community College? Invites you to their 'r'"',": Births INSURED DANIEL, Mr. and Mrs: Donald, 157 University Ave. W, at St. Mary's Hospital, March 1, daughter. URBSCHEIT, Mr. and Mrs. Pet- er, 317 Erb St. W., at K-W Hos- pital, March 3, son. MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. Harold, Lynda Donne Levy became tttetteMeodAittertGrU-Marett Oat Fin! Unit“ Church. William tickled. - The bride is I Minter d Mr. and Mrs. William l bevy, M5 Moon Ave. The Wood: of 185 Sixth Ave., Kitchener is a tqtotMr.artdMrs.HaroMGriese olPembrote. 'rtteemqrienriii1iveat lGSixth Ave., Kitchener when they re- tum from a trip to the Niagara Fallsam. _ 130 Longwood Drive, at K-W Hospital. Feb. 28, daughter. " The Popular _ Group E now " our large selection f musical Instrument FREE INSTALLATION L! a L' A - a SHERWOOD MUSIC so Dunno Saudi 1433074 HEHSTITCHING Cum COVERED Buttons BELTS. Bl, c MB. BUTTON "a it Com. Drâ€. Bhutan MONOGRAMMWG - - um“. No Down Payment - Up to 6 yrs. To Pay On Your GAS Bil . Showroom floor will be OPEN 1 for our annual fiscal year and SALE . ' Saturday. March 13 and Saturday, March 20 k from 11:00 5:00 p.m. Pre-Easter Paint & Wallpaper THE Factory Outlet Frederick Street Plaza Kitchener - 746-0021 ..-ei"d W137?!»- Waterloo This special reduction in prices of GAS Ranges and Dryers is restricted 'to residents on UNION - GAS lines only. , GET I970 MODELS for I960 PRICES CHOICE OF COLOUR & MODEL WHILE THEY LAST! LOOK OUT! ANNOUNCEMENT . SALE Kt 353174†41 John IM Waterloo - 578-5530 of Canada Ltd. WATERLOO SQUARE MALL Join v - Check With Us For m Gas Heating, Gas Water Heating. Gas Barbecues. Gas Lamps, Gas Air Conditioning Humidifieation, Electronic Air Cleaning and JUST PLAIN COMFORT Our showroom floor is normally Open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, Weekdays or by appointment at ANYTIME. FOR OUR "T, Waterloo Kitchener ___â€"°'°° _iiiiiii,iii",i'C",('i,'[(s'l for Pennies MAiieiile I 743-2691 'SALE' Ontario th Duke Sts. STARTS Waterloo Square FREE DELIVERY