13 ARTICLES FOR SALE FURNISHED ROOM available. 15 minutes walk Universities and plaza. Phone 576-0577 after nine p.m. weekdays, all day .kend. 8 10A ROOMS FOR RENT 11 ROOM AND BOARD for retired couple or person. Home privi- leges. Phone 745-3381. 8 RENTAL BONUS - for a limited time only. Two bedroom a- partment available March 1st, new eight-plex apartment building, _ Silverbirch Road, $150. includes appliances and utilities. Days 745-1108. Even- ings 744-1033. tf FOUR ROOM Apartment avail- able April lst, near King on Al- len. Heat, water and appliances. Phone 745-4585. -. 8 NEW and USED Office Fumi- ture, machines, typewriters. adding machines. Repairs - Rentals. Lockhart Office Supp- ly, 659 King West, Kitchener. 742-1582. (ti) BATTERIES - Rebuilt car and tractor batteries, $8.00 ex- hange. Also battery repairing ",'.i-ii1',',is,, 200 Lancaster West. itchener. 17 LADY'S CAR Coat. beige. size 12. in new condition. Phone 578- 8175, 8 14 , COMING EVENT8 In ANNOUNCEMENTS HAND MADE leather goods. wallets. belts. slippers. Phone 743-6143. 8 GRACE MILUNERY - Bridal [Accessories a specialty. Cus- tom and stock hats, hand made. Mrs. John Grace, 50 Roslin South. 8 MANUFACTURERS' OUTLET ELECTROLUX - Vacuum clea- ners, floor conditioners. Sales and Service. Free delivery. Fair trade-in allowance, Phone Karl Weiershauser. 11 WOOD WANTED to buy, cut short or long Phone 742-2438 8 CO. Retail depot now located at 714-716 Belmont West, Kit- chener. In Belmont Plaza. Next to Little Zehrs Market. Shop for the finest drapery upholstery, yard goods and remnants at greatly reduced prices. Open Monday to Thurs- day, 9 a.m. to 6 pm. Friday 9 a.m. to 9 pm, Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone 742- 6341. tf Busmoss: 743-9091 After Hours: 742-3498 Terms Arranged AUTO HOME BUSINESS ' lnsutanco Agency 279 Wobet North, Waterloo PHONE APARTMENTS FOR RENT (one 742-2438 PHONE 744-6364 Service us our KNAC K W.H. KNACK RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS ROOM 8: BOARD ARTICLES WANTED tf HOME REPAIRS, remodeling, CHIMNEYS CLEANED. Snow- Ice off roofs, leaking cellars repaired tree trimming. C. Linseman 578-2270. g; " CIRCULAR SAW sharpening. regular or carbide, knives and scissor» For pick-up Phone home’s Mower and Appliance Service 578-9130 from 4:45 to 6:00 p.m. tf " ARTICLES WANTED USED TYPEWRITERS - Do not PROFESSIONAL TRANSLAT- ING from Russian - Czech. (also scientific). MA. in lang- uages. Phone 578-7378. 8 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL WIRING PLUMBING and HEATING, New work, repairs, altera- tions. Free estimates. Twin City Plumbing and Heating 74241630. tf APPLIANCE REPAIRS - Mobile service plus pick-isp and de- livery. Lorne's Mower and Appliance Service. 578-9130. 21 JOBS PRIMARILY OF INTEREST TO WOMEN LAKESHORE VILLAGE area - Women for light housework and companion for elderly woman. Write Box 148 Chronicle. 8 SARAH COVENTRY offers - an opportunity to housewives. col- lege students. teacher and office workers. Good earning oppor- tunity - commission. No invest- ment. collecting or delivery, For interview appointment call 578-1161 between 5:30 and 7:00 For Professional Workmanship . call 23 AGENTS & SALES HELP LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPERS re- have to be in working order. the 742-1582. (ti) Get The Best! Kitchen Cupboards Bathroom Vanities Recreation Rooms and renovations. Large or small we do them all. C.P. IMPROVE- MENTS 742-6915. tf, quired for families and elderly persons. Call Home Personnel 578-1570. 8 ALLEN WEBER Electric Motors and Power Tools Repairs - Sales - Service 774 King West. Kitchener 19 Wandsworth Place. Kitchener after hours 579-3060 SCANDIA ELECTRIC 579-6650 743-5186 SERVICES Minimum " woed"t.tttt Each addition-I wad - GRADE 13 STUDENT, female, - requires immediate part-time and/or full-time summer em- ployment, five ppp clerking experience. 743-6429. 8 Waterloo came out in the first period to hang in a quick goal by Reg Schnarr. Woodstock tied up the game approximately two min- utes later on a goal by Dave Mac- Intyre who was the standout of the night for Woodstock. 23 AGENTS & SALES WANTED Then it was Dean Woelfle who broke up the game with a fine effort assisted by Pete Rudat. Jim Kolb finished the scoring in the first period with a fine shot from about 13 feet out in front of thenetonapass by Pat Bauer. That they'll never get rich on a fixed income, yet who are young enought to want to do something about it. Phone Ed Baetz at 744- 5106 Ontario Automobile Associa- tion. 8 Woodstock came out in the third period to get their second goal on an effort by Dave Maclntyre I'M LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW The second period produced no scoring as Waterloo seemed to lose the drive displayed in the first period. The play was even with both teams missing chances. By Don Dreisinger Waterloo midgets came on strong this week in the latter sta- ges of the third period to win " over Woodstock. Bantam division playoffs 24 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Midgets down WoOdstock 5-2 Bantam division playoff re- sults are: , East: Leafs, r. Rangers, 3 Wings, 4; Canadians, 4 Canucks. 