o LEATHER lazy boy reclining chair with stool. 16 Shanley Street, Kitchener. 21 FIVE PIECE dinette suite. mod- ern three-piece bedroom suite with box spring and mattress. Best offer. 7453432. 21 . ASPARAGUS plants for sale, Mic a piece. 2M-3020. 21 Kitchener and Waterloo locations. Three and four bedroom tonne houses including stove, refrigera- tor and dryer. School and shop- ping centre nearby. For further information, ‘phone K and W WE'I'I‘LAUFER REALTY LTD., Realtor at 744-2204 or if no an- swer (Kitchener location, 5782490; Waterloo location 578-4936). CEDARW00D-kineardine, Lake Huron. lake front with sundeck, three bedrooms, furnished, oil heater, all conveniences, 90 miles from Kitchener. Available to June 27 and after August 22. Phone 7425662. tf TWO BEDROOM apartment avail- able immediately in a new eight unit apartment in Lakeshore Village. $149.00 rent includes appliances. cable TV and utilio ties. 7451108 days, 744-MB3 COTTAGE for rent-three bed- room cottage in Sauble. Call 743-4815. tf DRAPERY, upholstery, Slipcover fabrics, yard goods and rem- nants. Priced for quick sale. Exceptional values, tremendous selections. Featuring extra spe- cial. Thousands of yards of ends and remnants. Highest quality drapery now 69e yard, 99c yard, $1.139 yard and $1.89 yard. Choose from our large selection and save. Manufact- urers Outlet Company, Retail Depot, 159 King East, Kitchen- er (across from City Hall next to Fox Theatre). Open daily 96, Friday till 9, Saturday " 7426341. tf " Cottages for Rent " Articles for Sale THREE BEDROOM Cottage for sale. Hot/com water, electric beating. Sauble Beach. 7434815. 13 WOULD LIKE to buy part or all of a business. I have supervi- sion and sales ability. $15,000 available. Write to Box 140, Waterloo Chronicle. 21 Term Amused AUTO HOME BUSINESS IEGlNE DE France/ Studio Girl magenta "The Artistry of Cos- meties." Skin care and correc- tive makeup. Wed., May 27, 8 MAIN and MARCY s Apartments Residential and Industrial Sales and Installation of Galvanized and Vinvl Coated fencing. Phone 4 Property for Sale 8 Houses for Rent 7 Business Opportunities evenings. 658-4424 and 658-2585 p.m., West Hall Holiday Inn. Door prizes, refreshments. Ad. mission " Proceeds tp Ladies Auxiliary, Freeport Hospital, for patients' lawn furniture. Tickets at door or call tmriYrt. L 21 " Weber North. Wm PHONE Chain Link Fencing TOWNE HOUSES FIRST MONTH FREE W Donna; W.E.KNACK After " y IC Ania-of.†VANDA Beauty Counselors re quire makeup consultants. THE PERFECT way to earn---- Your own hours-near home-- big money potential. Be an Avon Representative Still some vacancies. Call quickly 742-4169. tf 1EiiEiiirGGariFGaiiia â€on aM, A-I and“... I“ Intra). ROOFING and eavestroughing - asphalt shingles, flat-footing also slat roof repairs. 5765232. tf REPAIRS to home appliances, washers. 'dryers, ranges, dish- washers, electric drills, saws. Lormfs Mower & Appliance Service, 5789130, 4:45 to 6:00 pan. tf 23 Agents or Sales Help ANY TYPE of roof repair, roofs tar-coated, window caulking, exterior painting, chimneys re- paired and cleaned, free estr mates. Linseman 5782270. 22 Male or Female Help WHATEVER IT BE call C.P. New counter tops for kitchen and bathroom, a fence for the yard, renovate the basement, or take care of all those-small repair jobs. C.P. IMPROVEMENTS, 742d915 after 5 p.m. if " A Variety of Magazines Paper boob, hard was, comics veeyr-m"bleor'rsde?for1 BOOK EXCHANGE - 28 Regina sr N. , Watmloo, oritario / " Pete, and Supplies Experienced clerk to'work 30 hours per week. Duties involve maintaining records concern- ing personnel, production, supplies and other matters to perform related clerical duties such as filing, typing and cor- respondence. , Knowledge of typing is a basic requirement. Apply on Form PSC 368-401 obtainable at Post Office and Canada Manpower Centre, to the Public Service Commission, PO. Box 8, Toronto-Dominion Centre. Toronto Ill, Ontario, before June Ist, 1970. Complete Line oi Pet Shoplies We'li See You Next Time at Canada Post Office Waterloo, Ontario Office Clerk (Part-time) -- $2.33 per hour The First Pet Shop in Kitchener-Waterloo to mat MARINE FISH as a hobby Guaranteed Canaries Budgies, Finches Parrots Lots of Tropical Fish Bea Horses Snakes, Monkeys also other small pets Commission basis, training supplied Call 7432267. 6 Open Moo. . Wed. 10 Thurs. & Fri. 10 Sat. 10 WATERLOO SQUARE PET SHOP nun-u - OI... 'NHF Lester at. 1am _ 31 A~leoumhglahiuu§~ framed mini». Jud-m: min 9 pm). SI Waterloo Square Quote Reference 701115†Open 9 an). - 7 days Reasonable Price. FOR SALE Pet Shop 21 Ninolyright other incidents were investigated and 10,197 mikes .atroued. OPP aircraft nabs speeders Miss Lusan is a member of the executive committee of the World YWCA. The local provincial police nats bed ll Speeders last week. All the charges were laid as a result of aircraft patrol or/highways 7 and B. There were 17 accidents investi- gated. Thirteen pcrsons were hurt in five scparalc crashes. Property damage was $14,750. There worr- 85 charges laid, 56 of which were for traffic oifences. six for liquor infringements, 20 under the criminal code and three for impaired driving. Carmen Lusan, Cansave admini- strator for the Caribbean, will be guest speaker at the fourth an- nual meeting of the K-W branch of Canadian Save The Children Fund, May 26, at Minota Hagey Residence, University of Water- loo. Miss Lusan received her edw cation in Jamaica, England and Switzerland. Before accepting her present post in May 1967, she spent 18 years in the service of the YWCA. ’ Her YWCA appointments in- eluded nine years as general see- retary with the national council of Jamaica and four years as Caribbean area secretary. Mm 1962 to 1966 she served as direc- tor of the Metro Toronto central branch. Carmen [Incas guest speaker at annual meet ChstrruhdwihhraigttG-temi new and renewal commissions C0rsttaetEdBaetz,3arErtrst.W., Agtt.T,Waterloo. -- SEWING DRAPElaCd altera- tions. Call 7434815 anytime. cttrtroetsr-hmamamr?Do GOOD NEWS for ladies. loco.