Gourmet i cabbage casserole Combine cabbage mixture, cook- ed noodles and bacon in a caserole dish. Cover and bake at 325 de- grees fahrenheit for 45 minutes. Uncover; spoon sour cream over top; sprinkle with parsley or pa- prika. Cabbags takes on a continental flavor in this simple casserole from the food department, Mac- donald Institute. University of Guelph. Sour cream, noodles, and bacon bits are the special ingred- ients. _ Cabbage Casserole .lices bacon 1 tbsp. sugar -t tsp. salt h tsp. pepper 6 cups cabbage, chopped 4 oz. medium noodles (cooked, about 3 cups) 'h cup sour cream parsley flakes or paprika In a large skillet, cook bacon till crisp. Remove from skillet: drain and crumble. Set aside. Stir sugar, salt, pepper into bacon drippings in skillet. Add cabbage, stir until cabbage is coated. Return to oven and bake five to 10 minutes. Serves five to six. Wheh it comes to sports, W.C.l. always tries to stay on top. In the ‘sterday 12K ietumed with another successful movie the Odd Couple. The cost - only Me. February 18 the grade 12 students re viewing the makings of a espearean play at the Strat- rd Theatre. The kids were given a backstage tour organized by English teacher Mrs. Reccha. Last week W.C.I. was given “other invitation to attend Cana- dian Bandstand on February 19. Every invitation has been warmly received by students and true Viking Spirit was displayed by the turn-out. Many wear their class sweaters for recognition between rival spirit-seekers. . Council's traffic and transpor- tation committee has recom- mended that city taxi firms be allowed a parking space each in front of their King Street offices. It has also recommended that taxis be prohibited from park- . anywhere else between Ilki and William Streets on ng Street. â€Sue-Bled The tttgMigbts of w.c.1.'s major play You Can‘t Tate " With You have come and gone, but the me- mories still linger on. The four day run w estertpleted Fem " and stage pmps and equipment have since been returned. c-. minions must go to Mr. Chap man, our director and the cast. Ihopepeoplegivetheemditto the behind the scenes crew and clan-yam connected with the pro- Put your insurance in safe. experienced hands. HOME - CAR - ausmess - 3031mm C.W. Tweed & Son LIMITED 9 Erb St. W., Waterloo Taxi parking "ant suitsOKd for stttit.trritiit" "_' tit',ff,l'i',','iii' "s , 744-5274 Phone Cream Puffs and Eclairs Va cup butter or margarine 1 cup boiling water ya tsp. salt 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour 4 eggs, beaten. Preheat oven to 400 degrees fahrenheit. 1F“; mam the Twin Resist peeking in oyeri when baking eclairs In medium saucepan, heat but- ter with boiling water, over high heat, stirring occasionally, until butter melts. Then turn heat low, add salt and flour, both at once, and stir vigorously, until mixture leaves sides of pan in a smooth He has done puppet shows at school, making up the plot as, he goes along and himself being the voice of every puppet. He is plea- sant and cooperative and has many friends. This young boy needs parents who will give him love and educa- tional opportunities, and help to channel his energies constructi- Those delectable cream puffs and eclairs can come right out of your own kitchen. The method is easy but the results are ele- gant. The shells can be made in quantity and frozen, then used as Glen loves reading and his in- terests go beyond his school work. Just now he's studying the moon and stars on his own. He is ima- ginative and creative. Glen is a good-looking slender lad with blue eyes, brown hair and fair skin. He is healthy and extremely active, with a great zest for sports. He plays hockey, baseball and lacrosse, usually with boys older and bigger than himself. Last year he was the winner of a lacrosse award. Glen is eight, doing good work in Grade 3. This young boy's high potential is