4; Sabres, 2 West: Hawks, 8; Blues, 2 Siskins. 8: Seals, 0 Flyers. b. Penguins. l FIFTEEN YEAR old Girl de- sires babysitting evenings, weekends, well experienced, holds YWCA babysitting certi- ficate. Waterloo East area. Phone 743-8327. 8 Leafs Canucks Wings Canadians Rangers Sabres Hawks DO YOU NEED our: money? WHAT A Wonderful Feeling - to always have money for new clothes, vacations, appliances. furniture, education - etc., etc., etc. , AVON Representatives do you can too! Call “3-0421. tf Call 578-4117 all} learn how easy it is to sell Studio Gigt Cosm- ics in your own neighborhood. Small inveitmast. Good com- East Standings West Standings CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: " NOON TUESDAY to make the score 3-2 with Water- loo leading. Woodstock had Wa- terloo a little worried as they pres- sed to tie the game. At 13: 15 of the period Gord Taylor of Waterloo tucked the game away as he banged id a passout from Pete Rudat. Then George Grassi finish- ed the scoring for Wa rloo with ‘a fine shot, assisted by Don Voi- Even with all the inflation, a penny is still plenty to pay for manyathought. George and Reg were the big spark plugs of the game picking up one goal and one assist each, while Pete Rudat set up tw0 goals for a fine effort. Due to Waterloo's lay-off in the past two weeks, the team seem- ed to lack the back-checking and drive they had a few weeks ago, but coach John Ford is putting them through some stiff prac- a CHILD CARE GIRL _AVA1LABLE Friday or Saturday evenings, babysitting preferably in Waterloo, 745- SEWING, ALTERATIONS, drap- es, dresses. Phone 743-4815. tf DRESSMAKING and Alterations done. 34 Allen Street East, Siskins Seals Flyers Penguins Blues The line of Reg Schnarr, George Grassi and Don Voisin have really been playing well and passing that puck around. Team G Gavin Goebel Cdns. 2 Tim Brown Hawks 3 Paul Schewski Canucks 3 Mike Oberholze Canucks 2 Steve Ziegler Wings 2 John Stumpf Leafs 3 Philip Bauer Hawks 3 Pat Schnarr Siskins 3 Steve Donelle Wings 3 Craig Labbatl Blues 2 26 DRESSMAKING WILL BABYSIT DAYS, in my Mme, Ertt East and Weber area. Phone 744-5483. (to WILL mm an“ ' " â€All. days. in my tthne. King - University am. 516-103. ' I HOMEHAKERS AVAILABLE to NORTH WATERLOO - Private day nursery for children 2% - 5 years. Open 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Half days or full days. Government licenced. Fees moderate. Phone 744-2185., ' Leading Goaltender, Mark Khuell Siskins EXPERIENCED a DRESSMAK- Wiiterioo. Phone 743-0463. tf 1itte-in for vacuuming parents. Cal; Home Personnel 570- 1570. ING and alterations will be done ate09 Winfield Avenue, Waterloo. Phone 743-6525. 9 Leading Scorers A Pts Av WORD ADS: Minimum jut. St In "tt.oeds;0eqots'orqaeh.d- ditioetat wont " cont: um tor Box Numb“. 7‘“ 1m to - Clos- Coming Emu and Announcements t t M Estate Sonia: 6A Hartman: to: Rom ' 9 Room and Board . 1 1 Article. for Sale l3 Hon) Wanna Child Care Dressmakmg and Mentions Pomona“ mwuwmu By Danny Moogk ’ and Paul Bean "We're number one, we're number one! ,, That was the chant of Lincoln Heights students after Robert Nay scored what proved to be the winner in the Lancers 2-1 win over Centennial’s hockey team. Lincoln Heights scores 2-1 win over Centennial If three stars were to be picked they would have to be Lancers' Bob Brown, Centennial's David Oliver and John Hennig from Lincoln Heights. tices to bring them back up to Our win was a comeback attempt after a Centennial marks- man eluded Bob Brown. In a few minutes, John Hannig scored on a wicked drive from the point. Since our Lincoln Lancers end- ed in first place you might like to meet the team. _ - On defense we have Robert Scott, John Henning, Jeff Traversy and Paul Spiegelberg. On the for- ward positions are Robert Nay, Tom Spies, Mark Harris, Brian Birnstihl, Robin Cowan. Scott Morlock. Ron Watson. Mark Rich- ardson, Tom Beimer. Jim Cald- er, Bryan Rehkopf and Scott Cruise. With a record of three wins, one tie and no loss, these students deserve their honors. Most people have a gamb- ling streak in them somewhere - particularly cigarette smok- ers and drivers. The Ontario Safety League says that in an automobile collision at _ 20 mph the odds against suffer- ing a fatal injury are 1,000 to I. At 75 mph.2to1. Waterloo plays Woodstock at Waterloo Arena tonight at 10 pm. and Stratford at the same loca- tion this Saturday at 9:30 pan. In the net we have Bobby Brown. Rodger Hasenpflug is back-up goalie. t GUITAR LESSONS" available, Marshall Street area. Phone 578-5016 after six pin. tf ACCORDIAN, GUITAR and Chord Organ lessons available. Westmount and Er!) area. Phone 578-9042. " 21 32 WSICAL INSTRUCTION Ctusifiod Ads. accepted until noon Tawny. Poor odds . 11 I3 tit 20-23 " " " 29 1 J3 1rs'in