welp wanted†for HELP Children at Sir Edgar Bauer separate sch'ool use the libraFon their own counter) help Donald Drouin' and TomieMoine (right) select material after the regular school day. Here Paul Kunert and Cathy Schultz (behind In the right photo, Tom picks a book while Donald listens to a record _ Barbara Bauer, a granddaugh- ter of the late Edgar Bauer and a student at the University of Waterloo, was program chairman. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bauer, 31 Union St. E. - The school is the first separate school in the county to be named for a layman. Separate schools are usually given the names of saints. Son Air:iotes The separate board opted for a departure from tradition on the recommendation of Mr. Olinski, who suggested the name as a means of honoring the contribu- tions by Mr. Bauer and his family to this community. Edgar Bauer, who died in March 1959 at the age of 71, was named a knight commander of St. Sylves- ter by Pope Pius XII in 1957 in recognition of his "aid to schools and churches. tv and officially opened last night by Rev. David Bauer of St. Mark's College, Vancouver, B.C., a son of the man for whom the Waterloo County separate school board's school is named. vanadium in the ceremonies which were the highlight of Edu- cation Week activities in the sepa- rate school system were Jerry Olinski, board building committee chairman; Mayor Merton, and Robert Bornhold of Waterloo, edu- cation department regional direc- tor. Anyone interested in training as a volunteer should call the CMHA office, 744-7645 anytime, or HELP, 745-116 on weekends. Application forms and additional information will be mailed out. Prospective volunteers should call as soon as possible as all forms must be returned completed by Mareh20. Sir Edgar Bauer school on Glen Forrest Boulevard was blessed ""A training program for volun- teers to man phones at HELP, the confidential telephone answering service sponsored by the Canadian Mental Health Association, begins early next month. HELP telephones are staffed at the preach! time by carefully tra- ined volunteers. who man the My.†Ill - /'7',r'f a; c'liiii' Bauer school Opened He was the father of 11 children, including late hockey great Bobby Bauer and the late Frank Bauer, a former mayor of Waterloo. An.. othttson, Jerome of 258 Albert St., president of Bauers Ltd., 187 King St. S., is a separate school representative on the Waterloo County board of educa- The air-conditicned building has eight regular classroom se- parated by moveable furniture or demountable walls, a library resource centre, kindergarten and gymnasium. About 125 kindergarten to Grade The late Mr. Bauer’s widow resides at 675 Dunbar Rd., Kit- chener. Construction costs of the new school broke all cost records at the time it was built. It cost about $13 a square. foot tabyst $6 less than the a(rerage 'ieos"t of new schools at that time. Total cost of construction, in- cluding furniture, equipment and 1ahdscaping, will be about $340,000. It was designed by Horton and Ball, Twin City architects. The contractor wasUDietrich and Koch- ler Construction Ltd., of Kitche- . The Waterloo Public Library is currently presenting an exhibi- tion of 30 lithographs from the Art Gallery of Ontario entitled Early Transportation by Land and Sea. Exhibits. which will be on view in the library auditorium until March 23, include trains, clipper ships, yachts, steamboats, rafts, sleighs and canoes. all of which were transportation modes of the 19th century. A- former Waterloo councillor, he also served several years on the former St. Louis separate school board. He was ipast pre- sident of Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Globe Furniture andBauers Ltd. phoiiis on a 24-hour basis at week- ends. Plans call for extension of the service to 24 hours every day. Art display Waterloo Knights of Columbus will mark their 10th anniversary, March 20 with a wine and cheeze party followed by a dance to music by the Owen Geiger Combo at the council chambers, 105 University Ave. E. Mary Watson is librarian: The secretary is Carol Haeberlin. Cliff Watson is custodian. 6 pupils began classes in the schooithisJanuary. Ken Roe is school principal. Teachers are Maureen Simon, kindergarten; Patricia O’Drow- skie, Grade 1; Mrs. Margaret Perrotta, Grade 2; Mrs. Donna O'Hagan, Grade 4; Jim Basler, - Following last night's opening ceremonies, guests viewed the school's science fair - an Educa- tion Week project of students and staff. ' LOCAL DELEGATE--Howard L. Herter fright), member of the Waterloo Public Util- ities Commission, chats with delegates from Milverton and Baden attending the 62nd joint annual meeting of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association and the Association of Municipal Electrical Utilities of Ontario, at 'romnto's Royal York Hotel last week. 1 0th anniversary -Marett , Yet another snowstorm driven by MFmile-anhour winds dulyped four inches of snow on the Twin Cities. March 6 Wayne Erdman of Waterloo collegiate topped the 157-pound class in the All-Ontario high school wrestling championship at the Uni- versity of Waterloo. _ George Boehm of 74 Hickory St., was elected president of the North Waterloo riding association of the Ontario New Democratic Party. March ' Thieves smashed a 15-foot-high window and broke into the United Brewery Workers Hall, 65 Lodge St. The building" was ransacked and $300 stolen. - _ . Traffic lights went into operation at the Erb Street and Margaret Ave- nue intersection. The crossing has been a four-way stop since summer. Waterloo Peewee" and bantam allstars teams qualified for the Ontario Minor Hockey Association semi-finals by each defeating Port Colbome in the quarter-finals. Mareh 5 The K-W Kivianis Club celebrated its 50th anniversary at a dinner at the Inn of the Black Walnut in Kitchener.---- J.W. (Jack) Brown was appointed university secretary at the UniveiT sity of Waterloo I Misduties will include keeping contacts with alumni. March 4 Charles Shedden of 41 Melbourne Cres. was treated at the K-W Hospital for minor cuts when a gust of wind knocked a plate ttiass window over him as he wrote out a deposit slip at the Tormtto-Dominiott Bank in Waterloo Square. \ ‘ A tape recorder valued at $400 was stolen from the music roomat - Waterloo collegiate. V , Week in retrospect - ‘AYERLM; WANG THURSDAY. titAtttM It. if" iMr) :.'rit;,?'