iv. l _ _ (,.: .', 'i T"-"" iris“? Watt-V3. *r <1, ,'~ e" . . ' g, P ' _ '. ‘3." ’, cr"l _ " , 1t9tet'11?ttt.!ft.T?"reithb,tter?rt.qrt I ' I. _..".... A v _ _ - nut . m' lltttyOtttmtilitt, - w . f Before the next season started a meeting of the executive and all team captains and sponsors to the league were called together to decide what was to be done to these top teams and how should they go about doing it. There were many suggestions, one being to break up the top teams and distribute the bowl- ers throughout the league, but they felt this was not fair to the bowlers themselves. Why should they be split up while other teams maintained the same bowlers? Another problem arose, which team was to get what bowler? Through the summer I had been thinking up ways and means our league could become better bal- anced and yet keep harmony among the bowlers. I had been president of the lea-1 gue that past season and knew the problems that might arise. I thought it my duty to draft up some ideas and put them before the bowlers for a decision. I talked with many Bowlers through- out the summer and tried to get some of their ideas. It seemed everyone had their own ideas, many of which were good but not Many of the teams had been bowling together for years and didn't find it necessary to pick up bowlers every year because they enjoyed bowling together. But with the way things had been going they didn't fancy being runners-up or being on the bottom every year. They also didn't like the idea of all their prize money going to the same three teams year after year. They wanted a fighting chance at least and something had to be done league, who were continually picking up top-notch bowlers and every year had been domin- ating the league. The other teams found it almost impossible to compete against them. At the end of each season many teams found themselves losing their bowlers for they were discouraged and started losing interest in the league. rehtethcvord dratttotioeiier ttgtdfootttall only. Littiedothey uoiadraftearttmottemedirr bowling. 'r1ueeyeartragothebotrterain theMerchants‘ AlcagueinWater- loo got together and decided ttteretutdtobesomeehartgim the league. For the past six-years WATERLOO BOWLING 24 Automatic Pin Setters Lanes Ltd. " Princess W., Waterloo OPEN BOWLING Monday Thru Friday " a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday s a.m. to 1 , pm Sunday , p.m.lo10p.m. FAMILY BOWLING Draft system preserves -. , - By Banner ttterCtte..etAtttLto get 3:31"! . V Daily 4 - 7 p.m. 25c 742-9582 FUN FOR EVERYONE pov - Peewee playoffs The minor hockey peewees have completed the first round of playoffs having played a two- game total-goal series over the last two weeks. The winning teams will advance to the A championship while the losers will compete in the B, or consolation event. Saturday's results, with to- tals in parentheses, are: Penguins, 8 (9); Seals, 2 (6) Canucks, 2 (10); Sabres, 3 (5) Hawks, 8(13); Aces, 2 (3) Wings, 3 (6); Braves, l (5) Flyers, 2 (4); North Stars, 3 (5) Bruins. 3 (16) ; Rangers, 2 (4) Blues, 8(14); Kings, 2 (4) Canadians, 2 (ll); Leafs, 2 (2) Birth A and B championship rounds will consist of a two-game total-goal series. Teams advancing to the A event are the Penguins, North Stars, Black Hawks, Blues, Canadians, Canucks, Wings and Bruins. The Aces, Kings, Seals, Fly- ers, Braves, Rangers, Sabres and Leafs will take part in the consolation championship. Leafs vs Sabres, 8 a.m.; Aces vs Kings, 9:05 a.m.; Canadians vs Canucks, 10:20 am; Black Hawks vs Blues, 11:25 a.m.; Braves vs Rangers, 12:40 p.m.: Seals vs Flyers, 1:45 p.m.; Red- wings vs Bruins, 3 p.m.; Pen- quins vs North Stars, 4:05 p.m. The schedule for this Saturday is: o-that-M-ttttet-e. thteeveatittgr'ht8e-etrltq mrtttiraottytedemr9teat- tattliAmerttar1iaq-ttttot- timtto-otttteteiFttte ideatrrhaddrafudqr.ittmts ttteettutoeteottt-tsaittlutt said the magic word. draft. Why nothave'adraft71‘heydoitin holtkey and football so why can;t we. Soitwasbacktotttedrawiag boardtotry andfigureoutthe best way it could be done. With the help of others we finally drew up a system we thought