- In: Canada Limited h and b announce the on“; " in. chitin; lot sales Men. Our new products invite this op portunity. Excellent commis- '" _V_V, hi autumn-It...- 're-i-i-Her-tea- We feel we have the finest cos- metic ml the market We would like you to be the judge at our expense. Cali Suzanne and come 26 . _ Dressmaking, ,Alterationo 31*;821-3991891‘ 1t.r6,qttlr8.aTittetttrse dc FREE FACIAL LADIES! THREE PART-TIME REPRESENTATIVES , REQUIRED GAINSBOROUGH HOUSE 151 Vim St. North Ridicule:- - 7453002 Phone 744-5106 The effects of oil in a warm water ocean will be disastrous for the world only if pollution continues to increase at its pre- sent rate for the next several de- cades. Oil breaks down through biochemical action in temperate climates, giving the seas' surface temporary healing relief. But in the Arctic chill, "ere is virtually no breakdown of the Trudeau government decided to break with international prac. lice and move unilaterally to pro- tect the Arctic from the vandal- ism of pollution. Realization of the magnitude of the possible disaster was one of the determining factors when "Life on this planet would come to a grinding halt if those min- ute living organisms were de. stroyed," warns Federpr Fisher- ies Minister Jack Davis. The world‘s oxygen is produc- ed primarily by the microscopic plant organises which live in the top five centimetres of the seas. Half our oxygen, for example, comes from nature’s regenerating factory in the Pacific Ocean. Scientists say that a concen- tration of four parts of oil per 100,000 of sea water will kill one half of all life-giving organ- isen.--and badly malform the sue. ceeding generations of the sur- vivors. Always, some is spilled. Scien- tific estimates claim between 500,000 and 1,000,000 tons annu- ally are dumped into the oceans by tankers, through accident, or deliberately, or by offshore' dril- ling rigs. _ T The world's Nanker fleet at sea carries 3,000,900 tons of oil on any given day, and transport BOO,- 000,000,000 tons to the markets annually. unless we learn to control it. That state-gt----" frightening in it) finality-is matched in ex- traneous ‘only by the terrible urgency of solving the pollutiyn crisis before it’s too late. The hunger of the world“: irF dustrial complex for oil is escal- aling faster than oil companies can make new discoveries, ex- posing every lite-form. on earth to extinction because of the slots py manner in which man handles this most versatile of fuels. WATERLOO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION WATERLOO PUBLIC UTILITIE$,COMMISSION Would You Believe: 95% OFF Open: Mon. to Fri. t:30 to 3:30 pm. Saturday 10:00 B.Mt. to 6:00 pm. lulu-Of ood chlldron'o CHI-In. not WANTED obviously mm - PM "MO" mornings only. Should there be a mail interruption, you decide and wetter bins will be delivered by our staff to your service amines. The-.9: hill. may be paid at any M Company inwatiooandatouroFat2oowe--NsrttL “N's NEARLY NEW STORE 145 Columbia St. West, WM“ NOTICE TO OUR tlN0liEllt On New and Nearly New dresses (for " occasions) suits, coats, etc. 'RrAsri6b-dbdBNoeeehrrakrfr,M. u at the world’s Peter -Ward 5 let by the end of last year and there is every reason to expect that uncontrolled drilling in the much harsher conditions of the Canadian Arctic seas further north will prove Just as destrue. tive. There, are cases on record in Cook Inlet, Alaska, of oil-rig pipe. lines being ruptured at a depth of 250 feet by the terrible power of grinding ice. But with the possibility of tan- ker traffie through the ice-bound seas adjacent to the Canadian Arctic looming near, we can't afford to wait. step with the needs of times- we will abide by those agree- ments and remove our own tent. lateral controls. Nearly 7 100 pollution accidents had been recorded in Cook In; Ottawa has said that as soon as international agreements to control pollution are reached-- bringing the law of the sea in There are grounds for objection to Canada's assertion of jurisdic- tion over the ice 100 miles from shore, from the point of view of major shipping nations. The Canadian action, however neces- sary, sets a Precedent which threatens maritime commerce. This thrust into new grounds of international law was neces- sary to save the Arctic, but Ca, Dada hopes by her action also to prod the tlow-moving world com- munity into agreement for pol. lution controls that will protect the pUnet's life cycle every- There is not the to wait for world pollution education in the Arctic, so Canada acted aion- but with vigorous objection from the United States. crude oil. The oil will float around, drift onto the ice and beaches, to last for to, 20 even 100 years. The fragile ecology at the Arctic could be rendered life. dent. Read and Use! CLASSIFIED ADS ' 744-6364 by one major tanker aeeb