- Waterloo Chronicle - Thursday, April ao, 1970 FLUTI LIVES IN YOUR HOUSE wm. all his um: friends. Flgttt and conquer him now with Wirter's asséshnce. FUELS LIMITED 21 Benton 742-4065 1161 Victoria North townhouses revitalizing old g neighbourhoods country homes cottages transformed into ski chalets for year-round I _ "7 wmm s Q FUELS LIMITED â€.93.: HOUSE HUNTING? BEMOIJELING? Fight Air Pollution in your own home-co For additional details on Medallion all-electric homes, call your electrical heating contractor or your electric power company. apartment towers soaring above the city split-level homes in the suburbs r,...-"'" c. _rlliiil,-lij, C-ta-G-F-TI Medallion all- electric homes are everywhere Electrical Bureau of Canada £31 recreational use Enjoy the better way of life in a Medallion all-electric home ii_iri"ii-" 10 Price Street, Toronto 289, Ontario ti, ilLsTs FIGHT FulT1 OBACCO SMOKE ILIJONS OF POLLENS NSOLICITED DIR? ")iisi.ilii,i,i",'i'i'i'_"i'_'ii" plug-in facilities for major kitchen and laundry appliances that make installation and housecleaning easier electric heating for extra comfort and ftettl- bility plenty ot circuits and outlets, with reserve capacity for tuture equipment that electri- cat research is sure to provide planned lighting for beauty and safety in every room and work area higher resale value for your home when you sell HOUSEPOWER Electric heating can change cool fall night' into summer virogtrn i make your patio unable all year round. Your en- Mitch. ls electric heat expensive? Not according to several studies made in various parts of the country. m, _ Why do all-electric homes cost less to operate? First of all, flame heat is wasted up a chimney. Nearly half of it goes to heat the outdoors. Electricity requires no flue or chimney, so the heat stays in the house. Two bills added together - ie., your gas and your electric bill -- often cost more than if electricity did it all. And the gas pilot light stays on 24 hours a day, even in the summer. You buy electricity only as you use it. A 300 home survey on the northwest coast of the United States studying houses that were half gas and electric, and half all-electric homes revealed the average heating costs for all-electric homes were less expensive. A similar condition would apply to Canada's west coast area. As proof of the validity of this study there are three points to consider: The homes are those of actual customers with various combinations of appliances, heating systems, and insulation. The size of the sample eliminated consideration of family size and age. And the size of the house is not a factor. While the results may not be the same in all areas of the country, this approach has great merit. Even in areas where the average all-electric costs might exceed those of other fuels the difference would be slight, and more than justified by the increased advantages. This study found that all-electric homes cost less to operate. Compared on a square-foot basis for a full year's operations, all-electric homes cost 10% less to operate. Real money is saved by the owner of an all-electric home during the spring and fall months. The average heating system is designed for the most adverse weather conditions so when a furnace comes on, it does not take into consideration that the weather may be mild. It works at the same rate as it does on the coldest January day. But, electricity is different. It is not“locked-in". You can heat only the required portion of the house. This makes a tremendous difference in cost during the three months of typically Canadian spring and fall weather. The average size home surveyed had 1,385 square feet of living area. Bills were similar during winter months, but an all-electric home saved money during the spring, summer and fall. Electric heating is not expensive " 578- 5300 Electric heat expensive? Not according to the evidence. HARRY POPE & SONS LTD. According to the evidence;- INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL vironmcnt is completely controllable, at the touch of a MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC DOMESTIC 14 Springdale Dr Bridgeport. Ont.