would work the best. This called for taking the 12 bowlers who finish- ed the past season with the high- est averages and list the other 48 bowlers in the league below them. Then the 12th highest average bowler had his pick of any of the 48 bowlers on the list. After his pick the llth man took his choice and so on down to the highest average in the league who then picked two boWlers and the same with the 12th until all the bowlers were picked. Citplt)i Pharmacy CALL K, LET US CLEAN YOUR 749 King St. West KITCHENER DELIVERY Rugs & Furniture " H E LM Moo to Fri,9- "trm tots-m 1pm BUSINESS AND SERVICES DIRECTORY 742-8488 Ji76-9600 Trustees agreed to limit the in- vitation to one day on the basis that a longer period would put too much strain on staff and stu- dents. ', Parents of children attending separate schools in Waterloo Coun- ty will be able to visit the class- rooms during school hours for one day during Education Week, March 7-13. Earlier this year public schools tried the experiment for a week. The high team is held by Water.. loo Lanes with a fine 4,244. There is a tie for high team single with Waterloo Lanes and Bergmans rolling 1,541. So over all, as you can see, our draft worked. R I 26? followed by El r Holil with 265.3 and Gerry Sue with 266.1. The high triple is he by Jim Lacey with 999. He is followed by Jack Oberle with 991 and Elmer Hohl with Elmer Hohl also has the high singlé with 402. Don Geisel has a 399 and there is a' tie for third between Bernie Lehmann and Bill Witt with 393. Sofarthisseasantheleagueis very tight again with Towne Bowl leading with Fl points Tol- lowed by Schendels with 94 and Elmer Kohl with " There are 'sntatrmtatte-tattaitrer- tidettttttttttiti-qtdh-rttet only livé weeks iettiittheset- ulea team inseventhjlace still hada_eharteeofemtiitgoettqr, so we knew it had worked: tt%rtrti-ttni-attt. t-.%etgttte'tt-trrteted itaqtsetterif-UetN-d mundane-stuns. under my my ot the bowler: yen, very pleased {with the [my 10 _b9wlers averaging over no Custom Built Homes Your Lot or Ours val-con CONSTRUCTION ST. ELEMENTS 699-5761 or 699-5506 " ng St South Waterloo Crystal - China Ceramics Radios A Cuckoo Clocks Peek for parents For That Unusual Gift Visit The Renovations & Alterations free estimates WINDMIll. SHOP di) r" q Jaguar . MG - MGB 0 Austin . Triumph . Rover Plinth. Fabulous "MINI" 1 069 Victoria St, N. Kitchener 744-1188 WE SAVE YOU KORE! “All 039me the 'BettMtthqarqteetntrmtteerw qmnttbatttttkr-taottrttriMtittrs ttasteo+trttsrbettermatt "t Inge-Inch hangs-In bum-Immanu- mmtheimidresotiititm ot%eise IVIHII ' "‘ we will "permit us to move for- ward on objective: that have been M AY held in limbo. I do believe, in true General Contractors tradition. the Waterloo Chamber Limited of Commerce will welcome and "urs 145-1108 enjoy the challenges that will be Eiuetings 743.0003 presented." - WU. .- M. am at eon-nu M. aarsirtlar.mm.trqeet. ottheemmnmity." Mr. saw aid the chamber Also an was: g','.,':,':" will be Mimi-s O worthwhile unit will. complain, role if it becomes the “mince um van... For mom " 0L. “mu-n.- " V Phone 579-3820 R. A. Hendry 745-81 19 (over 30 years experience) l 86 Westmoum Rd. s., Waterloo For Prompt Electroiux Service and Estimates for Floor Conditioning and Cleaning Equipment Phone PACONI DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTO 'CrLliLri, CI CARPET LI3]llrfl, Prompt Disposal of Dead or Disabled Cattle and Horses 2392 King St. East. Kitchener - Phone 578-7650 Minn“ . Str-tre-tttttst --2 Ibanuu'now-y Mum 1 2" A , 2" Self Adhesive Lic. No. 299 c 71 I'll-E ' CARPET BllitMNNm5ltlllill" LTD. Open new. , pm. to 0pm. Tum. M. M. " tun. to I pm. Fm iohtpm. -NtOto0roes. TILE " d. '.0Itltioéld 19TI MINI i132! FREE PARKING MOFFAT TREE REMOVA‘ STABKMAN Mists Trimming done, ttoos al stumps removed. Good service. Fm. estimates. 308 King West. Kitchenu 'tittsaetmtted-eta'r' Nearing Cdmptotioet We Pick-Up and Deliver Your Prescription FREE Bungalows $1695 PARKWAY .' HEIGHTS f _ AREA Low prices. friendly and courteous servace MARTIN MAY 743-41 1 1 12" A 12" Pure Vinyl 653-5848 TILE IP '" limited cumin M,