About an hour after the post office opened the next morning the man came in and plunked down $40. "Take it or leave it!" he said angrily, and steamed out -- leaving the doctor with a A patient owed him $40 and had for years. But one time when the semi-annual statements went out there was a typing error, and the bill was listed as $50. Then he hung up the phone and looked blandly at the outraged old girl across the desk, who had heard it all. "Friend of mine just brought ip a new well," he said gently, and I don't think she ever guessed otherwise. This same one had a good way to collect overdue bills. He dis- covered it by mistake. On the other end was a man we both knew. He was obviously about half-snapped. His voice could be heard right out into the waiting room as he commanded: "Hey Doc, come over and have a drink! 't In the hush that followed. every- body in the waiting room could hear the doctor say that he couldn't leave right now. a month to tell him about the things that made her go bump in the night. The doctor was giving her his usual rapt attention when the phone rang. Another thing, they have to be sort of pillars of the community or the word gets around pretty fast. 4 I remember being in one doc- tor's waiting room in the country when he had an old lady in his office. She was a wraith-like tee- totaller who came in about once I made it in not much over an hour, but the little girl died my way. I won't forget the ride home, just the two of us. And don't ever tell me that doctors don't suffer. In fact, once when a baby girl was badly burned by a coal-oil lamp that fell into her crib in a farmhouse and set her bed clothes on fire, I was drafted by our doctor to drive 85 miles to a hospital. This was the nearest one with the kind of equipment he thought was needed and he couldn't drive and look after the poor little girl and her parents along the way. I'm not one of those people who get all upset every year when the wire services carry the news that doctors in Canada average $28,000 income a year. Maybe nobody else is both- ered either, except politicians feeling they can make a little hay in the soak-the-rich line. Most people, I think. are so glad to have a doctor when they need one that if he can make a good living at it - well, fine. I imagine, too, that the doctors who pull that average away up are specialists in big city hospi- tals, while my aequaintanceship runs a lot more to general practi- tioners, especially in the country. Put your insurance in safe. experienced hands. HOME - CAR - BUSINESS . aaTrcaG C.W. Tweed & Son LIMITED 9 Erb St. W., Waterloo WWiCmonicle, Thur-day, August a, 1970 744-5274 Phone i 28 bands l, in contest Twenty-eight Ontario drum and bugle corps will compete Aug. 22 at Seagram Stadium. There will be seven classes with the preliminaries starting at 11 a.m. and the finals at 7:30 p.m. Ontario TO, the provincial drum corps championships, will be held for the fifth year in Kitchen- er-Waterloo. 2392 KING ST. EAST KiTCHENER Next to A & P Store At Franklin St. 2 Blocks West of HiWay Market Phone 578-7650 FREE PARKING OZITE Indoor - Outdoor CARPET $3.75 sq. yd. Do they come like that any more? I suspect, one way or another, that they do. While the old doc spoke, how- ever, he was 'peeling down to his long flannel underwear. This he took off and tore into pieces. In these he wrapped the baby, and fixed a little bed for her. Then he left. little insight into human nature that he has used judiciously since. I remember another one. dead now. One snowy night on a back- roads call he had to walk the last half-mile along the drifted road to where a pretty shiftless couple lived with several kids. He delivered the newest claim- ant to the baby bonus - and then found that no preparations of any kind had been made: No bed, cloth- ing, or anything. The father later told some of his cronies that it was a high- light in his livetime of listening to plain and fancy swearing. Vinyl Asbestos Tile from 12' ea. "Ler's brush up on some fundamentals. This is called a In: "Va "AM 'y, 7) (A z“ - t?.jlip $.63“ ‘3, - iiijii1E5l, SALE TILE G. CARPET DISCOUNTERS LTD. THE HOME TEAM Monday 1 pm to 6 pm - Tues. Wed. Thurs, 9 am to 6 pm Fri.BarotoStrm - SatSamtOGpm 12" x 12" baseball !" CeraGlc-" Mic Tile s" sq. foot SOLID VINYL TILE Ceramid Wail Tile Reg. 69c sq. ft. " sq. ft. However, construction for the first seven months of the year is still higher than for the same pe- riod last year. This year's figure is $18,363,839 compared to $17,- 865,425 for 1969. ltr ea. limited quantity Construction Inst month was way below July 1969, when the fig- ure was $3,386,965. Alterations at 21 Weber St. N., are estimated to cost $5,000. Storage tanks being installed at 30 and 59 Durward Place will cost approximately $520. Seventeen dwelling units were included in an estimated $386,240 worth of construction undertaken in July. Total construction for the month was estimated at only $391,760. Work began on 15 single-family homes and one semi-detached unit. 17 dwellings begun in July for $386,240 ' Residential construction ac- counted for practically all build- ing in Waterloo last month. New books at the library The RecoVery of Confidence by John Gardner, the problems we face. Voice of Israel by Abba Eban, chronicle of a nation. Being Busted by Leslie Fied- lei the Tarijuana scandal. Promotion in Print by Roberta Clay, guide for publicity chair- Among new non-fiction titles on the public library shelves The Confessions of a Hunter by Alan Abel. Anthony, report on the Black Panthers. Picking up the Gun by Earl tal' x 4x"Tsts t)i'Phe"'" THE FACTORY OUTLET In the Service of Their Country by Willard Glynn. war mitten in prison. Children in Trouble by Howard James, a national scandal. We Rent Most Everything FOR FURTHER C INFORMATION ' RATES 125 UnionSt. E. Waterloo , 41 John W. The Department will calculate the maximum axle and gross weight your vehicles may carry if you will complete and re- turn the questionnaire as soon as possible. If you have not received your questionnaire write to: Ontario Department of Transport, Vehicle Branch Box 4012, Postal Station A, Toronto I, Ontario or Pick up a questionnaire at any Department Examination Centre or licence issuing office. Complete Rent -A||s New weight laws have been introduced. Your vehicles may, under new legislation, qualify for increased gross weights. TRUCKE RSI] How much more weight can your vehicles carry? GERRY BINDSEII. SI Jillilllll,1boii,iriii'ii.iii, Do you own one or more commercial vehicles weighing over 6,000 pounds? Have you received your QUESTIONNAIRE from the Ontario Department of Transport? THE NAME THAT MEANS SOMETHING! Waterloo Kitchener ONTARIO Phone 745-4036 THE PAINT WITH A TRADITION! PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Residential - Commercial Member of the Ontario Association of Painting and Decanting Contractors 258 Lester St., Waterloo ----t1UALrry Hon. IRWIN HASKETT, W. o. MACNEE. Munster Deputy Minisu ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 578-5530 See It At Ontario & Duke Sts Waterloo Square 744-2 741 CALL US AT WateHoo