" SYNTHESIS READERS 1ittfitPliiftt'if"ii _ __. 'iiy.iiiiiiiiii"' if _ angumm'dmm'mkm _ yr" -." b Much “=ch "r".--', up , s..L"_- . «amoxoï¬mcMonuï¬ommum-mw ' 'ttttgtg-inte,','"' SAYS NOWS the time to Save. Check these two examples: anlo .... ", Call I; " 1tili'rc','s! I 3" 2 " rep. rrri' I; I: " I 'il (Ill ("I v Tdl _,ii',"d HIGH PR'CES . , 'bl Yes... we've lowered our price on many items a from Iong playing records to cassettes. 'fd BLANK CASSETTES _ Latest Fashion Trend for the Spring PLUS Many More "NEW" FASHIONS have Just Arrived hLl iflfigiE ll EDWARD'S first Anniversary FURNITURE SALE "BDNANZA PANT SUITS AGS 660 30 mins. on each side Regular Value 82.29 each WHILE THEY LAST 't" each Just Arrived SYNTHESIS ELf1BA1, MAIL YOUR ORDER TO: Kitchen“ Momoriol Auditorium 300 East Av... Khulna“. EDIE Open Mon-Sat 9-6 Thur & Fri 9-9 M+J§Tu nil-p.317“ ".N+gryast ELLIS"! i252] RESIIVID SEATS MARCH 2 TO , _ 8:00 EM. SUNDAY 0:30 PM. MATINEE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2:00 EM. OPEN Mon to Wed. 10 am to 9 pm Thurs. to Fri. till 9:30 Sat. till 6 pm Westmount Place Shopping Centre WATERLOO 579-5650 's CHILDREN MATI'IC SATURDAY, 2 PM ANY RISIRVID MAY HALF "ICU Shop ... EDWARD'S FURNITURE, while - modem 71 Spring furniture styles are in stock We have an excellent selection, priced to suit your spring Budget. SEE PAGE 2 for more specials IN a; DAYS" 576-4290 STEREO sttota(f'h,,.., 33.9 FREE 1/2 001. Blank Cassettes AGS coo "Mth every cassette player purchased ql "Hurry Stock is Limited" LUGGAGE FACIORY thrll LE P ' NEEDS _ Specialist, in . . . O Samsonite Interior Decorating 0 Ventura PAINT“! WALLPAPER C O Carson I "eerie-e,-, 3nd many more 'ttatiting Items are found at 01 Mick†St, Westmount Place SPtt-tt3SO Waterloo . Sat. S:30 a.m. to 6 run. my. I f :75: Westmount Place 745-1981 Open Tues. - Sat. 9:30 - 6:00 - Thurs and Fri. till 9:30 STEREO SHOP MADELEINE It). M. Onion-much 11‘: "T " . tm . GL" ' t _ p"! 1ft't7d CHILDREN'S BOUTIQUE "1 £3. for the Gift that Gives more ' Westmount Jewellers CAPTURE THE MEMORY " THE DAV! 41 JOHN ST. W. mt. INCHES? QUALITY Dress and coat ensemtr. les by Madeleine Child- ren's Boutique will strike the right note with fashion-conscious young Canadians. Wonmoum Hoe. - Phone 1wszo1 for export watch and Jewellery repairs At Westmount Jewellers You’ll find that perfect DIAMOND-WATCH on GIFI "EM ---UMrTED TIME OFFER -- Arrange for your wedding album now and receive BENT'S FREE Mr Inn Gm 244 Stat. St iif ' Camera & Studio “T S of Westmount Place PHONE 'mt-ti-tATEN-oo WIDORSCHT’S ENGAGEMENT PHOTOiV Professional Photo 's By Profession.“ COME AND SEE US 578-5530 a 3"; ALL AT I Comer of Weber St. N. and Columbia Phone 742-5041 CYCLE all SPORTS FEB. ONLY WATERLOO Sporting Goods and Bicycles now on SALE Ask WATERLOO "'ll'glPT" PRICES EXPERT- MUWE SHARPEIING STORE "0088 Mon. to Sat. 6 pm Fri. ( to s p.m. L,,"