being realised, for his last report showed him at the top of his class. Some of the events inciude push- ball games, snow sculpturing and tug of war games. A Iefthi, eat- ing contest, a cookou , charm 'ttoWhh'eyh"0f, The students are very excited about this year 's Winter Carnival was held at our school. Students thmqed to the than â€mum to cheer on WILL We were very prom of our team's effort, and horetttey-eiiinisextiear's can“ It»: 68mm am about a 'e.ieimi' "ettrtttpiaeiitittrttetrttitoas t.e"tttt"tatehttettNttoettrte 'iii...:: He needs trhome k CAFE MOZART "DEUTSCHE KONDITOREI .. M King St. South Waterloo Decorate Your Dinner with True Authentic Home Made German Cakes and Pastries from 578-4590 FEE I3‘:-.'°2':':‘3':-:-2'2-1'3'2-1-14'149:4:13:91?#355333I5:121:332:322:253;:2t23131:25::3:§:3Z*231-:-:-:"~.'- :5 Glen, please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Legislative Buildings, Toronto 182. or gen- eral adoption information, ask. your chiidren's aid society. " tieoort_tqittteati. hadn‘t: not this: er.rydttfrtrr.t-retdert rrtiWtertairmterst1stotsety lite MW -tsiat future will be ttte 'smmiq at W.e.rn â€upâ€. . _ Sewn! cal-in! Mamie: 'tttmid be made quite a hit dup- ler tor the Gala since the new dress allelic-come irtteetteet. 'rttegirts-eeyhqpratttie new ruling. Pant suits and in. pantsha-tteettaeeqttedtor school wear in keeping with cur- renttnnds. '. - But don't become too relaxed girls - exarntrstart March. Avoid theruatt--stodyetow! vely. To inquire about adopting Remove from sheet, slit puffs open and cool on rack. To serve, fill with whipped cream or flavored cream fillings. Top with confectioner's sugar, a frosting or sauce. Immediately remove from heat, then quickly add eggs one at a time, beating with spoon until smooth after each addition. Af- ter last egg has been added, beat until mixture has satin-like sheen. Drop mixture by tablespoons. three inches apart, on greased cookie sheet, shaping each into a mound that is higher in the center. For eclairs, shape in three-inch rectangle. Bake 50 minutes with- out peeking in oven. Cream puffs are light and golden brown when Eee our large _,',':,",',',',',':',',') f musical instrument I compact ball. SHERWOOD MUSIC oTtifet,aif,2iii tr (W 'iee'd2l'l'iiiiiiid " . Join fii), if; The B," 1 Popular 'ellit Group A a NOW Frederick Street Plaza Kitchener - 745-0021 $3: M Who Hall. mi tH%Mrtttrtrartetid'6theatrt- - m 0 “I! 'mritittdafth.Thtteehodistriet m,uhuq. _ dSfdeitgt,"alttiYt', .GO t. .. Hitch-ct. Load CDA numbers are up irtgtttrtsgttodt-teattlteevestt giaeetWtrrtagerttte00tttaattrher- saryotthedi-oairtsuiin. BefreM-tasititteserted. SA " iidijit bliimvc mdsopickuplddivovmmgs ACADIAI CLEANERS It MUNDERERS ‘ Not miDAs - SHOPS I!!! {giggly Leggy any; WOMEN'S CONDITIONING ucibl,,i,tJ..iilirrtlCllG CLASSES “I‘DAS _ . FAST. FREE MUFFLER INSTALLATION MUFFLER Custom Pipe Bending SHOPS . Shocks 2 min. inspection - no obligation _ 1 80 Weber North 578-3320 Waterloo how any For ONLY Discount Week kiiiiiiiii mm SERVICE -"-ot- “may†..onpul-uho N manna-Und- -r-r-'rqererteBt oPE TRAVEL NEEDS Call 743.7357 NEARLY NEW STORE ta6 Columbia St. w. Waudoo ir-oe-MPN-gt-tam.., Tues. to Fri. , :30 pm to tt pm Sat. " AM to 5 PM _ LEN'S North Amon‘ca's Only Coast to Coast Network of Exclusivo Auto Maillot Shops 39 Yes ... you can lose up to " lbs. and 2 DRESS SIZES _ in a month ty 0 Real Finnish sauna 'Refreshing Plunge t Pool (for after Sauna) OHot massage whirlpool (worms and relaxes tired names) Grout for Arthritis & RMummism so our gout to sand 0 FREE visit (Any Class} Homing _ To... Thunt30tm Afternoon - Tue. A "an: 1:30pm. Ivan-Tuonh‘l'hunct Tum For All Your FITNESS CENTRE Lowor Moll - Waterloo Squar- "'m T I/ f voids: tpt King S. a: "muss APPRECIATE oun Hue CHAPEL FACILITIES r “KI Fun-Ml Home Ltd. thwart: B. (ti5ttott 576-2680 - I’d-mum CWII. . Cmvm " itA