The story revolves around the escapades of a young university graduate who has dekided to be- come a detective. She's One of the Boys is the title of a tttree-act Operetta, which Grades 7 and tr pupils at Centen- nial school are presenting tonight at the school auditorium. About AO students are taking part in the event, which is direc- ted by Mrs. Karen Enns and Mrs. Joan Scott. He gets a chance to prove him- self when he is invited to a party at the home of a young orphan and heiress. Chambers plan Twin City tour for students Twin City chambers of com- merce will be hosting 30 univer- sity students from across Canada, May 20, when the Canadian cham- ber’s student travel award tour visits this area. Visits have been arranged to Carling Breweries and the Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada's offices in Waterloo and the Budd Automotive plant in Kitchener. A noon luncheon for the group will be hosted at Westmount Golf Club by the Kitchener and Water- loo chambers. . The students will be guests of Waterloo Lutheran University at a dinner that evening. "Among those taking part are L. W. Douglas, a WLU student, and W. R. Crawford from the University of Waterloo. The tour begins in Montreal, May 10, and ends in Nanaimo, B.C., May 29. Participants, all of whom are award-winning students at their home universities, will be exposed to major industrial educational. political and cultur- al developments in the 10 pro- vinees. Local itineraries are being ham ("ml by tho commumiy (-hamlwrs of t'omtt0'tN'6' or boards of trade in each of tlu, cities visiiod. Cvnircs imludcd on the tour are St. John's, Ntld.; Halifax, Moncton. Charloiictown,: Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto. Thunder Bay, Winnipeg. Rcgina. Calgary, Van- couver and Victoria. When guests begin reporting Lat! ttlt' retta Detective lan Shanta (second from right) tries out a disguise on guests. Tiivate eye' cracks case open Chmkk, Thunder, April " "" thefts of jewellery and other valuables, the detective gets hirw self a case and in the process gives the audience a barrel of laughs. Ian Shanta: plays the private eye. Paulalynn Watt'is the heir- ess. Others in the east are Bryan Gingrich, Randolph Rahn, David Thiessen, David Morton, Patti Stevens', Mary Beth Huehn, Ann Margaret Ehrlich, Jane Martin, Marlene Martin and Ann Greig. Members of the chorus are Jul- ie Bisch, Norma Ward, Barbara Giliek, Cindy Shanta, Marlene Baur, Lois Martin, Doris Sommer- (All [ORENZ FURS 490 Weber St. N. Waterloo. oot. Free Pickup and Delivery STORAGE TIME IS ON feld. Tracey Johnston and Lauri. Abelson. Janice Latsch, Lyn Lamont, Grant Vingoe, Naomi Herzog, Cya. thia Koegler, Doris Passen, Viru ginia ‘Woolner, Kathy Schaub. Karin Sommerfeld and Murray Goodwin. Beverley Giilck, Sandra Hussei- Inan, Susan Shana, Morison. Stow, Brenda Huras, Rosemary Montoya, Christine Gosen, Debbi Arnold and Sharon Johnson. Understudies include Beverley Giilck, Karen Schaaf, Carol Truemner, Nancy Orr, no/is Som- merfeld and Norma Ward. Curtain time is 8 pm. BROADLOOM AND ORIENTAL RUGS 742-91 10 Dancers are Ann Greig (left) and David J. Melton. The 1970 budgets for education and municipal purposes have now been finalized. Your 1970 taxes will be based on the follow- ing mill rates; Residential - Public School Supporters 1969 Rate 1970 Rote lacuna Decrease Elementary Schools 24.1808 25.2067 1.0259 Secondary Schools 19.0661 14.0377 5.0284 Municipal Purposes 38.5531 37.5556 .9975 _ 81.8000 76.8000 Elementary Schools' 24.1808 25.7880 Secondary Schools 19.0661 14.0377 Municipal Purposes 38.5531 37.5556 81.8000 77.3813 Elementary Schools 120.90 126.03 Secondary Schools 95.33 70.19 Municipal Purposes 192.77 187.78 Total Tax Levy 409.00 384.00 Less Tax Reduction Grunt 17.44 62.44 Net Taxes Payable (The tar dwrmsr for a residential .wrtarnte school supporter math " $5,000. assessment would be $37.09) 'axes on an Average Residential Assessment of $5,000 -- Public School Supporters . 1969 1970 Taxes Taxes Increase Doers“. llementary Schools 120.90 126.03 5.13 econdary Schools 95.33 70.19 25.14 lunicipal Purposes 192.77 187.78 4.99 'oial Tax Levy 409.00 384.00 25.00 Residential - Separate School Supporters NOTICE TO All CITY OF WATERlOO RATEPAYERS Mills Mills $361.56 $:;2l.56 Mills Mills 1.6072 5.0284 .9975 25.14 4.99 25.00 15.00 $40.00