‘ " ‘WMMM.JUIO~", I," John Bergsma Fred Kauk Arden Fisher Al Blair Chester Sajkowski Ron Howse Bill Clark Miln- lgnor Paul Giamelia Brian Montgomery Rick Tyrell Rick McKenna (Elora) Mike McMahon Tom Smola Wally Filipitsch Brian Johnston Individual standings of the Waterloo Tigers following Thurs. day night's lacrosse game are: Waterloo Tigers standings 180 Weber North 578-3320 Waterloo HOMF'"'N--Third baseman Trevor Houston won a two-run homer in the eighth.' They downed Guelph Saturday's game for the Waterloo Junior Expos with 6-3 but later dropped a 5-3 decision to London. wishes to announce the opening of his office for the general practice of Dentistry Westmount Place " Womoon' Rd. Norm, Wahrloo By Appointment Phone 578-0712 u Szilock, D.D.S., Bsc. 32 17 North America's Only Coast to Coast Network of Exclusive Auto Muffler Shops FAST, FREE MUFFLER INSTALLATION 2 min. inspection - no obligation ll 12 11 Custom Pipe Bending Shocks 42 " l4 12 It " a. Waterloo 8 . s 3 106 Mt Team standings are: Owen Sound Wauucetnirg Waterloo Windsor V Pointe Edward London Chatham Sig Filipitscti Basil Olijnyk Brian Walser Bruce Griffin (Elora) Read and Use! CLASSIFIED ADS 744-6364 Mt " 10 "it was just as though they were lifted with the intention of transplanting them," said David Ellis, chairman of the Waterloo Horticultural Society's beautifica- tion committee. Eight geraniums plahtod in the fiowerbed at the Waterloo ceno- taph last week were stolen. the society cares for three beds at the cenotaph. Two con- tain so geraniums and the other has petunias. 8 Geranium plants Stolen Lower Mall, Wanda. Square - Air Condition“! - Eight Weeks $15.00 24 Weeks hr ahitlt " Weoks for 45.00 includes Scum A Whirlpool Bath. Cold Plunge Pool For For9her lnlomolion Phone 576-2600 Reduce Gracefully lose 4-15 lbs. in tt weeks MORNINGS am, Toos. and Thors., 9:30 EVENINGS Tm and Thors.. , ..m. also Tuesday " I p.m. WOMEN'S CONDITIONING and REDUCING CLASSES FITNESS CENTRE Second house from Wagner's Corner on Heidelberg Road RR t, Waterloo John's Nursery Shrubs The council of the Corporation of The City of Waterloo has authorized the establishment) to assist elderly persons. A tax credit equival- ent to one-half of the municipal and school taxes may be allowed in respect of a real pro- perty. subject to a maximum of $150, if: (a) the owner, and or the husband or the wife of the owner. is 65 years of age or more and occupies the real property as a personal residence. (h) application is made by the taxpayer during the calendar year in which the realty taxes, in respect of which the tax credit is claim- ed, become due and payable, and (c) the remaining portion of the realty taxes, after the deduction of the tax credit, has been paid. Full particulars of the system of tax credits and an application form may be obtained from the office of the municipal treasurer at Water- loo City Hall. Waterloo Square, telephone num- ber 576-2420. ar system" of municipal and school tax credits and refunds under the provisions of The Munici- pal and School Tax Credit (tyiistanct..Act, l967 NOTICE TO REALTY TAXPAYERS Hedging Patio Stones City of Waterloo Your Authorized RCA Dealer Lowe! Moll, Waterloo Square Q‘ _ INTERIOR , _ Stmifross . . . 635 gal. ' 2.55 in. Lu,, . . . _./. . 5,95 gal. _ 2.25 qt. Late}: or Oil '. . 7,25 gal. Sight ll Sound 555w" 743-5233 no King s., Wacerloo' Open Thurs. & Fri. till " ‘PAINT SALE with RCA Air anditioners Home or Office Units Available "e4k from 174.95 EXTERIOR 7454461