I'm sending my leaflet on 50th Wedding Anniversary, which c¢ntains some tips on how to go about it. †_ f Gifts are not taken for granted. The mere presence of old friends at' your reception shows interest and caring. Some will bring gifts, but that is entirely up to them. EDEAR DORIS-where can I ask about celiac disease? My eldest child, years ago, suffered fiom this disease. iNow my daughter's baby boy giving us worries. To me he DEAR ENJOY-confine your collecting to members of the family. Would appreciate any other ideas connected with a 50th an.. niversary. Enioy Your Column DEAR DORtS--We are having a golden wedding celebration in the family soon. Our problem is a gift. How would We ‘go about presenting money, maype? ls it proper to tell people we are col- lecting, or should it be left to the individual to do what he or she wishes? Telephone the childcare agen- cy in your area. Then Jie willing to follow through by giving your name, address and all details you can. This is your duty on be- half of a little one who cannot fight back himself. DEAR DORIS-@Whnt makes mothers inflict blows to their infants with intent of bodily harm, and why cant anyone do anything about it. T.L.c. DEAR T.UC.--/rhere are tines when a grown woman (not well- balanced) will take out frustra- tions on a defenceless child-- even her own! Being a parent un. fortunately has no connection with knowing how to raise children. It is up to neighbors or rela. tives, or anybody who knows about such a case firsthand, to do something about it. Please take those materials to the specially marked area any day between May lst and May 15th, 19'70., As a special service to Waterloo residents the Sanitation Department will provide an area at the Works Yard on Young Street for the dis- posal of spring cleanup rubbish ot large bulky objects which are not, normally accepted as garbage. [ SPRING CLEANUP CITY OF WATERLOO Doris Clark is is The list includes novels, class- ics, short stories, fiction, non- fiction, about family life, nature, man, doctors, fun,' literary fig- ures, and other assorted topics and peoples. For a copy of the printed list of them, 52 pages in length, write to The Canadian As.. sociation of Optometrists, 807 Metcalfe Building, Ottawa A, Canada. DEAR BOOK-Indeed there are: A good assortment of them, now. Printed expressly for people like your mother. Ask for the booklet: Easy On Your Eyes. No charge. DEAR DORIS-Are there act- ually whole books printed in very large type for people with poor vision? My mother's sight has deteriorated, but she can read with a magnifying glass. She has always enjoyed reading. Perhaps his trouble is less ser- ious than celiac, but it won't get any less serious by ignoring it. Celiac is a dietary disease; the prescribed diet is rigorous, and even a slight variation can delay progress. Enclosed articles des. cribe symptoms. Show them to your daughter. and suggest she lose her fear of her doctor on behalf of the life and health of her son. DEAR NOT CONVtNCErh--You and me both. If your daughter waits for the acute symptoms to show up, she is going to have a fight on her hands-fer her son’s li el But she says none of the acute symptoms are there, which is true. She won't even mention it to her doctor. She says I 'am fussing,, , Mot Convinced very much like her as a baby: Very thin, not gaining weight; cyclical unexplained digestive disturbances. I suggested that she seek medical opinion on the POB- sibility of a latent celiac condi- tion. Book Lover Well-known local actor Leo Burns had the starring role in the film of a story told to a wolf cub pack. The Night Visitor was produe. ed, directed and photographed by Richard Paul Hiller, a lab teehni- cian at the Kitchener-Waterloo Record. The film which cost $2,300 and 12 months to complete was shot on locations in Conestoga, Gait, Kitchener and Waterloo. Eleven-year-old John Schilter played the junior lead. Veteran cub pack leader, Mrs, About mo persons 'were pre- sent in Eastwood collegiate Sun. day evening for a premier view- ing of a 23-minute, 16 millimeter film starring local people. , Atlas . . . Travel Trailer Guide & Guide Rook To Campgrounds Also -- Arthur Framer and Vista Travel Guides , Waterloo Square WaMIoo 578-241 mm W.at)ee Wino Sense Relaxation. Up The Organization The Pretenders, T GYoupie N . The Captors ." The Crazy Ladies The Godfather _ Naked Came The Stranger To Make Your Travel Simple Raw! McNally. Road EIME[EISI Also an eightplex apartment unit nearing completion, in Lakeshore Village. For more information call BREE Film prhcipalc' wou- wide smiles after the wérlde'emIJé Qiutwood collegiatq. General Contractors Limited Days 745-1108 Nearing Completion PARKWAY HEIGHTS Te AREA New - Bungalows Waterloo "men, participate in ï¬lm W" tt,tttl'f1J)e Evehings 743-0603 in Kitchener's (Him) 573-2410 Another teacher, Paul Kalb- fleisch of Elmira district high school, wrote the script, based on stories told by boys at YMCA camps where he was a leader. Titles were by Jim Williams. Cubs taking part were Murray Campbell, Kieth -Riehl, Jeffery lam, Christopher Hill, David‘TBei-f ford, Allan Murphy, Brian Eby, Stephen, Wildfong and Michael Bielak. Narration was by Alan Murray, director of student activities at Laurel vocational school. Jack Westeott, was shown as the storyteller; surrounded. by a band of youthful stars, the First Lex- ington wolf cub pack. Theme music was arranged and conducted by John Conrad a 64 Norwood Cres., director of the Waterloo Musical Society Band and a teacher at Eastwood colle- giate. 2392 King St. East, Kitchener Phone 578-7650 5 Colors Heavy Gauge l2â€x12" Vinyl Asbestos Tiles Open Daily 9 mm. to 6 am. - Fridays 9 mm. to 9 p.m. Open Mondays I to 6 p.m. _l-elhemshh,Thqeudnr.are4tat"" ' I 33;: " 12e Next to A & Pditore at Franklin St.--2 blocks mm! of HiWay Market Cushion Floor Never needs waxing , rolls set. rd. t Solid Vinyl Tile Never Needs Waxing I. 39: on. Mk on. TILE ~SALE TILE & CARPET DISCOUNTERS LTD. SWEATER SHOP knits fit in all your vacation plans - whether it be travel or fun at home. 2.95 DRESSES, CARDIGANS SHELLS (next to Trolley Loop) Tun-Sat 10-6 Thurs. A Fri. "ll ' the only way to go! PANT SUITS 8 " CO-ORDINATES Post office ‘7 opens branch The sixth sub post office in the city is due to open May 3, in Westmoum Place. Kevin Begley is the film's as- sistant director. Production is. sistants are Jim Schario and John Huehnergard. Sunday's enthusiastic reception bodes well for the film, which the producer plans to rent to groups eventually. I.t will be located my Variety Store: ress Will be Mrs. H. P The office will be open 8 aan. to 6 pan. daily, except Sundays. Latest Style Vinyl Asbestos Tile 3 colors Reg. 79: First Quality Ceramic Wall Tile Sporty First Qualify Ceramic Mosaic The " colors to choose from 39e 29e Mt. ft. each in West- Posgpist- lirrk'iiir.