They do not get it as frequently " they should because of eco- nomic reasons or the difficulty véry much in need of eye care, hetoldthegroup. Woodruff, who is on the op- tometry staff at the University of Waterloo, said he was very pleased to find an interest group of vital agencies working for the betterment of senior citizens. He said his department is very willing to be of service to senior citizens Many older people are " Woodruff was guest speaker lastweekatameetingofapro gram planning committee for senior citizens at the dropin centre on Albert Street. He told his audience, compos- ed of various service and volun- teer groups, that he has contact- ed federal and provincial de- partments of health and social services about the need for a mobile clinic to serve shut-ins more frequently. Shut-ins may get mobile eye clinic If Dr. Emerson Woodruff has his way Waterloo shut-ins will eventually be able to have regular optometry care through a mobile clinic. Would You Believe 95% " Ilh,RElf),jlrlf,]t PARKDALE PLAZA RR 1, Waterloo Open: Mon. to Fri. q :30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. lniants' and children's clothing not “MED obviously worn - Phone 742-5028 Trop NEARLY NEW STORE Waterloo Chronicle, Thursday, September 10, 1970 JOHN'S NURSERY On New and Nearly New dresses (for all occasions) suits. coats. etc. Buy direct from the grower and Save! Excettemt Selection - All Stock Guaranteed Second boon from Wagnor's Como! on â€mum Rd 145 Columbia St. West, Waterloo y. SHRUBS a SHADE TREES ti) RED MAPLES BLUE SPRUCE - ROSES PATIO STONES now there's a pharmacy! Infants' and childvon's clothing no! obviously worn - Phone 742-5028 mornings only. TO vitality and econanic or social importance of a program is what eventually determines the amount and continuity of public support. ttteyhaveingettingtoaeiinic. Dr. H.W. Caldwell, chairman of the extension education de- partment at the University of Guelph, also addressed the gathering. He spoke on program de- velopment, emphasizing a self- determined rather than a pre determined approach. Every successful public move- ment must have a statement of purpose that is clear to the citi- zens, hesaid. A program is necessary so that careful consideration may be given to what is being done and why. Caldwell pointed out that since program building was a co. ordinating process, it finds the most important leaders, groups and agencies and considers the use of resources. Open Seven days a week until 9 p.m. Sunday 12 noon to 9 p.m. Post Office Hours - Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 66a-24tt2 Bank of Nova Scotia FREE DELIVERY 578-29 I 0 Open Monday‘to Wednesday 10-3 - Thursday 10-6---Friday 108 Will Remain Open Friday Evenings till 8 p.m. County Fair Plaza Branch - King and Lexington For Your Convenience the ALBERT and HAZEL STS.